like the old Native American said after being given a bible, taught to read it , then asked how he liked it......he replied...."its a good book,,too bad white man dont live by it."
2007-04-27 16:32:03
answer #1
answered by goheda 2
Personally I don't understand yet what keeping the Sabbath Day Holy should really look like in my life. Is it just going to church, or dedicating time to help someone else? Is it focusing on reading the Bible and praying all day? Is it resting at home somehow without doing housework or watching TV? I felt particularly convicted about the Sabbath as I recently read Isaiah 58:13
"Keep the Sabbath day holy.
Don't pursue your own interests on that day,
but enjoy the Sabbath
and speak of it with delight as the LORD's holy day.
Honor the Sabbath in everything you do on that day,
and don't follow your own desires or talk idly."
I think the important thing to ask is whether you yourself as a Christian are keeping the Sabbath Day Holy. Prayerfully seek God's Word for the answer. Maybe this will lead you to cease conducting your own business or watching sporting events on that day.
I believe, as with all the principles of God's Law, keeping the Sabbath Day holy will naturally arise out of a heart willingly given over to God. Perhaps the reason so many Christians choose not to do so is because they have not yet fully consecrated their lives to Him. I know I am still working on that myself! (and depending on the power of the Holy Spirit each step of the way)
2007-04-27 17:21:53
answer #2
answered by Chamelea 2
If you take the time to read the Bible, you will discover a few things about the Sabbath. First, in terms of the Bible's timeline, the Sabbath was not given until nearly 2/3s of the way through the time covered by the Old Testament. Many of the Old Testament "saints", such as Adam, Seth, Enoch, Noah and sons, Job, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, etc. never kept the Sabbath. It was not given until after their lifetimes.
When it finally was given in the Law of Moses, it was given as a part of God's covenant with the Jews. During the 1500 years between Moses and Jesus, it was not required of any other people or nation in the world.
Like all the Laws given through Moses, the Sabbath was a sign to point to the person of Jesus, so that he would be recognized as the Messiah when he appeared. So Jesus fulfilled the Sabbath by "resting" on the seventh day in the grave after his crucifixion and before his resurrection.
Just as there was no further need for bulls and goats to be sacrificed once Jesus had done the final sacrifice of his own life, so there was no more need to keep the sabbath as Jesus had done it with his own rest.
Plus, the church would change so that the overwhelming majority of it would be Gentiles, not Jews, who never have been required to keep the Sabbath. It was a convenant that God made only with the Jews.
Read through the books of Hebrews for details on this. Paul talked about it also in Colossians 2:16,17 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a holy day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.
So Christian are have never been required to keep the Sabbath, same as the rest of the non-Jewish world.
For the majority of the Old Testament, no one kept the Sabbath. For about 1500 years, the Jews were required to keep it. Then once it was fulfilled by Jesus, it was no longer required.
2007-04-27 17:02:13
answer #3
answered by dewcoons 7
Sabbath for the Christians is Sunday. the Catholics started it by celebrating the day of the Risen Lord. and since the interpretations made by Jesus about the Sabbath day Christians went even more creative by declaring unofficially that anyone can choose their own Sabbath day. Actually they thought of this as a pure sign between the Jews and God that will really stay for generations. Christians who would not like to have anything to do with the Jews will create all that they can to stay away from Jewish traditions.
The Muslims are also observing their Sabbath Day on Fridays, a clear defiance to anything Jewish even if they claim to both have come from Abraham.
I can really imagine how angry must God be at this time. There is Christian church however that calls themselves Seventh Day Adventist and they follow the Saturday observation. the only trouble is they worship the One who obviously break the Sabbath Day observation arrogantly claiming to be the Lord of Sabbath. If he is from God who declared it, I don't think he will changed His mind just to saved his friends from being humiliated.
