Remember we are living in the world system now and the world system does not have (heaven) kingdom mentality.
2007-04-28 02:05:33
answer #1
answered by Veronica A 1
The Sabbath was given to Israel, not the church. The Sabbath is still Saturday, not Sunday, and has never been changed. But the Sabbath is part of the Old Testament Law, and Christians are free from the bondage of the Law (Galatians 4:1-26; Romans 6:14). Sabbath keeping is not required of the Christian—be it Saturday or Sunday. The first day of the week, Sunday, the Lord's Day (Revelation 1:10) celebrates the New Creation, with Christ as our resurrected Head. We are not obligated to follow the Mosaic Sabbath—resting, but are now free to follow the risen Christ—serving. The Apostle Paul said that each individual Christian should decide whether to observe a Sabbath rest, “One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind” (Romans 14:5). We are to worship God every day, not just on Saturday or Sunday.
2007-04-28 10:05:04
answer #2
answered by Freedom 7
It always seems to amaze me how people take something out of context, Those days of creation is 1000 yrs. each, God rested on the 7th day, does God need rest, NO, God showed a type & shadow of things to come, That 7th day is typing out the 1000 yrs. milliennium, where Christ will rule & reign for 1000 yrs., Did you know satan had his sabbath here on this earth already, Yes, he did, from 500 AD to 1500 AD, which is also known as the dark ages. now concerning the sabbath, yes Saturday was the sabbath in the 10 commandments, Actully Friday evening from 6:00pm to Saturdy at 6:00 PM. No one was allow to do anything, not even fix their meals. If we are to keep Saturday as the sabbath, then you find yourself up against a brick wall, Read 1st Cor. 16: 1-2 Paul is telling Christians to bring their tithes & offerings into the storehouse on the first day of the week(Sunday) why Sunday, because Paul had a revelation that Christ rose from the dead on the 1st day of the week, Now turn to Colossians 2:16-17 It speaks of let No man judge you of meats, of the sabbath day, holydays,-----17: Which are a shadow of things to come-------now go to Romans 10:4 For Christ is the END of what?(The law) For Christ is the End of the Law for righteousness to every one that believeth.
2007-04-28 02:21:10
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
While I don't like you wise crack about "worshiping the image of the beast I'll answer your question. I worship God. God said to work for 6 days and to rest on the seventh day. Most people work Monday through Sat. So the Seventh day would be Sunday! He was not talking about literal days of the week! 7 days does not have to start on Sunday when you are working! Work 6 days and rest 1 day. So therefore your day of rest may differ from someone else's. What matters is that you worship God! I hope this helps.
2007-04-28 02:10:29
answer #4
answered by Pamela V 7
The Sabbath starts at sundown on Friday and lasts until sundown on Saturday.
I do not worship the image of the beast of revelations.
2007-04-28 02:05:41
answer #5
answered by Mariah 5
Hah! That's a good one!
You can worship God on any day you like, but not on Sunday! All Christians MUST be atheists on Sunday! If you utter a prayer on Sunday, our righteous God will damn you to hell with no hope of redemption!
The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath, my friend.
2007-04-28 02:05:46
answer #6
answered by NONAME 7
That the challenge we need to make that posible
2007-04-28 03:08:09
answer #7
answered by tony 2
sorry thats too heavy a question. all i can say is : this is not my fault in any way
2007-04-28 02:06:02
answer #8
answered by SUNIL Raj 3
i'm sure it has something to do with Romans
2007-04-28 02:08:46
answer #9
answered by fippypoo 3
Lets look at the true facts about the Sabbath.
The Hebrews had to be "remember" BECAUSE it was not a moral law but a ceremonial law with a great deal of ritual. You don't have to "remember" not to kill somebody, do you? You don't have to "remember" not to commit adultery with their spouse, do you? You don't have to remember not to steal their possessions, do you? You do not need to "remember" moral law, it is something you know by nature.
Moral law is, by definition, timeless, universal and natural.
The Sabbath was MADE, so it is not timeless but temporary, as indeed was all the Law.
The Sabbath was given ONLY to the nation of the children of Israel, so it is not universal.
The Sabbath was all about commemoration so it is not something you would likely figure out for yourself. And figure out what, precisely? As with all ceremonies, its meaning had to be specially revealed and the details of its observances specially revealed..
There were 39 laws connected with its observance. Nobody was likely to figure all that out for themselves. And Mr Teacher of the Law, do you "remember" what those laws are? No, of course you don't. Do you even know what ALL of them are? And do you even practice all of them? No, of course you don't. But unless you do practice -- follow each and every one of those laws -- you are a transgressor of the Sabbath Law and, under the Law of Moses if you broke one law you were guilty of breaking all the Law,.and thus worthy of the penalty of death. All these things including its penalty, had to be communicated and learned and, not least, "remembered". To deny that the Sabbath was ceremony, is to deny the facts of scripture and is downright dishonest.
