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I was watching an interesting program on the Discovery channel about how Noah and the Ark's story was actually based on a local flood in Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq)....

What are your thoughts on this?!?

2007-04-29 12:42:27 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

All advanced cultures evolved around waterways, and therefore flood myths are quite common. The notion of a global flood is no more childish than the other christian myths.

2007-04-29 12:46:33 · answer #1 · answered by Fred 7 · 0 2

Actually if you take a serious look, you may change your mind. Some scientist are so worried that global warming will cause such flooding that only hills and mountains will be above water.
Our mountains are rising. If you take the mountains and put them into the sea, then melt the polar caps- How much dry land would be left? How much water is in underground aquifers? Do you realize that many scientist believe there is sufficient evidence to support the idea of a global flood?
Have you ever looked at the Grand Canyon? Do you realize that the northern rim is nearly 2 miles high! The Colorado river could never have run uphill enough to cut through the northern rim. That cut was made by a tremendous runoff. There was water there at one time nearly 2 miles above sea level. Runoff is what blew out that gigantic gorge, not the Colorado river. There is evidence for the flood, but if you do not believe it could have happened-you will never see it.

2007-04-29 13:04:50 · answer #2 · answered by Desperado 5 · 0 0

Well, you assume that the mountains that currently exist and the depth of the oceans remains the same as it is today.

If you push the mountains down and use this excess land mass to fill in the deep parts of the ocean you "could" make a planet that is completely covered with water by the fact that it would be "flat" as measured from "sea" level.

Another point could be that in Genesis it talks about the fermament and the state of being above and below the fermament. Some believe that this defines a large body of water in the atmosphere. This would mean a great amount of water we now have on earth was not yet in our living space. If this suspended water suddenly fell to earth the sea levels would be much higher than they had ever been in recorded history.

This theory has also been put forth to explain the long lives the people in Noah's time lived. The suspended water stopped a large amount of radiation from the sun and supposedly prevented aging.

Some theories.

2007-04-29 12:56:31 · answer #3 · answered by scott h 5 · 0 0

Better wickopedia it. Because if the polar ice caps melt and the glaciers. The dry land area would be covered with 200 feet of water.
That was on a National Geographic Green thing about pollution.
They believe that a horrible catacystimic event happened to the earth in the past creating the grand canyon and splitting continents apart. I thought it was interesting that
Genesis 10:25 mentions that this guy lived at a time when the earth was divided. Perhaps that is when the continents split.

2007-04-29 12:54:21 · answer #4 · answered by Ruth 6 · 0 1

Genesis talks about a universal flood, not global. A local flood can be consistent with biblical interpretation when all the people of the world lived in a close geographic location.

Vapor canopy is not scientific, just google that term and you will see very good critisisms of that theory.

2007-04-29 12:55:40 · answer #5 · answered by the_guy_with_the_answers 2 · 0 0

they will argue that the topography of the Earth was different before the flood.

What I want to is how did the Kangaroo get back to Australia and the Buffalo to North America. When someone logicly answers this I will believe in a global flood.

As for the discovery channel, I saw the thing your talking about, While I dont agree with all of it I found it interesting.

2007-04-29 12:48:32 · answer #6 · answered by Gamla Joe 7 · 1 1

The idea of 'not enough water' doesn't prove anything. The Discovery channel seem to forget that nothing is impossible for God.

2007-04-29 12:59:07 · answer #7 · answered by A follower of Christ 4 · 1 1

We already live in a global flood, most of the earth is flooded by water... Silly answer... sorry ja cant help it

2007-04-29 12:47:55 · answer #8 · answered by Carlos G 2 · 0 1

I don't know what you saw, but the fountains of the deep broke loose. as well as water from the sky. Seashells have been found on top of mountains as well as other fossils. For further info go to - - -

2007-04-29 13:16:23 · answer #9 · answered by rapturefuture 7 · 1 0

Actually, according to the Bible's (Genesis) account of the “heavenly ocean” of creation tells how on the second “day” the Creatour [Jehovah] made an expanse about the earth, and this expanse (called “Heaven”) formed a division between the waters below it, that is, the oceans, and the waters above it. (Ge 1:6-8) The waters suspended above the expanse evidently remained there from the second “day” of creation until the Flood.
This is what the apostle Peter was talking about when he recounted that there “were heavens from of old and an earth standing compactly out of water and in the midst of water by the word of God.” Those “heavens” and the waters above and beneath them were the means that God’s word called into operation, and “by those means the world of that time suffered destruction when it was deluged with water.” (2Pe 3:5, 6)

Various explanations have been offered as to how the water was held aloft until the Flood and as to the processes that resulted in its falling. But these are only speculative. The Bible says simply that God made the expanse with waters above it and that he brought the Deluge. His almighty power could easily accomplish it.

