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2007-04-28 20:38:20 · 3 answers · asked by mesun1408 6 in Consumer Electronics Cameras

3 answers

Sell it to someone who buys into the whole fake lomography snake-oil and use your money elsewhere.

Oh, and Paul R: You are mistaking the Holga for a LOMO. The LOMO LC-A and LC-A+ are both 35mm.

2007-04-28 23:21:58 · answer #1 · answered by uhm101 5 · 2 0

there is a great user site called www.lomography.com all about the lomo, other Russian quirky cameras and even some western retro ones, you'll get loads of advice on there and loads of inspiration from the user galleries.

Most folk shoot on colour slide film and have it cross processed, this in combination with the lomos lens gives some bezerk but rather cool results. Some -but not all- high street labs will do a cross-process for you (in the UK Jessops will do it if they are near the end of their chemistry life, depends on the labs operator)

You can also buy a 35mm insert so that your lomo will take 35mm film (easier to get hold of an dprocess than 120) however this makes the lens more telephoto with no viewfinder guides.

The lomo isn't a technical camera, and is often sneered upon by boring purists. I think the key thing is to have fun with it.
I do serious photography and as much pleasure at that gives me, the photos that make me happiest are the corny family shots or those taken on a £5 disposbale of good nights out with my friends.

2007-04-29 06:04:53 · answer #2 · answered by Paul R - Dipping my toe back in 6 · 2 0

Carry it around with you.

2007-04-29 04:42:39 · answer #3 · answered by Stanley W 3 · 1 0

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