And I say this to you -- to those of you who purport to be keeping it today -- you are deluding yourself for you most definitely are NOT! What you are "keeping" is a corruption of the OT Sabbath, a religious counterfeit; an invention of man; of men who have a zeal without knowledge. Your so-called Sabbath keeping is a contradiction of the OT Sabbath. And there is no authority for it in NT scripture.
Moreover, you ignore its penalty. You simply cannot divorce law from its penalty. Who gave you the right to divorce the penalty of the Sabbath from the law of the Sabbath when it is included? You cannot have one without the other. Why do you take an OT law and only keep part of it? Why do you ignore the death penalty for its transgression? Did God give you that authority to ignore it? Where in the NT does God give you that authority? Nowhere. You don't have any authority because there is no such authority for not a single word to keep the Sabbath is found anwhere in the NT.
It's the same with the entire ten commandment code. Did God give you the authority to separate the penalties of that code from the code itself? No, of course He didn't. There is no such thing in the NT not even a whisper. There is nothing explaining how a physical day is to be kept under a spiritual covenant.
You have no authority under God for hijacking a law given to ancient Israel alone, for appropriating it to yourself, for imposing it upon others, or for separating it from its penal code.
There is no such thing as a criminal law without criminal penalties. The Sabbath was not a criminal law but if you broke it you were surely punished because it was a theocratic law. The "ten commandment" law was a theocratic criminal law that belonged solely to the ancient nation of Israel because that nation was in union with God by having been brought by God under His direct rule. And offences against His government were dealt with swiftly through the priesthood. The nation Israel was governed directly by divine law with divine judgments. A law without immediate penalties and prosecution for offenders, is useless. The execution of the sentence against transgression had to be carried out swiftly, for if had not been, the people would have sinned with impunity and anarchy would have resulted in the camp. It is no different today. There is no divine "ten commandment law" today and there is no divine judgement for its infringement. That law has gone. Many of its principles are carried over into the criminal laws of the nation states in which we live.
Are you an ancient Jew living in the ancient land of Israel, living under an ancient legal code? Of course not. So you have no authority to lift a legal code out of its historical theocratic context and you have no authority to appropriate that law without its penal code. You have no sanction by God to call yourself a "ten commandment keeper" and a "Sabbath keeper". You have no sanction by God to insist Christians must keep a national law of ancient Israel.
You are commanded to serve God in a different way. You are commanded to serve God in the new way of the spirit. You are commanded NOT to serve God in the old way of the written code with its old covenant Sabbath (Rom 7:4-6). You must decide whether you are going to obey your own will or the will of God. You must decide whether you are going to keep the commandments of men or the commandments of Christ (1Cor 14:37).
If you believe in Jesus Christ, you will believe in His Passion, you will fully identify with His death and burial through baptism. You will accept that Christ died to the Law by the operation of the Law; that the Law was fully exhausted on Him and He bore its curse. That He did not do that for Himself; He did it for you and me. You will take what Paul declares in Galatians 2:19: "I by the law died to the law so that I might serve God"
Let's look closer at what Paul is saying. It is plain he is talking about IN CHRIST. According to Paul, he was now able to serve God BECAUSE he had died to the Law. Law has no authority over a man it has put to death. Christ is no longer under the Law and because we are in Him it has no authority over us. We are dead to the Law.
Yet, we are alive to Christ. Christ has taken the place of the Law. The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:2) has taken the place of the Law. Paul goes on to describe how the life he now lives is the LIFE of Christ and he lives that life by FAITH in HIM -- "by the faith of the Son of God" (Gal 2:19ff)
.According to Paul your life as a Christian is not about serving a Jewish law but about serving God by way of the spirit; serving the law of life in Christ's Spirit. Unless you identify yourself with Christ's death, you are under the dominion of sin and death because you are under the law and not under grace (cp. Rom 6:14) You have not died to sin and you are not alive with Christ (cp. Rom 6:1-10) . You are still living the life of the "old man of sin" and you are still under the dominion of sin, and you are under condemnation and under a curse.
If you are a Christian you are commanded to "reckon" yourself dead to the Law, in Christ (His death) and alive with Christ, to the Spirit (His resurrection).
THESE are the "commandments" we are to keep today. Ww are to follow Christ not Moses. Christ is your standard of righteousness and He is your sanctifier, for it is HIS work in you; not yours.(Phil 2:13: Eph 2:8-10)
Christ's solution to the sin problem is love -- self-sacrificing love.. It is simple to understand. When your heart has been changed you are the same way God is love. When you are love you are loving in your attitude and behaviour. When you are loving in attitude and behaviour you will not be doing any wrong to your neighbour. And if you are loving your neighbour you will not be breaking the criminal law in the land where you live. If (God forbid) you did, then you would be swiftly punished and fined or imprisoned. Love HAS fulfilled all law; ancient and modern.
2015-10-14 00:07:28
answer #10
answered by Brian 2