Therefore, since, as the Genesis account says, “all the tall mountains” were covered with water, where is all that water now? Evidently it is right here on the earth.
It is believed that there was a time when the oceans were smaller and the continents were larger than they are now, as is evidenced by river channels extending far out under the oceans. It should also be noted that scientists have stated that mountains in the past were much lower than at present, and some mountains have even been pushed up from under the seas.
As to the present situation, it is said that “there is ten times as much water by volume in the ocean as there is land above sea level. Dump all this land evenly into the sea, and water would cover the entire earth, one and one-half miles deep.” (National Geographic, January 1945, p. 105) So, after the floodwaters fell, but before the raising of mountains and the lowering of seabeds and before the buildup of polar ice caps, there was more than enough water to cover “all the tall mountains,” as the inspired record says.—Ge 7:19.

And what evidence proves that there truly was a global deluge?

In the book Myths of Creation, Philip Freund estimates that over 500 Flood legends are told by more than 250 tribes and peoples. As might be expected, with the passing of many centuries, these legends have been greatly embellished with imaginary events and characters. In all of them, however, some basic similarities can be found.
Such folklore accounts of the Deluge agree with some major features of the Biblical account: (1) a place of refuge for a few survivors, (2) an otherwise global destruction of life by water, and (3) a seed of mankind preserved.
The Egyptians, the Greeks, the Chinese, the Druids of Britain, the Polynesians, the Eskimos and Greenlanders, the Africans, the Hindus, and the American Indians—all of these have their Flood stories.

The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (Vol. 2, p. 319) states: “Flood stories have been discovered among nearly all nations and tribes. Though most common on the Asian mainland and the islands immediately south of it and on the North American continent, they have been found on all the continents. Totals of the number of stories known run as high as about 270 . . . The universality of the flood accounts is usually taken as evidence for the universal destruction of humanity by a flood and the spread of the human race from one locale and even from one family. Though the traditions may not all refer to the same flood, apparently the vast majority do. The assertion that many of these flood stories came from contacts with missionaries will not stand up because most of them were gathered by anthropologists not interested in vindicating the Bible, and they are filled with fanciful and pagan elements evidently the result of transmission for extended periods of time in a pagan society. Moreover, some of the ancient accounts were written by people very much in opposition to the Hebrew-Christian tradition.”—Edited by G. Bromiley, 1982.

So we can confidently conclude that the Flood legends confirm the reality of the Biblical account.

Also in times past, certain primitive people (in Australia, Egypt, Fiji, Society Islands, Peru, Mexico, and other places) preserved a possible remnant of these traditions about the Flood by observing in November a ‘Feast of Ancestors’ or a ‘Festival of the Dead.’ Such customs reflected a memory of the destruction caused by the Deluge.

According to the book Life and Work at the Great Pyramid, the festival in Mexico was held on the 17th of November because they “had a tradition that at that time the world had been previously destroyed; and they dreaded lest a similar catastrophe would, at the end of a cycle, annihilate the human race.” (By Professor C. Piazzi Smyth, Edinburgh, 1867, Vol. II, pp. 390, 391)

Notes the book The Worship of the Dead: “This festival [of the dead] is . . . held by all on or about the very day on which, according to the Mosaic account, the Deluge took place, viz., the seventeenth day of the second month—the month nearly corresponding with our November.” (By J. Garnier, London, 1904, p. 4)
**Interestingly, the Bible reports that the Flood began “in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month.” (Ge 7:11) That “second month” corresponds to the latter part of October and the first part of November on our calendar.

In conclusion, stronger evidence of the historicalness of the Deluge than the pagan traditions of primitive people is the endorsement other Bible writers gave under inspiration. The only other place where the same Hebrew word (mab·bul′, deluge) occurs outside the Genesis account is in David’s melody where he describes Jehovah as seated “upon the deluge.” (Ps 29:10)
However, other writers make reference to and confirm the Genesis account, as, for example, Isaiah. (Isa 54:9) Ezekiel also endorses the historicity of Noah. (Eze 14:14, 18, 20) Peter draws heavily upon the Deluge account in his letters. (1Pe 3:20; 2Pe 2:5; 3:5, 6) Paul testifies to the great faith Noah displayed in constructing the ark for the survival of his household. (Heb 11:7) Luke lists Noah in the lineage of Messiah’s forebears.—Lu 3:36.

2007-04-29 13:50:56 · answer #10 · answered by jvitne 4 · 0 1

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