I think it is just in your genes, I have had three children and my tummy is as flat as it was before |I had them and I do no exercise ( my thighs, well that is a different story)
Different people accumulate fat in different places
2007-04-30 09:37:38
answer #1
answered by horsegal 3
I am highly active. I do something close to an hour of cardio 3 times a week. I used to take those classes at the gym--I moved away from my gym =( so I can't go anymore. One week I'd take Kickboxing, one something like Rock n Roll, --I kept alternating the class based on what day that week was best for me, but I loved the classes.
And I do nearly 200 situps a day. I used to do more. But I do 50 crunches first thing in the morning. Then sometime in the middle of the day I do 25-50 crunches for the obliques (to the side) and 50 regular crunches. Then some of the time (probably more like 40% of the time) I remember to end the day with 50 crunches.
Especially in summer I'm very active. I love to go kayaking, water skiing (amazing what muscles you discover) and ride the jetski (which uses muscles I never knew I had).
Also, I've put on some weight in the last year so hard to agree with what I'm about to say now--but back when I had fabulous abs I never ate dessert after dinner. Just never wanted it. Now I still had ice cream from time to time or a candy bar. But it wasn't after dinner dessert as a routine. Now I've noticed since I started eatting desserts, I crave them a lot more often. But really--when I was working out all the time, I just didn't crave sweets. Now that I eat dessert after a meal a few times a week, I find a want them more often. It really is just a habit. You crave what you are used to. I actually crave salads if I've been a week without one.
Also, everytime I go out to dinner--I order my meal and a to-go box at the same time. Instantly divide it into 2 and put half in your to-go box. Usually (at least in America) portions are so big that half of a meal is plenty more than a serving size.
Really the way to keep a flat tummy is to enjoy it. You have to workout in ways that you like--so that the workout is a reward not a punishment or chore. Find things that you LOVE doing. Figure out when the super hot person across the gym works out so that you can go and watch them work out. I used to take friends so that I had someone encouraging me to stay. I might like to leave in 30 min...but you cant then lie and tell people you were there for an hour cause your friend was there. They know! So you better go ahead and stay the full hour. Plus a lil bit (and extra 5-10) just in case your watches aren't synchronized--b/c no one wants to be the first quitter.
2007-04-30 09:44:17
answer #2
answered by phantom_of_valkyrie 7
genetics is a big part in flat tummies, although some people work there stomachs off by exercise , had three kids my stomach was always flat thats just genetics, lucky !
Crunches I heard was great , exercise I would think , even if you exercise other parts of body, you stomach still gets exercised too
2007-04-30 09:37:56
answer #3
answered by tom 2
I'm afraid it's genetics in my case, it's the last place that weight goes on. However, if you want to tone it and get a six pack showing through then it's sit-ups all the way.
Lay on your back with your hands behind your head and feet on the floor. Sitting up straight will work on your upper abs, crossing diagonally as you come up (right elbow to left knee & vice versa) will work on your side abs. If you lay down and bring your knees into your chest (only slightly sitting up), raising your bottom off the floor slightly, this will work your lower abs. If you get love handles then the best exercise for that is to take a comfortable free weight (hand held) in each hand, stand straight with your feet about a foot apart and your arms by your sides. Slowly bend to one side, sliding your arm down the side of your body, and then slowly come up again. Do the same on the other side. The slower you do it the better it works. Do what's comfortable for you and make sure it's even on both sides. Lastly, the plank! Hold yourself up, parellel to the floor with your weight over your forearms (flat on the floor) and on your toes. Hold your stomach in so your body is straight like a plank. The longer you can do this the better! The next time work out, aim to beat your last amount of reps. Best tip - breathe out on effort and in to prepare! And ALWAYS stretch before and after and drink lots of water!! Good luck :)
2007-04-30 09:44:32
answer #4
answered by earthaintdying 3
Don't eat stodgy foods, they bloat you.
Try drinking warm water with a few drops of lemon juice in the mornings, it flushes your system and leaves you less bloated.
I'm thin anyway so that's why i have a flat stomach (no i'm not anorexic by the way!) but i like to tone it with a lot of sport, not just stomach crunches, but a few dozen of those every night really help.
Swimming is also fab.
Hope that helped, and good luck! :)
2007-04-30 09:36:08
answer #5
answered by Curiousity killed the cat 5
i cut out dairy as it bloated my stomach. after 1 week i'd lost 4lbs. i drink about a litre of water a day. i don't deny myself treats (occasional chocolate or chinese takeaway - YUM! - perfectly fine in moderation) i also pull in my stomach whenever i'm sitting or walking. i try to do a 40min walk every evening on top of walking to and from the bus every morning/evening and a 15min walk during my lunch break. i have a flat, defined (not muscly) tummy. it's worked for me.
2007-04-30 09:38:23
answer #6
answered by bnagrrl 4
Eat a balanced diet, keep moving about and do 25 - 30 stomach crunches a day if you must. But be patient. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!
2007-04-30 09:42:18
answer #7
answered by Trizzy 2
Dinnae say any more quines! Flat tummies.... Bah Humbug.
2007-04-30 09:43:00
answer #8
answered by Boudicca 3
Eat well and properly and plenty of fluids.
Start with gentle exercises and gradually increase.
2007-04-30 09:38:11
answer #9
answered by psychoticgenius 6
10-20 hours a week of swimming, cycling, running.
2007-04-30 09:36:37
answer #10
answered by silverbullet 7