To us who are redeemed, it is the Power of God.
Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins.
Jesus said at the last supper, "Drink of this cup of the fruit of the vine, this is my blood for the remission of sins for many...".
Read Isaiah 53.
In Revelation, Jesus is the Lamb of God since the foundation. This is Gods scape-goat plan.
2007-04-27 06:33:49
answer #1
answered by LottaLou 7
*** Christians argue that the only way the sins of humanity could be absolved is through the sacrifice of Jesus.? Why is this assumed to be obvious? ***
Agreed, there is no absolution from a sin
except that one repents and does good works.
The Bible 2 Chronicles 25 : 4
Yet he did not put their sons to death, but acted in accordance with what is written in the Law, in the Book of Moses, where the LORD commanded: " Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their fathers; each is to die for his own sins."
It is not so obvious, apparently.
A sacrifice that is not permanent can hardly be considered
as a real sacrifice at all. Supposedly three days later he returned from the dead. Sin is still with us. So scape goat or not The Father that kills his son ploy does not work and only leads to confusion. The Creator is not the author of confusion, man is responsible for that. No one should suffer for the sins of another. We must all carry our own burdens.
Have a pleasant day.
2007-04-27 07:25:59
answer #2
answered by zurioluchi 7
Christians are correct.
You have it wrong about sacrificing himself. Although Jesus is God, he is still Jesus who is seperate from God.
God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are seperate,
they are
It was not a symbolic act. Jesus actually became sin for us. When Jesus died on the stake, the required punishment for sin had been satisfied. Jesus died. God raised Jesus from the dead that wonderful 1st day of the week.
If we all recognise the role we play in defining life's consequences and are brave enough to take responsibility for our actions.
This has nothing to do with why because we had the sin nature passed onto mankind by the disobedience of Adam. By one man's disobedience, Adam, sin came into the world.
It is by another man's obedience, the man being Jesus Christ, that through his death and ressurection all men man be redeem and miss Hell.
Animal sacrifices could not do the trick. The apostle Paul called relying on such as a false hope. It is by the same faith that Abraham had, that we must have, in order to be saved and be called redeemed.
Redeem, redeemed, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
Redeem, redeemed, his child and forever I am.
It is a fact, that we can not serve God with the nature that we are born with. We need to have that nature radically executed and a radical infusion of God's Spirit into us.
This can only happen by the power of God. Jesus told Nichodemus, unless a person is born again from above, he can not see the Kingdom of God. Read John 3:1-21
When you are redeemed you begin to understand this thing the writers of the New Testament talked about, called salvation, as well as who this Jesus is.
2007-04-27 06:24:41
answer #3
answered by 1saintofGod 6
This is a deep question, and I must say, I do like the way you think. Your question is boiled down to this...
"If we all recognize the role we play in defining life's consequences and are brave enough to take responsibility for our actions, why must sin be transferred to another entity."
Let us look at sin in more physical terms. Consider it to be, rather, a blood disease. To take responsibility for your actions would be the same as trying to replace your blood every day so that you will not die. However, the cause of the blood contamination must be dealt with first. This will then keep the remanufactured blood from being contaminated once again.
Man is separated from God because of sin. Fellowship was broken and the wages of sin is death. Man could not buy his way to righteousness through good works, deeds or rituals--or even taking responsibility for our sin. The payment was death. But God provided a loophole, that a substitution could be made. This is where the sacrificial lamb became necessary. Your sins were passed onto the lamb, and the lamb took your payment for sin.
This was a foreshadow for He who was to come. For as Abraham said, "God will provide Himself the Lamb." This was seen when John the Baptist pointed to Jesus and proclaimed "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world."
If we ask Jesus to be Lord and Savior, we are, in essence, passing our sins onto Him as our personal lamb. Our payment was paid in full on the cross. Which is why Jesus said "Tetelestai" or "paid in full" (commonly translated as "it is finished").
As the writer of Hebrews said in 10:3-5,
"But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me:"
The scapegoat was a foreshadow of Him who was to come. Without His finished work on the cross, our works would only be repeated transfusions of an infected blood supply.
2007-04-27 06:24:32
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Sin separates us from God from the beginning take a look at Genesis 3 the story of adam and eve. Because they did not believe God sin enter in. Salvation comes by believing in God. Sacrifice for sin was payment for our sins. With the Jewish law sacrifice had to be redone every year when Christ came he paid the price once and for all.
Hebrews 9:28 KJV
(28) So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
2007-04-27 06:41:09
answer #5
answered by turtle30c 6
It in no way labored--it became a seen lesson to deliver the persons to Jesus. Heb_10:4 For it truly is not obtainable that the blood of bulls and of goats ought to get rid of sins. you would be able to desire to be a vegetarian or a vegan or something like that--because you're so adversarial to killing animals. a brilliant style of the flesh of the animals became used to feed the priesthood, the offering, and the severe Priest. I consume meat--we even butcher our very own animals. i could extremely consume my satisfied animals then the tortured ones from the food market. i don't feed my cows rooster poop, or use bleach to kill the purple slime that covers the hamburger. My chickens are not getting hormones or any of the 70% of the international locations antibiotic utilization that commercial livestock get. There are issues which we could desire to continually not talk approximately--between them are issues all of us comprehend truthfully not something approximately.
2016-10-13 22:18:02
answer #6
answered by ? 4
That is not the view of Scripture, the early Church, the Byzantine Church, the Eastern Orthodox Churches, the Maronites, Melkites, Chaldean Catholics, Coptic Orthodox, Nestorians, Malabarians, Uniates, or Old Calendarists. You are talking about a doctrine that is unique to Roman Catholics and Protestants, and that was first suggested in the 5th century.
2007-04-27 06:28:35
answer #7
answered by NONAME 7
The penalty for sin is death. If you sin, you can't go to heaven and so are separated from God forever in hell. That's what death is, separation from God. To avoid us having to go through that, God allowed us to sacrifice animals in our place, transferring our sin to the animal, making us sinless so we could get to heaven. To do this once and for all, Jesus came and lived a perfect life and died. Now He can take anyone's sin on Himself so that they become sinless. The person gets to heaven bc they have no sin, and Jesus already died once, so He uses that death to pay for all of the sins on Him.
2007-04-27 06:26:33
answer #8
answered by STEPHEN J 4
God is a God of justice. Someone had to pay the price to justify us guilty humans in God's eyes.
2007-04-27 07:44:47
answer #9
answered by Freedom 7
Really, God knows you all "Christians" needed someone to atone for your sins, that you just couldn't "not" sin, even though most of the time we can help it... So our sins, is what caused his suffering
2007-04-27 06:58:12
answer #10
answered by ? 5