I think it's really cool. When was the last time we heard on news that Wiccans killed someone? Nope, that's why I love Wiccans! Very open-minded people :)
2007-04-28 06:19:30
answer #1
answered by Regina 5
I have mixed opinions on it. I myself practice a form of Traditional Shamanic and Elemental Witchcraft, that is very different from Wicca. My tradition is atheistic and does not involve all the 'high magick'/Masonic trappings that Wicca holds so dear. I believe that Wicca is a lovely path and Wiccans are lovely people, however I do NOT in any way appreciate the corruption of the word Witch. Not all Wiccans are Witches and not all Witches are Wiccans. Wiccans have muddied the waters of the occult drastically. Pulling from various traditions and pantheons, from Eastern and Western philosophy to the degree that Wicca is as clouded as the Mississippi. They also seem to have a tendancy to act as if Wicca is a 'free-for-all' mixing concepts and religions that have absolutely no relation and in many cases are diabolically opposed such as Christo-Wicca. Wicca has also evolved so rapidly that it's core doctrines have become almost entirely obscured. Not many Wiccans know that in it's original form - Gardernarian Wicca - there are over 160 laws or rules that must be abided by. Yet another mutation by the 'fluffy bunnies' that are melding New Agey concepts with Wicca. I do not see too many people stay with Wicca for more than a few years due to it's wishy-washy feel-good bland brand of occultism. It's a great jumping off place, but there are far deeper and more original/sincere Pagan or Occultic paths out there.
2007-04-28 13:33:54
answer #2
answered by Medusa 5
Once again dear "Reverend" you show your true colors. Just how ignorant are you???
{It puts together deities from other cutlures and believe they are all the same.}
And to Noncraze, what do you think christianity is? It is a bunch of myths and legends crafted together to form a new religion.Wicca may not be more than 60 or so years old, but that doesn't mean it isn't a real religion. After all christianity is only a couple thousand years old, most Pagan practices (upon which much of Wicca is based) are far older than that, my dear.
As for Wicca, I'm more of an Eclectic Pagan, not a Wiccan, but for the most part (when they aren't infighting) Wicca is a very natural, earth-based religion, usually very tolerant and accepting.
2007-04-28 13:23:42
answer #3
answered by meg3f 5
it's seems to me (at least in the corner of the world I'm in) that are two wiccas the first is a group of teenagers who think it's the in thing to go around and cast spells - half baked and dangerous spells that other, more responsible, practitioners have to clean up. I see this as the fault of the commercialization of wicca and magick in general (go to any bookstore and you will see stacks of books on the "right" way to cast spells)
the second wicca is almost as bad as fundamentalist christianity. they go around espousing how their religion and magickal dicipline is superior to all others and when something goes wrong. (like one of their breathren messing with something they shouldn't have or someone playing with the darkness) they start shouting about "harm none" and they're the first out the door.
I don't know about anywhere else but where I am the local wiccan community are posers and cowards. I'm sure there are some good ones here but I prefer to call them pagans or witches.They don't deserve the insult of being called wiccan
Sorry guys but I call it as I see it. Perhaps it's diffrent elsewhere.
2007-04-28 13:43:20
answer #4
answered by simon 2
Its a good religion for those that wish to follow it. Unfortunately there are far too many people that misuse the name Wicca, that the true religion (as it is taught in the covens) is being lost.
To many authors have wrongly used the name. The name, Wicca has been so perverted and over used that the original teachings are lost in the onslaught of pretenders to the throne. Unfortunately I think its too late to change it. And because of its misuse it will forever be linked to lies, bad research, and poor authorship.
2007-05-02 00:00:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Wicca should be respected like any other religion. if people are comfortable practicing it, then so be it. it's their way of finding the divine and connecting with nature. when has wicca hurt anybody? some think its only chants and spells but there is so much more to it. the funny part is that people who dislike wicca are just scared and shouldn't judge until they understand what it truly is. i find wicca to be such a soothing and comfortable religion to practice.
2007-04-29 00:48:07
answer #6
answered by shadow 1
Obviously, as a Wiccan for over 20 years I approve.
However, that being said, there is a painful and glaring knowledge gap in Wicca- people who know the religion and people who do not.
The Wiccans who don't know their religion range from strict my way or the highway types to people who throw together stuff and call it Wicca, whether it has any basis in Wicca or not.
Both of those groups are very wrong, and very sad. :(
2007-04-30 08:08:11
answer #7
answered by LabGrrl 7
Although I am not Wiccan, I am Pagan, and have much respect for Wicca because of its leaders working so hard to help alternative belief systems find a place of acceptance among mainstream religions today.
However, I feel that Wicca *has* become more like orthodox, organized religion today for some... there seems to be more emphasis on "religion first" and "spirituality second" if at all, more insistance on "tradition" (which nature abhors, as stagnation sets in with this rigidity), and it can be detrimintal for an earth-based belief system to start worshiping "people" instead of nature... and this is why I do not ascribe to Wicca, as I personally prefer "spirituality first" and "religion second" if at all... JMHO though, no one else has to agree. ;)
2007-04-28 13:26:50
answer #8
answered by 'llysa 4
In all honesty - and this is not meant to disrespect those who practice the religion - I do not see it as valid.
Yes there is a centeralize concept of divinity, rituals and other things that make up a religion.
But it was created, put together by a man. A man that used his background in free masonary and eastern practices to form this religion. It is now accepted that Gardner was never initiated into an old coven. Instead he shaped this religion around what he thought it should be. A lot of the ritual is based on free masonary, and the theology come from the east (karma, reincarnation etc.)
I don't agree with it because it takes from all the relgions in the world and sort of meshes them together. It puts together deities from other cutlures and believe they are all the same. A lot of the practices do not match what a Traditional Witch would do - most are closer to ceremonial macgic and masonary then anything that traditional.
Does this mean that followers don't get anything out of it? I think they get certian things from this religion, and there is a chance of actually knowning G-d. But thre are better, more traditional ways to do this.
2007-04-28 13:23:14
answer #9
answered by noncrazed 4
Well, although I don't believe what they believe, I still think their religion is much better than most of the others out there.
2007-04-28 13:18:57
answer #10
answered by Robopacolypse 1
It is probably the most ethical, truly spiritual, natural and liberating path among religious movements today (at least in the West, anyway).
2007-04-28 13:17:32
answer #11
answered by kent_shakespear 7