Christians never follow the rules that they set for others. Do as we say, not as we do. They simpley can't look at anything openly because they were told not to. Independant thought is wrong in the christian community.
2007-04-27 10:51:38
answer #1
answered by bluesagedragon 4
I have.
Before I became a Christian I read the Qur'an and the Hadiths twice. I read about Buddhism and Hinduism as well. I didn't want to be a Christian as I felt that Christians were too hypocritical, however I couldn't escape the truths found in the Bible.
I personally don't tell people to read the Bible with a sincere desire to understand it, I tell them to read it in the historical, grammatical, geographical, and grammatical context in mind.
As for rejecting those other books. Well I'm sure you don't want a 50,000 word essay for an answer, so I'll give you a short little answer and if you truly want to know more then get in touch with me via my 360 page.
Heres the short answer. Islam fell way short in the sense that there were far to many descrepancies, far too many demands placed on its followers, and the only sure way a Muslim could go to heaven/paradise was to die a martyrs death. Allah was/is an impersonal god, and Islam had way too many historical errors for me to accept.
Hinduism was too far fetched, with the idea of reincarnation, and other things, besides there are literally thousands upon thousands of gods in Hinduism, so it was too much of a buffet type of religion for me. Buddhism, though quite a good life philosophy, just didn't set well with me either. No real answers could be found, just ideas, and theories, but no cure for doing things even when we don't want to do them (AKA mans sin nature).
So I turned to the Bible. I read it twice before I became a Christian. I did that so I could argue with other Christians because I found that very few Christians had actually read the Bible cover to cover, instead they look to the internet for quick answers, rather than knowing what they truly believe. I continued to read the Bible, and got turned onto several commentaries (such as Calvin's commentaries), and writings of the early church fathers (Augustine, Irenneaus, Polycarp, etc...) and I found the answers I sought.
Hope that answers your question.
2007-04-27 17:50:19
answer #2
answered by AirborneSaint 5
First there is one way to salvation, if you believe in it.
Second, when the one reach to high education for example, would that man return to be empty head. If yes, so why don't the developed countries turn back and become developing countries. or why you go back and live in an cave.
Third, THE MOST IMPORTANT thing is just the christianity doesn't consider or judge the others will go to hell if they don't believe in JESUS Or The BIBLE.
Rom 2:12 For all who have sinned apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law.
Rom 2:13 For it is not merely those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight. No, it is those who do the law, who will be justified.
Rom 2:14 For whenever gentiles, who do not possess the law, do instinctively what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law.
Rom 2:15 They show that what the law requires is written in their hearts, a fact to which their own consciences testify, and their thoughts will either accuse or excuse them
2007-04-27 17:48:16
answer #3
answered by Hammurabi 2
I've read their Bibles. I've been on projects with them. Christians live in a metaphorical tunnel with a bright light at the far end. They will even explain that there isn't enough light to read anything but the Illuminated Bible in the tunnel. The will have a cited excuse from that Bible not to break out of the tunnel and explore the world above.
Their ancestors also did a pretty good job of burning and destroying connections to the Classic religions including people. Therefore they can now say, "Where's your equivalent to our Bible?"
If you want the Truth.....Ask a Pagan
2007-04-27 17:49:39
answer #4
answered by Terry 7
I have read the Quran, the Torah, the book of Mormon, and many humanistic writings in search of what I believe. I do not consider any of the religions wrong, nor do I consider them to be right. All of them are flawed beyond reason because they tend to place the emphasis on the wrong areas. Most people now of Islam beacuse of the war against the infindels. All of the religions are misrepresented. I guess my question to you, is what about you?
2007-04-27 17:43:34
answer #5
answered by jayjesusfreak 2
Persons into Christianity never do anything with an open mind. They already know that if they open their little minds they might be convinved to deal with reality instead of walking around being ripped off daily by a church just so they can hold onto that no-alone-crutch.
If you wanta laugh, just watch them on TV shaking and crying about nothing at all that they know anything about.
Uninformed fools.
2007-04-27 17:41:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If one sincerely believes that Christianity is 100% right, then one must logically conclude that anything different must necessarily be at least a little bit wrong, even if one doesn't know the details. Not that I agree with this...
2007-04-27 17:43:18
answer #7
answered by John 5
I have extensively studied various branches of protestantism. (I'm Catholic) Also Buddhism. Witches and witchcraft. Modern paganism. Ancient Celts. Egyptology.
I have a copy of the Quran. But I haven't read it yet. I hope it's a good one.
2007-04-27 18:22:20
answer #8
answered by Max Marie, OFS 7
I personally have checked out a lot of beliefs before Jesus saved me. It is not however necessary. We like to be arrogant and think we can just pick a belief but you will find that to be impossible. We believe what we believe. We can read all the books in the world, we can go on our vision quest or run around the streets at night naked but when the smoke clears we believe what we believe.
2007-04-27 17:43:01
answer #9
answered by Bye Bye 6
The Bible says they are wrong-why read their books. Do you realize that Christianity is the most studied religion and the Bible is the most examined book ever written. Christianity is real, and so is the Bible.
Don't confuse phony thing with the real ones. You only cheat yourself when you do that.
2007-04-27 17:43:00
answer #10
answered by DATA DROID 4