2007-04-26 19:20:31
answer #1
answered by Dr. Albert, DDS, (USA) 7
I do believe the Bible, so I can't answer to the first.
I can, however, say that I've gone all over the place on the issue of evolution. Creation scientists are frauds and charlatans. They sell snake oil to people who don't know better, and they anger me very much. I can see God using evolution to a degree, but I don't know how to work it all in. First, I'm not sure how much we know that we say we do; very often, what we believe is absolute fact turns out not to be anything of the sort. It may be that all our physics are very good at predicting a good number of things, but actually miss the mark by a mile in areas we can't yet test. I can't deny it, and it's very disturbing to think that we declare something true or false by how well it predicts outcomes...but it is our only method. We know precious little with the certainty we claim.
I also see, however, that there is an overwhelming amount of evidence for the theory. This causes problems because of religious dogma and the preceding assertion.
Lastly, I can also see principles in nature that seem to contradict it, and these can be, at times, as persuasive as those that acknowledge it.
In summary, I can't say exactly where I stand. There are those complications and a good deal more. It's simply not all that easy to say "yay" or "nay," but I have few objections to the theory per se (I can count them with my fingers) and have often adopted it and often denied it.
2007-04-27 02:32:34
answer #2
answered by Innokent 4
A lot of people choose to believe in a higher power because it just makes sense that the world we live in was *created*, and if it was created, then logically there must be a Creator. There's too much beauty, diversity, complexity, order, and harmony to believe otherwise. Our world did not happen by blind, random chance.
However, if you choose to believe in a higher power that created this universe and everything in it, then you must ask yourself: Why? For what purpose were we created? What does this higher power want or expect from us? Because to put such effort, love, and artistry into creation, the Creator surely has a purpose in mind for it.
I have discovered that this Higher Power is God, and that the Bible answers these questions. God does not wish to remain distant from us or to be some unknowable being. He desires a relationship with man, to redeem him from his fallen state.
True, the Bible was not directly written down by the hand of God, but He did inspire and instruct the writers as to its contents. And, if He's powerful enough to create the heavens and the earth, then He's certainly capable of keeping His word without errors.
Although the Bible is is a collection of 66 books, written by 40 or more different men over a period of 2,000 years, it is clearly one Book, with perfect unity and consistency in theme and purpose.
The individual writers, at the time of writing, had no idea that their message was eventually to be incorporated into such a Book, but each nevertheless fits perfectly into place and serves its own unique purpose as a component of the whole. Anyone who diligently studies the Bible will continually find remarkable structural and mathematical patterns woven throughout, with an intricacy and symmetry incapable of explanation by chance or collusion.
Archealogical, historical, scientific, and textual evidence support the Bible's credibility, not to mention its hundreds of fulfilled prophecies. The Bible is God's "living word" - it has the power to change lives. What other book can you say that about? The Bible truly is a remarkable book - one I encourage you to examine for yourself. But, personally, unless you're skilled in deciphering 17th century English, I would read a modern translation that is more understandable, such as the NIV.
Don't let the fear of rules hold you back. God sets boundaries and establishes rules for our benefit and protection, much like a loving parent would for their child.
2007-04-27 02:58:31
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If you don't read the bible it's difficult to believe in the lord. The bible is Gods word. You would have no wisdom nor guidance. If you read it you would quickly run into answers without even looking for them and be surprised that you even ran into the same situations your going through in life. It's the best way to understand God. The bible tells you the commandments, but Say's you have the will to choose your own path, therefor it does not force you to do anything. If I were you I would read it all and ask God to help you understand it. Then make your decision on wither you want to believe it. Until then you can't judge it because you haven't analyzed it entirely.
2007-04-27 02:30:46
answer #4
answered by Stephanie 3
I'm with you. I believe and love God very much. But I would not call myself Christian even though I love Christ. I believe that most of the bibles teachings were lost in translation and altered by man. So I have read the bible and take what I can from it and leave the rest. For some reason its hard for people to think for themselves and believe anything other than what they were taught. I am also confused by the number of people who have no respect for others beliefs. Everyone wants respect for their beliefs but some people don't wants to give it to others.
2007-04-27 03:02:06
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I believe in God, and think that a the bible served a good pupose back in the hayday of it's writing, (most things described as sins were done so, because of good reasons, like getting sick from eating improperly cooked pork), it was a good scource for common sense logic, however a lot of the rules don't apply to todays technology.
I don't believe in evolution for one reason, it is the same reason atheists don't believe in God, There has yet to be a link unearhed between monkey and human. Without this difinite proof, I don't believe in it. It only compounds my disbelief of evoulution that archeology has been searching for that link for hundreds of years without a find anywhere.
2007-04-27 02:23:00
answer #6
answered by shivercraft 3
I believe in a higher power. I read the bible the first testament was scary. I grew up believing in reincarnation now I believe in evolution and I'm a Buddhist
2007-04-27 02:34:31
answer #7
answered by funny monkey 2
i believe that my god is very capable of creating evolution as a way to keep things in balance when he created the heavens and the earth and everything else he did not go into details on how he set things up but i believe evolution is a very good way of doing that however i do not believe that man evolved from a monkey i believe man and woman were created just my belief
2007-04-27 02:28:20
answer #8
answered by clbinmo 6
I believe in a higher power, call it what you will, and I believe in evolution as a process employed by that higher power. I also believe the Bible has some wonderful pearls of wisdom in it, but shouldn't be taken literally, just like an religious text. I reckon all the religions have truth in them somewhere, it's a matter of finding it.
2007-04-27 02:21:56
answer #9
answered by Taliesin Pen Beirdd 5
I believe in gods. I don't believe in evolution though.
2007-04-27 02:20:12
answer #10
answered by Mawyemsekhmet 5
I totally understand your frustration with the christian religion, it is like they are all lemmings,( I was one once myself) I was challenged to read the whole bible (king james version) about 10 years ago. I read the whole book I am no longer christian. The atrosities the god of the old testament created, allowed or promoted was too much for me to continue to believe that could be the same god of love the preacher professed to exist. I believe in a god of unconditional love that created our souls with free will (not humans) in his likeness. many souls could not bear to leave fathers side for the loss of love. many souls went out and returned to share their adventures. Some souls rebeled wanted to be a god themselves. This place (earth system) WAS CREATED FOR THE SOUL TO MAKE ITS FINAL CHOICE. Do they really want to be a "little God and live in dominion=lordship over others. or return to father of love/fellowship/joy/sharing/ab... bliss.
What if heaven and hell are exactly the same except for one difference? What ever you picture in your head heaven to be, imagine hell to be the same except for one difference. Everything you can do in heaven you can do in hell except for one difference. The difference is love or dominion. If you choose love you are in heaven, you are sharing love/joy/fellowship, absolute bliss in all you do.
If you choose dominion you are in hell, everyone will be dominion bent, acting without regard to anything but personal pleasure, personal gain, exercising power over others. Everyman for himself in all that is done. Everything else is the same.
Now which path do/will you choose? LOVE or DOMINION
Need more info: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jbonner/...
P.S. Doesn't hell feel a lot like earth?
P.S. S. If you choose dominion click on exit, there is nothing here for you.
2007-04-27 02:29:00
answer #11
answered by happy_kko 4