God created a painless world. Remember the genesis. He did create a world without pain and suffering. We became the masters of his creation with one rule, we will not dare eat the tree that grows in the middle of the paradise. Well we did so I guess we have to pay the price. It was us who caused our life to become miserable, even if we disobeyed him, he still helps us in times of need.
The cosmos is not evil because it does not move. It is inanimate. It is us who is evil. We were given free will by our mighty Creator. God dont choose for us, we choose for ourselves. If we kill, it is our own responsibility.
Yes I know that the world will be perfect if we didnt eat the apple or if God controlled us but he didnt. He wanted us to choose and most people have bad taste when choosing their destiny....
2007-04-30 05:36:46
answer #1
answered by sadloner07 5
You have just made a rather convincing argument for there being no god. But to answer your question, all of these "evil" things are simply matters of human perception. Sickness, pain, and death are not exclusive to humans. Simply watch the Animal Planet and you will find that these are simply part of life in general. There is no perfect life, since perfection is another human concept and differs from one human to another. And for the record, I do try to live my life to the fullest. I travel often, meet new people almost daily, volunteer at various places, learn new things daily, and have fun in everything I do.
While I certainly agree that no child should starve, perhaps there are too many people out there having children who cannot take care of them. Money is a tool which can be used however the spender wishes it to be used. Again, you are using a human, subjective term when you say "evil". What is evil to one person is not always evil to his neighbor. Children die everyday. It is life. The world cannot sustain an unlimited number of people, and when the end comes, it comes. Hope is nice concept, but it is just that, a concept. When I see a dying child, a feel bad for his or her parents, but that will not stop the child from dying. When I lost members of my family, I grieved, but I did not need an explanation as to why they died. I remember them as they were, and they will always be a part of me until the day I die. Blaming the sky for rain is useless; blaming imaginary beings is even more useless. Try to make the world a better place through tolerance and understanding. Don't waste time searching for answers that are either nonexistent or beyond us.
2007-04-30 12:49:34
answer #2
answered by seattlefan74 5
There is suffering and evil in this world because that is our nature as humans. How can you say there is a God when you see someone starving or dieing? You ask why didn't the "cosmos" create a perfect world? Well why didn't GOD create a perfect one then? We are the product of evolution and that's it. There is nothing when we die....it will be just like before you were born. Our existince and that of our Universe is purely random and scientific in nature. It is simple to tell a person who is starving that they have no hope, and they will have no hope as long as people like you exist that don't care about individuals like that, and have no will to change anything because "when they die God will look after them". The teaching and ideas of most religions in our world SHOULD be embraced but to take them literal in any way is foolish and narrow minded. Take the values from your religion(s) about being a good person, respecting others, and honouring your family, but do not think there is some master plan and great place up in the sky when we all die. I see people on TV saying the the "apocolypse" and the "end of days is coming". Yeah, damn right its coming, but it won't be Jesus coming down on this cloud and making is kingdom here on Earth. It will be all the fighting and killing in name of our so called "religions" that will destroy us all someday. Until we can embrace all people for who they are and recognize the need to help the poor because it is THE RIGHT THING TO DO, we will fail as a society. In the end we are a tiny insignificant part of this grand universe, and if you really want to see change....quit thinking that we are here because of some guy in the sky.
2007-04-30 12:40:19
answer #3
answered by Paul C 2
What are you talking about? The universe hasn't created anything, it just created the necessary conditions for life to come around through random chance.
Look I'm sorry but this really is a stupid question. The cosmos doesn't have a conscience and therefore it can't create evil as it doesn't have a moral complex at all. What makes your question even more strange is that by turning the argument on you, why did God [all powerful and benevolent] create an imperfect universe? If you answer me this, then I will retort with the same argument to explain the imperfect nature of the universe.
2007-04-30 12:34:56
answer #4
answered by tom 5
Why should life be fair? Why should the cosmos create a perfect life for you? It does not care about you, it is not aware. Even if it was, maybe it cares about the liver fluke, or rats, or some alien species on the other side of the universe. What makes you special?
The acute unfairness of the universe shows to me that there is not a caring, loving god out there.
