You should not sell your vote. You should use it for the glory of God.
2007-04-27 22:36:26
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am a southern baptist and we never sell or buy nothin in church and gramma always bakes cookies for all the kin folk and they are for free and she has a hard time tryin to keep uncle Bobby from gettin into them before church. I recon uncle Bobby is just hungry.
2007-04-28 05:48:48
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I certainly think it is to any one. but certainly to those who believe in God. how can it be right to seel somethink people dies to give you.
2007-04-28 05:38:07
answer #3
answered by Mim 7
I am so sorry you are still a catholic. I Bet if you read what your catholics use to do to people you might change your mind. I did, I renounced the catholic religion and am now a born again Christian. Read some of this. To see more go to the website and click on the antichrist slideshow. I am really quite disgusted with my family and ex-comunicated myself from them because they still follow this religion. I tell you this out of love in Christ and not anything more. Please don't think it is hate because we true Christians don't hate.
The Devil is the father, master, overseer and guide of all papists--
"Experience teaches that there is no other remedy for the evil, but to put heretics (Protestants) to death; for the (Romish) church proceeded gradually and tried every remedy: at first she merely excommunicatied them; afterwards she added a fine; then she banished them; and finally she was constrained to put them to death."
Cardinal Bellarmine
famous champion of Romanism cited by Schumucker p. 76
The Inquisition is an institution of the Roman Catholic religion. It was developed to stem "heresy", i.e., the gospel of salvation as found in the Bible. The Inquisition was zealously carried out by Romish Inquisitor-Generals, priests, and monks. And oh yes, they had the support of the secular authorities. Know ye not that the Dark Ages were dark because the papacy was at the height of its monstrous glory--ruling over kings and queens and encouraging recusancy towards any ruler that did not bow to the devil/papacy? Romanism is the Devil's religion, therefore papists do the works of the Devil. Only the Devil could inspire men to the deeds recounted by Samuel Clarke in his book Martyrology circa 1651. Papists have tortured and killed Christians for centuries. These are grievous crimes that are loathsome to even list but multitudes endured these for the gospel's sake. Christian friend, if YOU were before the Inquisition and they wanted you to say Jesus is a piece of bread, would you do it? Many of your brothers and sisters held out for the cause of Christ. They resisted to the blood striving against sin. Here are a just a few of the tortures they went through--
Skin flayed off of head, face and body
Nipples pulled off
Fried alive in pans
Bound to pillar head down and roasted
Mouth slit back to ears
Crucified upside down
Put in cauldrons of boiling oil
Thrown out of windows upon upward facing spears
Bodies gored through mouths with pikes
Arms cut off
Torturous slow burning e.g., burn soles of feet, then up to ankles, mid-calf, etc. until dead
Bellies burnt until bowels fell out
Women stripped, hung from tree by their hair and scourged
Tourniquet placed on head and twisted until eyes came out
Ears bored out
Tongue cut out
Set down (by pulley) into a fire by degrees
Thrown to dogs
Hung up by the heels and choked with smoke
Smothered in caves on mountains
Hearts pulled out, which the papists gnawed with their teeth.
Some roasted upon spits over a soft fire
Some had their bowels pulled out
A smith had his brains beaten out on his anvil with a hammer
Some had sharp instruments forced under their nails and other body parts
Some racked until their bowels broke out
Some had their throats cut with butcher knives
Knocked on the head with axes
Naked women left hung up by one leg on trees until they died
Some slain and their body parts set on stakes for 30 miles streches
Some had their noses and breasts pulled off with red hot pinchers
Some had their flesh torn with the claws of wild animals
Murdered in a church during sermon
Some hanged by one foot, their hands and breasts in the water
Some hung up by one hand with weights of lead at their heels
Two tied together and slain
Some were torn in pieces by horses
A legion of soldiers cut some to pieces with swords
Some had boots of boiling oil put on their legs over a small fire.
Some hung up on trees by the middle til they died of hunger
Women's bellies ripped up and their children trod underfeet
The following quotes are cited from The American Textbook of Popery which in turn quotes from the Directory for the Inquisitors (page numbers listed are for the Directory)--
"He is a heretic who does not believe what the Roman Hierarchy teaches. --A heretic merits the pains of fire. --By the Gospel, the canons, civil law, and custom, heretics must be burned."--148, 169
"He is a heretic who deviates from any article of faith." --p. 143
"All sects of heretics are condemned and various punishments are appointed for them and their accomplices." --Pope Alexander IV, --p. 135
"Statutes that impede the execution of the duties which appertain to the office of Inquisitors are null and void." --Pope Urban IV, p. 106
"They who bury persons knowing them to be excommunicated, or their receivers, defenders, or favourers, shall not be absolved unless they dig up the corpse; and the place shall be deprived of the usual immunities of sepulture." --Pope Alexander IV, p. 104
"Inquisitors must discard all fear, and intrepidly proceed against heretical pravity."
"All defence is denied to heretics." p. 153
"For the suspicion alone of heresy, purgation is demanded." --p. 156
"Heretics are by right condemned." --p. 157
"He who is without the church can neither be reconciled nor saved." --p. 144
...Do violence to no man...
Luke 3:14
2007-04-28 05:44:00
answer #5
answered by Dakota Lynn Takes Gun 6