You don''t have to have a religion to be loved by god or be let into heaven. Since thousands of yearsago there was no christian religion or any other real religion. No mortal can determine what is wrong or what is right. Only god can really decide. Besides if we did something wrong that isn't too bad god would give us a second chance i believe.
2007-04-29 05:26:17
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
First off I want to let you know that I am a Christian. I don't go to church, so I'm sure that I don't follow all of the rules. But I do belive that God does exist and I try to live my life the best that I can. I just don't see how going to church or not will help me to live my life any better. But anyhow to answer your question. How could you get into a heaven, that was created by God for his belivers and followers...if you don't belive he even exists?? Sorry for answering your question with a question. But honestly I don't think that's your only question about this issue. And if you do have any more....feel free to send me an e-mail or IM. It's Good luck on finding all the answers that you are looking for...God Bless!
2007-04-29 12:30:22
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If you want to be a Christian, you go to the Christian heaven by following what mankind thinks their god says.
No living man has 100% intangible undisputable proof. The bible is a story, not proof.
And I suspect, that if there is a God, and there is a heaven, and he is really forgiving, then he or she knows you. If he/she really is the creator as described by the Christian Religion, logic and practical philosophy shows there can be no judgement, as to judge is to be less than perfect. The perfect creator would know that perfection is not found among man.
2007-04-29 12:31:32
answer #3
answered by Rosebee 4
Because you can't get into Heaven while you are still sinning. you can't enter Heaven with any kind of hate or prejudice. you have to ask him for forgivness....that's all there is to it. There are some people who claim to be Christian yet they live exactly like I mentioned....hate, prejudice, deceitful...and i can understand how that could make you think Christians, and God are a big joke, but the truth is God isn't some big bad god with issues. and you can't let people like that make you think that God is like that, because he isn't. so please don't sneer at God, because he is wonderful, and he has helpped me and my family through some awful times. and maybe you think i'm ignorant because I love God, but to me the only ignorance is letting the so-called Christians actions sway you from knowing the truth. God doesn't push you aside because he wants you to go to Heaven. it's YOUR choice whether you want to live right, or not. He wants you to WANT to come to i'm sorry if this offends you, but if you want to criticize someone, you can only blame yourself because YOU chose not to open your heart to him. every action has a consequence.
2007-04-29 12:42:00
answer #4
answered by tweetybird37406 6
There is no wrong way to believe. You don't have to be Christian to get into heaven. Religions are vehicles or paths to God. We make get there by different methods, but we are all going there, even the ones that don't believe He exists. God is all loving. He doesn't forgive because there is nothing to forgive. He doesn't have the concept of revenge and punishment. Those are concepts created by man.
2007-04-29 12:26:51
answer #5
answered by friendlyadvice 7
Can you arbitrarily decide that gravity doesn't do exist? Well there is a plan in the Bible. You follow the plan. Human nature says change the variable to fit my desire. The Christian religion has been the same, denominations have differing beliefs about how. Find one that suits your personality and affix yourself to that belief system. God is good all the time
2007-04-29 12:32:59
answer #6
answered by j.wisdom 6
Uh dear, the process of God's mercy upon us is called Christianity.
If you don't follow society's rules, you go to jail.
If you don't follow the rules of your operating system, your computer crashes.
If you do not study, you do not get promoted.
If you do not work, you suffer poverty.
If you do not have a healthy way of life, you get sick.
There is nothing really deep here. You follow certain inescapable rules, just like life trains you to, or you get the consequences. When it comes to God, you would be better off rebelling against gravity.
2007-04-29 12:30:42
answer #7
answered by ignoramus_the_great 7
Pardon me for giving you such a short answer but what the Bible and Sacred Tradition teach is that not only is God loving and forgiving but He is also just requiring only that we believe in Him and surrender to the Law written on our hearts.
In Christ
Fr. Joseph
2007-04-29 12:32:00
answer #8
answered by cristoiglesia 7
Religion was created to control the ignorant masses, not provide a logical analysis. The deeper you get into the myth, the less sense it makes, that is why they created faith, so you wouldn't question the dogma. Any intelligent person can find many ways the religions don't make any sense.
2007-04-29 12:25:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Where are you getting your information.
Forgiveness comes with believing. The believer is born of the Spirit of God, we do nothing in respect to the work of Christ on the cross. Every one has heard of John3:16.
As for as any body going to heaven it has zero to do with mistakes or sin. It has to do with are you in Christ or not, that is Biblical fact. The sin question was settled on the cross.
However if a person is born of the Spirit of God they have a new nature... and the learning process begins, they no longer feel comfotable with the beggarly elements of this world. Fall they may... but they will get back up. Not sinless perfection yet, but they do now have the power to say no.
Grace and Peace be multiplied.
I hate I am glad to burst the bubble about any religion or belief system as long as you are good or as long as you try will go to heaven. There will be good folks (from their view point) in hell. There will also be religious folks in hell.
There will also be good folks in heaven, there will also be folks in heaven that come from every kind of back ground.
The question is simple are you born again. Being in Christ is the ticket.
I will let God speak for Himself...But you will have to go to the manual if you really want the instructions.
Acts 17:24-34 And then read... Acts 4:10-12 Let it be known to all that there is but one Name under heaven by which you can be saved. That name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Thats the way it is and nothing is going to change that in God's economy. Now you may think there is another heaven but I don't think so. If any one wants to go to the heaven, of the God of the Bible...then I would listen up. Check it out read it for your self.
The Scripture verses given here alone is enough to settle it for you, will read it in honesty and a love for the truth.
This is not up for debate folks the instruction manual don't play games with heart and soul.
But of course its your choice. Isn't it...happy sailing until we meet again. It's your choice to be a disciple of Christ He is already willing and waiting for you. Everyone is a disciple of someone, everyone has to serve somebody.
Child Like Faith
Child Like Faith…once I was lost it seems so long ago to me now. Child like faith should be endless, in fact it is. We just seem to grow up to fast and to hard for our own good, and the child like faith is left somewhere in the past. Even crying out to be heard and restored. Sometimes it is so near we are confused in eye sight. I couldn’t see the light that love was constantly shining. I couldn’t fight the fight I tried to fight all alone. But as I knocked it was opened to me, and through this door, I found and saw, the vastness of the Sea Of Forgetfulness. So can you. Not only will you find the Sea Of Forgetfulness, but there is also a river that flows from deep within. The Sea Of Forgetfulness and the River Of Life. Both are yours. Very costly indeed. But no silver and gold here. No diamonds or pearls. The crimson red that flows, the blood shed for the souls, that was in need of a physician. His life’s blood ran down Calvary’s tree for freedom to set the captive free. Calvary, Heavens throne on earth. The Holy Of Holies, earths throne in Heaven. Both received the Blood of the Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the earth. For all who will come and eat and drink of the milk and honey, and bring no money. Why? Because it is priceless. Our cost is nothing, only child like faith. Children of God Don’t wait!
And That Is...The News...Daniel
2007-04-29 13:12:05
answer #10
answered by The News...Daniel 2