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I've been worried about one of my cats... He had lost a lot of weight and hasn't been eating like he use too.... At first we thought it was the food but he is rejecting mostly every thing even can food... PLEASE HELP I don't know if this is normal all not.... THANK YOU!

2007-04-27 11:50:57 · 7 answers · asked by *~lovely_dreamer~* 1 in Pets Cats

7 answers

If a pet stops eating, that is an indication of something wrong. The weight loss is especially a concern, as it shows he hasn't been eating for a while. If your cat is elderly, I hate to say it, but he may be nearing the end of his time. I hope that's not the case.

Time to go to the vet. Or, at least call a vet if you can't afford a trip there.

I really hope your kitty gets better!!!!

2007-04-27 12:14:51 · answer #1 · answered by jj 2 · 1 0

Cats eating habits can change for tons of reasons. Most are pretty serious.

Renal Issues, Thyroid Problems, are the biggest ones I have had experience with in my pets. There are treatments for both if you start early enough. Take him/her to the vet immediately! Renal issues or CRF have tons of information on the web, but nothing prepares you for the process. First you have to stabilize the kidneys so no further damage occurs. Then depending on how bad the kidneys were damaged determines what you do next. If it isn't too bad you can give your kitty fluids (subq) and maybe calcitrol to stabilize calcium levels in the blood. There is epogen (a human enzyme that will eventually result in antibodies and stop working, this helps with red blood cell production) which is the last resort and can help the kitty be more comfortable towards the end, but once that stops working it is a fast descent.

Now if it is a thyroid problem, you can stabilize with medicine or go for a thyroid treatment that they use radiation to reduce the thyroid and hopefully stop the over production of hormones that are basically speeding your kitty right into wearing himself out. I recommend the treatment. Over time it is less costly and more effective. Less risky too.

Another issue can be diabetes. There are also parasites, viruses, infection, autoimmunity problem, etc

2007-04-27 19:53:32 · answer #2 · answered by Sliwa 1 · 0 0

You need to take your cat to the vet IMMEDIATELY! Sorry to alarm you, but this food call recall has NOT ended! It is more food than we know. I would definately be stearing away from ANY wet can foods. You can moisten dry. & I am still not even sure of dry. You should be changing to an organi/natural food. If you dont know enough about the food recalls & the problems w/ all the foods do some research, but basically it is all over. I would take the cat & get it tested. It is a simple blood/urine test. Better safe than sorrry. not eating is a sign, also excessive thirst, excessive urination, vomiting. I hope its not too late. There are plenty of questions on yahoo addressing the pet food recalls. I have placed many, & researched tons! good luck

2007-04-27 18:58:35 · answer #3 · answered by The McK's 4 · 0 0

Is he throwing up? Is he drinking a lot of water? i would worry. You haven't stated the age of your cat, but with kidney failure being the main symptom of the recalled foods, I would worry. If a cat goes for over three days and does not eat, they may never eat without help. I had to feed my Prints for three days out of an eye dropper. It was heartbreaking and scary. Most times when a cat stops eating it is because of some kind of infection on the inside.

2007-04-27 21:56:46 · answer #4 · answered by bonnie g 5 · 0 0

it could be the food recall, or it could be something else...in any case take him to the vet IMMEDIATELY like right now!
any major loss of weight or a consistent loss of weight over a long period of time means he's probably sick and maybe even dieing...
things to talk to your vet about: have a written list of all the wet and dry food brands kitty has eaten since at least a month before this problem started, if he vomits bring a sample or if you don't have one on hand then be able to describe color and consistency;have him checked for the following: he may have developed food allergies, he may have some sort of intestinal or digestive disease, he may just have some blockage caused by something he swallowed; or it could be the food recall and in that case you're in for a rough ride
good luck--I'll think positive thoughts for you

2007-04-27 19:10:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I had two cats that did the same thing and it means that they are getting sick and If I was you go and the cat to the vet or call the vet. To me it sound like that he or she is sick and need medical attention. I hope everything goes well for you good luck

2007-05-01 16:35:45 · answer #6 · answered by marybell1962 1 · 0 0

That is not normal. Take your kitty to the vet: He's very sick.

Good luck!

2007-04-27 19:08:05 · answer #7 · answered by Tigger 7 · 0 0

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