I believe that god is the most merciful, and no matter which religion you follow and still,kind , never hurt any one and against of all bad deeds , I don't believe you will end up in hell because as I said, he is the most merciful.
2007-04-28 22:55:06
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I respect what everyone else believes because I want people to respect what I believe. And if you really think about it..... you cant help what you think is the truth.I believe in Hell but there's no fire there. And the only people that go are the lowest of the low (baby rapers and others who have no conscience). I am just a human being and I if it were up to me very few people on this earth would go to hell. So I don't believe God with all the wisdom of the universe would send someone to hell just for what they believe in there hearts to be true, weather its right or wrong.
2007-04-28 23:14:32
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
To me, this is one of the biggest flaws with religion. Assuming there is a God, which religion got it right? Does belonging to the wrong faith doom you to an eternity of hell?
I consider myself an atheist and have never really believed in any God or religion. I do accept that it is impossible to know the truth on this subject and concede the possibility I am wrong. If it does turn out I'm wrong, I would hope I would be judged based on how I led my life and treated others rather than whether I said the right prayers or worshiped the right deity.
2007-04-28 22:44:13
answer #3
answered by Justin H 7
I believe that all true seekers of the truth will find it, since God has instilled in us an understanding of what is right and wrong and a desire to come to know Him. So I believe that whatever religion a person believes in now, if they are truly looking to know God, they'll eventually find Him and be saved. If they are simply there because that's their country's religion, or their parents' religion and they have no draw to actually come to know God, then yes, they will be condemned, just like the person who is in fact in the right group of people but never had enough conviction to make a personal decision.
I am a Christian.
2007-04-28 22:42:50
answer #4
answered by yishor 4
i personally view the 'afterlife' as thus:
our world is vast. a million different cultures. different languages, different beliefs.
if we were created by higher beings (which i believe we were), why would these beings create such diverse creatures if they themselves were not diverse?
and i answer as such, that whatever could have created such diverse creatures would therefore have to be diverse themselves.
so why is it a difficult concept to grasp, that the after life is nothing short...of everything that is believed in? can there not be both a valhalla and a christian heaven? can there not be an afterlife for the ancient egyptians that varies from the ancient greeks?
Personally, i believe we will all be held accountable to our own beliefs. so if you believe in a heaven, and a hell, and that to go to heaven you must accept christ, and yet, do not, then you will be held accountable to that belief and therefore be sent to hell.
and likewise, if i dont even believe in the christian concept of hell, why should i be held accountable to such? surely any being capable of creating life is beyond such petty things as sending someone to hell for not believing in them. its sort of like a classroom full of people. a question is answered, all hands go up. merely because one is picked doesn't mean the others are all wrong, they simply weren't picked.
therefore, when we all die, we're all judged by what we believe. pretty simple.
2007-04-28 22:54:52
answer #5
answered by tanja_berengue 4
In a religious belief system. I believe that all people have a relationshop with God go to Heaven. But, then im not sure what i believe at the moment. So, its a toughy... whether there is any need for the heaven and hell concept or the necessity to even discuss who does and doesnt go to hell/ heaven
2007-04-28 22:48:10
answer #6
answered by jannah b 3
i have a hard time pinning down my religion, but it's somewhat along the lines of agnostic. I don't believe anyone is going to a lake of fire for all eternity. Basically, I believe that if there is a God, he clearly didn't intend for us to take his holy texts so literally. Look at where it's gotten the world.
I have more of an appeal for religions that are less dogmatic. If I were going to choose a religion, it would be one of those. Besides they seem more fun!
that about sums it up.
2007-04-28 22:44:57
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Who is really to say whose belief is right and who is anyone to say anyone else is wrong. Your belief could so easily be the wrong one. I try to see things that way, rather than think that my beliefs are right and everyone else's are wrong. I don't think anyone will burn for an eternity for believeing in the wrong religion (because no one really knows which one is right). And if someone IS believing in the wrong religion, I think that the Divine would have some mercy and forgive that person, rather than punish them, because...face it, God/Goddess or whatever you want to call it, hasn't really given anyone a clear sign as to which belief is right.
2007-04-29 01:34:46
answer #8
answered by Ma'iingan 7
No, I do not believe anything as foolish as they are"doomed."
I believe if the followers of religion keep out of the State's business, and if the State can mantain true freedom of (and from) religion, no one will be "doomed" or "end up in hell after."
2007-04-28 23:22:56
answer #9
answered by WMD 7
Alright, I am a Witch, as far as I am concerned everyone is free to believe as they wish, or not to believe. No one has the right to tell anyone that their beliefs are right or wrong.
Just so long as others don't try to force me to believe in their religion we're good.
I don't believe that anyone is doomed because of their belief system as long as it is life affirming and not harmful to others or the Earth.
2007-04-29 03:17:05
answer #10
answered by meg3f 5