Because Muhammad was an arrogant sociopath with delusions of gradneur and imperial ambitions.
He started out preaching tolerance when *he* was an outcast (not under threat of death, mind you, an outcast), he lamented the vile persecutions. When, however, he started practicing highwaymanship (a polite term for robbery), he gained power in Medina. There, he reversed his previous stances on "tolerance" and became quite intolerant.
His empire expanded, and each time someone criticized him, he had them killed (he conveniently had revelations to support this). When there were disputes about spoils, amongst women, or whatever else, rather than resolving them in a rational fashion, he cravenly came up with another revelation from God. When they contradicted each other, he simply explained that later revelations superceded the preceding ones (no need for consistency, then!).
Islam, in that fashion, is a political ideology just like democracy or Communism. It regards the unbeliever as not equally human (the word "kaffir" means "cattle"), and they do not have the same rights (you can take a kaffir's belongings, beat him, and rape him without penalty; he cannot bear witness under Islamic law). It is designed to be a medieval empire, maximizing its potential for war.
When you consider that Islam is thus imperial, and that its founder was a power-hungry madman, it shouldn't be surprising it gives rise to terrorists and the like.
2007-04-28 02:11:56
answer #1
answered by Innokent 4
Dear Fernando, have you read the bible and what it teaches about war? Compared to the bible the Quran is a million times better.
The Quran permits you to defend yourself and your people, and as a last resort, war is the only form of defense against the aggressors. Surely this is fair and correct.
You do not sit there and let others take your life, your land, your women and children as hostages and/or kill them. This is an evil thing to allow it to happen, therefore you must kill because it is the best thing to do in the eyes of God.
Believe me, Jesus (PBUH) would not only permit war in self defence but enjoin it against the evil doers who pose harm to the believers. But Jesus never had to deal with wars and attacks so you don't get this sort of teachings from him, but you do if you read the stories of the Prophets in the bible. Please do read the bible, then come back to us.
2007-04-28 02:10:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Jesus was not given the responsibility of uniting people.
He was given the responsibility to set the Jews straight.
The Prophet Muhammad therefore had more to do as far as uniting goes.
He was burdened by a feudal Arabia who killed their own daughters because they favored boys over girls.
These people were Arabian tribes who killed each other on every chance they got.
The Quran not only gave the Prophet a responsibility of informing people to stop worshipping statues, but it gave him the responsibility of teaching ethics of war and all matters related to living.
No other book, has brought so many laws when it came to warring.
No other book, has asked its believers to be just even in war.
And since war was a necessary part of life when defense was concerned, the rules were put down.
As for those who were ordered to be killed by God, God never said kill them in their sleep. God said to warn them and war them. This meant that both sides had equal opportunity to get ready and war on equal terms.
And those who knew the justice of Islam, knew the gist of it.
One story is told, of a Muslim who had cornered a man from the enemy somewhere and was about to kill him, when the man spat in his face. The Muslim, who was about to bring down his weapon stopped in his tracks, and did not kill the man.
The man bewildered, asked him why he didnt kill him, and the Muslim said: because if I had killed you, if would have been out of anger for you spitting at me, and I would have killed you for my own ego, and not God.
2007-04-28 02:26:57
answer #3
answered by Antares 6
there replaced into NO call for God until eventually God instructed Moses that his call replaced into i'm and additionally instructed Moses that he replaced into the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob as replaced into already pronounced ABBA is Father in Hebrew subsequently whilst they praied to God they used the term ABBA. shall we no longer forget that there are maximum of distinctive names that distinctive religions use for God. Yawee, i'm, God, Jehova, Allah, and many others, however the secret's they are each and all of the comparable GOD. then you definitely get into the a number of religions right this is the place the concern is and the a number of disagreements come from adult men no longer God.
2016-10-04 01:03:59
answer #4
answered by celia 4
Since you're living in the world where Allah created it. Then you should be grateful by obeying his order.
"Bismillahir rahmanir rahim" means "In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate"
Allah is gracious enough for everyone who lives in this world whether you're a muslim or not. That's why even non-muslim can live because of his gracious. He gives food, air and every luxurious things for everyone eventhough some of them never obey his order. But his compassionate is just for Muslims who always believe in him and pray for him everyday and gives reward for their deeds. The different between being a Muslim and non-muslim is that Allah mostly gives reward for non-muslim in this live (that's mean they get paid for their good deed while living in this world), while to Muslim, not everyone of them get paid for their good deed here because Allah will give it after they died (mean after live) which is greater that anything in this world.
Allah permit Killing in Islam because of reasons. We don't freely kill people while walking down the street, while shopping and whenever we meet non-muslim. It's not like that. Allah permit Muslim to kill IF their country were invaded (for ex Iraq, Afghan), when a muslim had done adultery (there's different punishment for a married person (or used to marry before) and whom who never get married before, when a Muslim convert to another religion, if a person kills another person without reason (qisas) and others. And you know what, getting punished while you're living is better than getting punished when you're in hell cuz it's far more terrible and you can't imagine the greatest suffering that you'll have to face. By getting punished here means you'll free from getting punished in hell.
By asking his follower to kill them means whether a Muslim follow his order or not to show their obedient toward Islam and it's teaching. Of course he can kill a person in second.
Forgot to mention earlier, even non-muslim has it's own category in Islam, such as Kafir Zimmi, Kafir Harbi and others. Just search through the net and you'll understand what I said.
2007-04-28 02:50:57
answer #5
answered by Sad Saddie 2
If you are foolish enough to believe in God,you are foolish enough to kill in his name.
Church leaders and politicians know this.A political church leader is the worst offender.
Churches are the haters of change. Keep the sheep scared take all their freedoms,their money, and their life when they act up.
Everyone says their God can beat up my God.
HAHAHA Not if I dont have one.
Will I go to heaven or hell?
I dont really care since neither exists.
And I have been pronounced dead 3 times in my life already.
1959 hit by a car
1976 motorcycle wreck
2003 massive heart attack
twice I had an out of body experience (last 2)
Yes there was light and music and voices calling me just like in the movies.And I really wanted to go.
So maybe I am already in hell.
But I do not think it was heaven I saw,,just another existence.
One day we will all know for sure if we followed the truth or not.
Until then,I dont worry about it.
I just follow the basic simple rules all Gods have given us.
Dont lie,cheat,steal,or kill.
Pretty easy rules actually until you let people think about what they really mean and try to interpret their own thoughts into them.
The Christian Gods' 6th commandment is a prime example.
4 simple words."Thou shalt not kill."
we have buildings full of books trying to describe what those words mean.
More buildings full of people learning how to interpret them differently. (law schools)
Sorry,no interpretation needed.
2007-04-28 02:22:54
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Allah permits Muslims to defend themselves. He can't let His enemies to kill His followers.
When Muslims are aggressed, Allah asks His followers to defend.
If He killed His enemies by His own no one had time to follow Him.
You can refer to explanation of Qur'an for more information.
2007-04-28 02:22:52
answer #7
answered by Mostafa N 1
For the same reason that the christian version of God does.
'Cos the priests want to get rid of the troublemakers.
2007-04-28 02:18:13
answer #8
answered by Simon T 6
islam (all religion) is bullsht, created by ignorant people in a time of ignorance..... wake up its 2007 and people still believe in fairy tales and invisible men flying around in the sky...
2007-04-28 02:03:44
answer #9
answered by NO PC 1
dude all gods from all religions allowed that so they are triying to see who will win at last.
2007-04-28 02:03:35
answer #10
answered by tylenol 3