All what signs? No attractions to the opposite sex? She may be asexual and you are pushing her into being something she's not.
2007-04-29 14:03:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you're gay, you're gay.
Christians point to the book of Leviticus that says, "A man shall not lie down with another man, it is an abomination."
What they often tend to ignore is that Leviticus said the same things about eating pork, mixing fabrics, trimming your beard, etc. Also, the bible has a verse that states that GOD MADE GAYS.
Romans 1:26-27: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence [sic] of their error which was meet."
Add to that, there are about 400+ species on earth that have homosexuality.
Bottom line: Live and let live (hey, didn't some guy named Jesus say something about that?).
2007-04-29 20:59:14
answer #2
answered by DougDoug_ 6
I think your friend needs to come to that conclusion on her own. That's not something else anyone can decide. There's nothing wrong with being gay.
2007-04-29 20:59:49
answer #3
answered by Julia Sugarbaker 7
Are you talking about the same person?
I don't know if you need help if you're gay as much as acceptance. If you're LGBT, so what, it isn't anyones business to play paparazzi with your sexual preference.
2007-04-29 21:00:33
answer #4
answered by Fletcher 2
if she denies it then i think that it is none of you business wether she is or not. if you were a true friend you would trust in her word regardless of the evidence. also you cannot judge someone based upon their feminine or masculine attributes. for they re based only on their genetics.
2007-04-29 21:12:27
answer #5
answered by 1
The person involved need to seek for herself. There could be no problem at all.
2007-04-29 21:00:50
answer #6
answered by j.wisdom 6
"All the signs"? What do you mean? Are they kissing on the mouth? Or are they not feminine enough: they love basketball, they don't wear enough make-up...
Are you judging by true signs, or by stereotypes?
2007-04-29 21:07:28
answer #7
answered by MNL_1221 6
A good therapist would help her realize there is nothing wrong with being gay.
2007-04-29 20:58:46
answer #8
answered by Eleventy 6