14 year olds are not considered to have achieved a level of maturity to make rational decisions about life or death. Remember, we don't let them drive, vote or drink either.
I think the ethical thing IS to force life saving treatment on them. This comes up a lot with JW's refusing blood transfusions, or bone marrow transplants. The courts and medical ethicists have always sided with physicians.
2007-04-30 05:11:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Because our civilization insists a person must be 18 before they are granted the rights and privileges of an adult, a minor has no legal right to reject life-saving medical treatment. The child's legal fate is traditionally the parent's decision. No sane person would argue that a 14-year-old is capable of arriving at a rational decision regarding their own fate -- their powers of reason are not yet fully developed. It would be unethical to allow a child to decide to end their own life, because older people know that 14-year-olds do not yet know how to think properly.
Edit: On second thought, Serena's response (above) takes this question deeper that I originally considered. The real issue is whether or not the 14-year-old is expected to survive. If death is the inevitable outcome, even a child has the right to choose the manner of their own death. The original question did state "life-saving medical treatment." On the basis of maturity, it IS ethical to force a 14-year-old to survive until they are an adult and have tasted the joys of being alive.
2007-04-30 05:25:33
answer #2
answered by Diogenes 7
Generally speaking, a 14 year old is still a child and should only be making limited, simple decisions. Forteen is not old enough to make any big decisions, that job is up to the parents that guide and protect her. That being said, it would depend on certain factors, as in what she is rejecting. If she has been through a lot of treatments and she knows for a fact that it is not doing any good, fighting an unwinnable war so to speak, then I would definitely try to hear what she is saying, it IS ultimately her quality of life that is under consideration.
2016-04-01 02:12:09
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
First hurdle ... "Honor and obey parents" ... this commandment is a two way road ... the parents (guardians) are entrusted with looking out for the childs best welfare. However, this doesn't mean that they're always right ... the child has a say in their life ... God's all about communications and getting our loved ones to understand us. So it is a blessing to allow the child to mature by teaching their parents to listen to them and come to a decesion TOGETHER.
Catholics have this about the distinction between euthanasia and the rejection of overzealous treatment:
"2278 Discontinuing medical procedures that are burdensome, dangerous, extraordinary, or disproportionate to the expected outcome can be legitimate; it is the refusal of "over-zealous" treatment. Here one does not will to cause death; one's inability to impede it is merely accepted. The decisions should be made by the patient if he is competent and able or, if not, by those legally entitled to act for the patient, whose reasonable will and legitimate interests must always be respected."
2007-04-30 05:23:05
answer #4
answered by Giggly Giraffe 7
A 14 year old who is expected to recover should be given health care, period. To choose death at this age is suicide. The child has no real knowledge of life and cannot make these decisions. That's what parents are for.
A 14 year old with a terminal illness has a right to choose how to die. No one with a terminal illness should be forced to endure pain and suffering simply because they are minors.
2007-04-30 05:11:11
answer #5
answered by . 5
Does the treament cause serious long term side effects? If so then no.
Why would they reject the treatment? If it is because lack of immaturity then it is the guardians duty to force it on to them, they the child has enough maturity to see the truth.
2007-04-30 05:14:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Free will. Everyone has control on their own life. To force something someone obviously doesn't want is unethical.
2007-04-30 06:46:08
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
no you shouldn't force it,and it's probaly a blood tranfusion,right?so if her religon says NO BLOOD accept it,like look at the sextuplets in B.C. canada 2 of them died from blood,or bethany hughes she died from cancer even with the blood that was forced on her,and if u are going to die i belive you should die happy,and pesonaly i would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.
2007-04-30 05:15:18
answer #8
answered by ms.redhead 2
depends on the condition & the treatment
2007-04-30 05:12:12
answer #9
answered by zmj 4
My, are you ethically challenged. Are there any other questions that are causing you this great mental challenge.
2007-04-30 05:35:58
answer #10
answered by Fred 7