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I am curious to know if there is really any significant difference between wax, paste and mud? I am currently using BedHead's Hard To Get which is a paste. I want to look for a similar product as a replacement (because where I am at now, it is hard to get the BedHead range) but am confused by the above three terms. Can someone offer an explanation or even better suggest some products are replacements?

2007-04-29 23:59:56 · 4 answers · asked by Starbuck_1979 1 in Beauty & Style Hair

4 answers

There is a lot of differences between all three of these products.
Wax- is a heavy product mainly to be used only on the ends for the pieced out effect(s). Very slick in consistancy.Wax comes in tins, tubes,sticks and even in spray forms. It is good for naturally textured hair that needs control or something to discipline the hair.
Paste- is sticky and gives more hold than wax or mud. It is good for spiky styles but it is extremely sticky. Paste shouldn't be used in long hair. Paste is similar to hair "gum.
Mud- Shapes hair like a paste but doesn't have as much of a hold factor, which means it's lighter and more appropriate for people with fine hair that like the punky styles but don't want the "something about mary" look or feel.

2007-04-30 00:44:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Mud Wax

2016-12-24 19:40:00 · answer #2 · answered by bourdeau 4 · 0 0

I don't know what the difference is but, just in case you were not aware....Walmart carries BedHead in their regular shampoo aisle now.

2007-04-30 00:06:18 · answer #3 · answered by des 3 · 0 0

sometimes i have trouble finding the bedhead products in my local area...so i order online!!! problem solved!!!

2007-04-30 03:20:19 · answer #4 · answered by *atomickitty* 7 · 0 0

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