A person who does not believe in god can give hope to a dying child, they can cure them, feed them whatever they need. Not because some god tells them to, but because they want to. Telling the parent not to worry, that their child will go to some heaven is a false comfort (unless you have some proof that I am unaware of.) Why not give them drugs (heroin cocaine etc.)? That will make them feel better too. Or do you not want them to have that form of 'comfort'?
It looks like you may believe in god because you are hiding from the cruel realities of this world. You need to face up to those realities because hiding behind a god will not protect you from them.
2007-04-30 13:13:12
answer #5
answered by Simon T 6
Well, if it wasn't the cosmos (by the way,the idea of the cosmos as the ruling Gods went out with Mythology) then it must have been God right? Is that what you are saying?
If God was perfect why did he let Andrea Yates drown her children? Why did he let the Columbine shootings occur, the Holocaust, VT shootings, 9/11 happen? Why did he create deadly viruses, plagues, and Hurricanes?
What kind of God demands sacrifice of a child (yes, I'm speaking of Abraham in the Bible), and only as his father holds the knife over him, God says "Psych! Ha Ha I gotcha...you really don't have to do it"
I mean that is cruel and unusual punishment.
I think you need to re-think the facts, dearie.
2007-04-30 12:44:57
answer #6
answered by Rosebee 4
Because the cosmos does not claim to be perfect. Nor does it claim to be organized, it simply IS. Asking the cosmos to answer your questions is about as effective as asking the god that Moses made up to teach you to read chinese. You can ask all you want, but until you actually take the steps to learn chinese on your own (something you can do without asking) then you aren't going to learn it. Try it yourself. Ask god to allow you to speak in chinese and understand what the heck you're saying, then try to order dinner in chinese. God is supposed to give you the gift of tongues if you ask for it, right? Well, ask for it, and order some dinner tonight.
I know, I know, it doesn't work that way. God can only give you things that HE wants you to have, and he doesn't think it's important that you show respect to the people who cook your food by speaking their language. Okay, so ask him to teach you Hebrew, tonight, so you can read the Gnostic Gospels for yourself and find out what the earliest christians wrote about Him. That's seeking the face of God, and should be highly encouraged, right? Ask for that ability tonight, and then look up the Gnostic Gospels online. They're there for the viewing.
You don't have to prove it to me, prove it to yourself. Don't be afraid, God hasn't struck anyone down in two millenia, and considering that I challenge him all the time with no response, I'm sure he won't strike you down either. Happy fantasies!
p.s. I didn't address your other questions because once you realize that the cosmos is not a conscious being, then the rest is self explanatory.
2007-04-30 12:42:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It's called responsibility. We have caused all the pain and suffering that happens in the world. Humans are arrogant..
Wouldn't the Cosmos have to be a conscious being of some kind to have responsibility for everything? Oh and yes according to some people God controls everything so you could say he is to blame. However I believe we are the ones who've caused all the bad stuff that continues to happen. We made the conscious decision to start wars, persecute those different, lie, cheat, steal, etc....
2007-04-30 12:37:18
answer #8
answered by Janet L 6
Diseases and Suffering is neither Good nor Evil. It is just a fact and process of life.
A wicked person can have their money and do whatever they like, so too can a benevolent person have their money and do what they want... that choice to be mean or benevolent lies in the hands and heart of the person... it is not runned nor control by any supreme being.
Hope arises from Kindness and Love of each other not from a supreme being. Humans are responsible for themselves not the grand cosmic design....
The Cosmos is neither evil nor good, nor confused... it is not sentient... just the same as water, sand, earth is not evil nor good.... water nourishes...water drowns... water just is water..nothing else...
There is no one to blame
2007-04-30 12:37:16
answer #9
answered by Tenzin 3
I think you've actually answered your own question. One of the (many many) reasons for not believing in a god is the presence of sickness pain and death.
These things affect the religious in EXACTLY the same way as the non-believers. Which is to say, believing in a god, confers no special powers upon you to avoid injury, sickness, death or any of the other numerous random disappointments in life.
Religious belief only offers false hope. If that works for you, that's fine. But recognize it is false.
2007-04-30 12:35:35
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
The cosmos is neither evil nor good. It has no purpose or plan. It does not know perfection or imperfection. These are all human concepts.
That is why man created God, to give form to these concepts.
2007-04-30 12:38:02
answer #11
answered by October 7