2007-04-27 16:51:44
answer #4
answered by Rallie Florencio C 7
The Sabbath Day is actually Saturday according to the old testament, and that is where the commandment will be found to keep the Sabbath Day. Since Jesus Christ has been born, died, and resurrected, the Old Testament has been fulfilled, and Christians do not go to church on Saturday anymore, but on Sunday (which would not be the Sabbath) in remembrance of Christ's Resurrection. I believe that people should go to Church on Sunday and not place anything else before Church and worshiping God. This society does not recognize God, and Sunday has turned into a "family" day, instead of a day to worship the Creator and Savior.
2007-04-27 16:59:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Its a hard one to deal with really. Because most of us are Gentile Christians. See Acts 15, read what the Jewish Christians said the Gentile Christians should do....and look how the rest of the New Testament does not emphasize it.....Im still debating this one and its been a long time. I know Spirit filled Christians who are going to church on Sundays, if the Spirit has not convicted them does that mean something? Whether they keep the Sabbath or not, there are Spirit filled Christians in both. The Messianic Jews are keeping the Sabbath but should the Gentile Christians? Lets pray about it and not judge anyone. (Colossians 2:16)
2007-04-27 16:42:48
answer #6
answered by Ms DeeAnn 5
First of all, it doesn't say which day is the Sabbath. I do believe the days of the week were a bit different back then. That being said, I'm pretty sure God realizes that some people have to eat. In order to eat, they must work. Some people don't have nice, clean jobs where they work Monday-Friday. Most people do have to work holidays & weekends to...yep, you guessed it, to eat! As long as a day is set aside for God, I'm pretty sure He understands the limitations of this world.
That being said, I work in a prison. Would you really want the correctional officers to take that Sabbath day off and let the inmates go? I mean, we could make them promise to come back on Monday. They're totally trustworthy and if we make them cross their heart, I'm sure they'll do something worthwhile on that Sabbath Day. Yeah, not making a whole lot of sense now, right? It's ok to apply real world logic to God. He doesn't get mad.
2007-04-27 16:38:04
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
As long as Christians think we are still under the old testament law, these questions will still come up. The reason we are not under the law is very simple and very plain. We are 'NEW CREATURES" and no longer need the law to live a holy life. Do you think Jesus needed laws to live holy? No He did not. And by the way, as others have pointed out, the sabbath is sundown Friday till sundown Saturday.. Sunday is not the Sabbath. If anyone asks a Christian why he or she is not under the law, just say, I am a NEW CREATURE and don't need law. " I live under the Spirit of the law of life in Christ Jesus" as the bible says.
2007-04-27 17:02:46
answer #8
answered by expertless 5
Perhaps you should read this:
Colossians 2:13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,
14 having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.
15 And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.
16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.
17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.
As much as I like a day off, I have to consider that I am not bound to a day. As Jesus said, Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
2007-04-27 16:52:22
answer #9
answered by Christian Sinner 7
My friend, I ask myself this all the time. While I was growing up, Sunday was chore day. We worked all day long. That's how I was brough up until I found a better way. Now we honor the Sabbath. We enjoy each other as a family, we attend our church services, we serve our neighbors and others in our church family. It is dificult at times because we have four younger children and live in a neighborhood packed with kids and we basically have to teach the whole neighborhood that on Sundays, we do not have kids over to play, it's our 'family time'. Our children though understand it because we teach them the principles of this holy day and I don't think they mind too much. If they ever give me a bad time I tell them I don't make the rules, their Heavenly Father does. What can they say to that!? It is disheartening though to see our society so obsessed with the things of the world that they don't stop to thank He who gave us all of these things we have.
2007-04-27 16:35:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
That is a really good question. Not to mention the fact that the Sabbath is actually the 7th day, Saturday.
I was told..."The sabbath was made for man not man for the sabbath." It makes sence, but I haven't backed it up in the word. I need to do that.
God Bless!
2007-04-27 16:32:46
answer #11
answered by Unconditionally Loved 2