interesting Q
before I got the internet in 1995, I had to learn about the history of religion by going to different meetings of different religions and researching all the non-theist belief systems in the NYC public library. I did that for 15 years. Now, with the internet I can find out what any belief system is about by going to their official website. It's funny that so many organizations have haters against them that create websites solely for the tearing-down of that faith, but I never give those tearing-down sites any credibility. You can always get a sense of the spirit of any organization by reading their official website.
But I did the majority of my 25 years of studying all the major belief systems of the world from atheism to existentialism in person, which is why it took so long for me to develop my opinions about different philosophies. I must admit that there were churches that creeped me out during my 'in person' searching in the 80s, so I would advise people to visit the official websites of any organization they are interested in today rather than just unwittingly walking into "a habitation of demons, and a hold of every unclean spirit" Revelation 18:2
2007-04-27 12:22:57
answer #1
answered by seeker 3
Dear daisy,
This may sound strange but the church age ended in 1988. That is God stopped using the church(es) to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are presently in the time period called the Great Tribulation which precedes the second coming of Christ. Christ came the first time as the Lamb of God. The nest time He returns as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
If you read 2 Thessalonians 2 (whole chapter), the Lord tells us there that the Holy Spirit (God) has departed from ALL the local churches because of their continual departure from the word of God. The churches are following "another gospel" which comes out of their own minds. This is idolatry! Because of this continued rebellion, the Lord has allowed satan to rule in the churches. Up until 1988, satan could not rule in the churches because of the presence of God. You may recall from Isaiah 14:9-15 that satan's desire was to be like the Most High. Satan wants to rule over the whole earth.
This Great Tribulation will last for 23 years and will conclude with the 2nd advent of Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). So people still remaining in the churches are being sent a strong delusion that they may be condemned. God has commanded His elect or the truly saved to flee the churches (Matthew 24:15, 16). There are many Scriptures to verify this but take a look at Rev 18 (whole chpater but particularly verses 4 + 23). If there is no more light from a candle in the church, it means that there is no Gospel of Christ there anymore. When the Bible says that the voice of the Bridegroom (Christ) is no longer there, it means Christ is no longer present to save anyone. When it says the there is no more voice of the Bride heard there, it means that ALL the saints or elect of of God are gone. What is left? Only those who are unsaved waiting for their judgment.
I hope this will help you.
2007-04-27 12:19:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You cannot serve two masters so if she didn't want to believe or involve herself in a lie, it's good that she stayed away. Did you know that false religion and politics are misleading the entire inhabited world?
My friend was a Catholic and yet her dad was screwing many women within the church. Everyone knew it and no one said anything and he was allowed to continue this way for many years. He was never excommunicated and wound up marrying one of the who*res that he committed adultery with. We are not friends anymore because she never learned anything from her father's mistakes, and she in fact learned to believe the lies and live by the dirty principles of her dirty father. She married an illegal alien who used her for U.S. Citizen status, and he raped little teen and pre-teen girls. Together they had 3 boys, two before marriage and one after their divorce. Now he is maybe 50, and he is currently with an 18 year old in Mexico.
She also turned out to be a marijuana addict and lost her business and also her children for a short time. She bred ill-mannered children that have been a nuisance every since their birth. Sin breeds sin unless you break the chain and get off. She never did and now she lives with different men unmarried, shacking up as it were.
We have not been friends for many years. Oh, and her first illegal alien hubby, we had about 7 friends that we all hung around with. He screwed every last one of them except for me. This could explain that even though I held my true friendship to her, her adulterous trash now-deported hubby hated me; because I never gave in. Her dad has since divorced and is on to the next wh*re, yet she still swears by Catholism.
Go figure.
1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled, bad associations spoil useful habits.
2007-04-27 13:20:47
answer #3
answered by KimIsland 3
The bible says there is only one organization on earth that has his blessing, that his people would be united in worship and would have no part of false religion.
So if there is only one true religion, that makes all other religions false. The bible talks of spiritual food, and eating at the table of God and that we do not want to eat at the table of demons. Therefore, if I know that a church is teaching something that isnt bible-based, I would never go there, nor would I encourage others of my faith to go either, in fact, I would discourage it greatly.
2007-04-27 12:03:56
answer #4
answered by Lexpressive 2
Let's put it this way. If I am a guest in the home of someone who isn't Catholic (my religion), I am able to attend their church services. It would be rude not to.
But if they have Communion (like the Church of Christ - many churches only have it once a month), I am not to participate in that because they don't view it the way we Catholics do.
Catholics feel Jesus is truly present when we celebrate the Eucharist. When we eat His Body (the wafer) and drink His Blood (the wine or grape juice), we remember Him and are transported to the Last Supper, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection at the same time.
2007-04-27 12:05:17
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
That is her choice. If you want to sit under a false teaching that is your choice. I was raised Catholic, and we were forbidden to go to a different church. I guess if UPC is a cult for thinking that way, then so is Catholic.
2007-04-27 15:02:05
answer #6
answered by Southern Apostolic 6
As a Christian I can attend real churches, like Catholic, Presbyterian, Baptist, etc. Just because I visit doesn't mean I have to agree with everything they say.
My church would not want me to attend cult churches.
Sorry I don't know what UPC is.
2007-04-27 11:54:58
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Even if it did, I'd still go. I visit other churches frequently. I've found that the best way to learn about other groups and denominations is to attend their meetings in person. Why rely on second-hand information, when you can go see something for yourself?
2007-04-27 11:57:46
answer #8
answered by solarius 7
No. I personally have been to many different churches and really enjoyed most of them. I'm a Christian, so would only feel at my real home in a Christian church.
2007-04-27 12:07:02
answer #9
answered by expertless 5
No. They encourage us to understand and respect other faiths. We learn about God at church. We don't learn about other churches (except to be loving towards other people).
I have a Christian friend whom I invited to church once... and she said "no" as her husband was very protective of her faith. It is so sad that other Christians think of us Mormons as a cult, when they have never even been to one of our churches.
Can't they tell just from knowing us that we are intelligent, loving people? How could we be a cult and produce people like that? Sigh.
2007-04-27 11:55:27
answer #10
answered by MumOf5 6