Of course it wasn't. That is one reason 87% of the half million people responding say that Bush and company should be impeached. Here is something interesting:
2007-04-26 16:38:49
answer #1
answered by Iamstitch2U 6
This is one of those what if questions. If a country install a government that is going to get along with the world, and not kill their own people, if they are going to be a productive member of society, then let them fight there own battles.
If a government doesn't do it, then what are we suppose to do? For example, North Korea has been a pain in the butt for decades. With the assistance of China, they started a war that cost millions of lives. They have harassed the US and other countries. Now they are testing nuclear missiles.
What would have happened if we had fought the Korean War to win, and won. Look at what has happened to Japan. They are very good neighbors of ours, once the corrupt government leaders were removed. Could this have happened to North Korea? And, if we want to do it now, what will it cost us. How much money could we have saved if we had completed the job in the 50's?
2007-04-27 00:27:36
answer #2
answered by jack-copeland@sbcglobal.net 4
Depends on how you look at it. Jimmy Carter didn't think Iran was important enough to fight for in 1979 and now the fanatics are in control of it.
If we don't fight for Iraq the same thing will happen. That would give the fanatics two countries in the middle east. Do you think they would stop there?
Looking at the oil issue, without oil our economy will flop and we'll risk another great depression.
Looking at the humanitarian issue the people of Iraq were raped and murdered on a regular basis by their government. They were even gassed with Mustard Gas by their government.
Looking at it from self preservation, the Iraq government refused to cooperate with the UN Weapons Inspectors for 15 years. During that time they were caught hiding jets and vehicles in the desert. Their government actively tried to get their hands on nukes and told us point blank that they would use them on us if/when they gone them.
Beyond all that, our government (including Clinton, Kerry, and Edwards) thought it was the right idea and voted to go to war with them (see below link to find out who voted what).
So, I would have to say yes, it was/is really necessary. I've been there and seen it first hand and still say yes.
2007-04-27 03:44:28
answer #3
answered by David C 3
Which war? If you mean America's War On Terrorism (in Afghanistan and Iraq), then America IS fighting its own battles. Of course I am sure that Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda would be willing to offer you terms of surrender.
When fighting terrorism, you will either have to take the war to them or wait for them to bring the war to you.
2007-04-26 23:41:37
answer #4
answered by serialcoyote 4
their own battles? are you crazy? the war has started long ago, clinton had to leave for america to respond (btw he did bomb iraq too) yes this war is necessary, europe is on the verge of a islamic take over, it is no secret that the radicals have a plan to do that, america should have been fighting osama back when he started to bomb US embassies and hit our vessels abroad. 9/11 was just the last drop. Terrorism has existed for years, it just took something like 9/11 to wake up the american people. its our battles too my friend. irans president has declared israel and america enemies. but the liberals think we should be buddies with them,,,
2007-04-26 23:40:07
answer #5
answered by J. 3
100% nececcary. Those people who say that we shouldn't be over there because its wrong, and illeagal. HELLO 9/11 anyone, and much more before that. The war didn't start with invading Iraq, it was already going for a long time before that. 9/11 just made more of the "sheeple" realize it. Before that the people were seeing the world through beer goggles, and only seeing what they wanted to see. They want to destroy our very beliefs because it differs from what they believe, and they won't stop until one side wins. Not just Iraq, until we conform to what they want, or we eliminate all that want to destroy us.
Those people saying its only because of the Oil, and money. Well maybe that was a big part, but how do you plan on driving your car, or running machinery, or generating power with out lots of Oil? If they control it they can charge us what ever they want. 100 bucks to fill your tank and you might sing a different tune. Oil is currently the life blood of our countries, and they know it. The civilized world needs oil, currently, to continue running. That is until we finnaly switch over to alternative sources of energy to power our vehicles, and run our machines, we are reliant.
To all the people who think that we should let them deal with it themselves. That be a great idea, if they were dealing with it, but they aren't so we have to. In Afghanistan for example, was ruled by the Taliban. Drug dealers. Afghanistan is the number one exporter of opium, that is their only income, they have nothing else. The Taliban miss selling their opium, and rulling the country to do the work. But what kind of leaders were they. Did they provide proper health care, education, safety, law and order, or anything really positive for their people? Nope. I'm sure kids growing up in a country run by terrorist will become humanitarians, and go out to cure diseases, and help the children. LMAO. No they won't. They have the potential to if given the right opportunites, but they aren't given those opportunities so they don't stand much of a chance. We went over there, to fight in the midle east for many reasons. Not just one.
Another reason being all the atrocities being committed by their tyrant leaders. How long do you watch people being killed, tortured, and suffering before you say, "hey, maybe I should help them, and stop their suffering." Or maybe we should just watch and say "Glad thats not me, whoa look at that guy die, glad I'm not him. Glad those civilians who are suffering and dying on CNN aren't anyone I know. Not anyone from my country so I don't give a hoot."
Thats just my 0.02
2007-04-27 00:51:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Well it all started because they terrorized us. I think it was necessary but not for it to go on this long.
We finally caught Sadam. That was one great thing. But all our soldiers are dying because those other countries don't want us over there helping them. So I think the war should have been over awhile ago.
2007-04-27 14:09:23
answer #7
answered by Jenny 4
No this war is not even worth of going to war. The Iraqis are killing each other so is a civil war and we're in the middle of their civil war. We tired to aid them by rebuilding their country but instead they bomb and destroy their own towns and we end up spending more cash. Unlike other countries that we took over like Japan and Germany after WW2 we help them to rebuilt their economy and a stable government and look what kind of economy Japan and Germany have. Iraq is hopeless right now as they keep on bombing each other and destroying our aid and US troops. This war is useless like Vietnam
2007-04-27 01:00:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It SHOULD have been the U.N.s. But what with France, Russia, and Germany, what the heck? SOMEBODY has to do the right thing. I know it's terribly complex and you absolutely must pay attention to really understand. Maybe you should wait until you're all grown up. Until then, leave the thinking, and fighting to the real men (and women) who are morally and ethically bound.
2007-04-26 23:40:52
answer #9
answered by Doc 7
If you are refering to the war in Iraq, my humble opinion is NO, it wasn't NOT necessary. Bush & Co. are only in Iraq for the oil and the $$$ which they are siphoning out of there through Halliburton. Guess who was the former CEO of Halliburton? Why, our Vice President Cheney of course! That whole we're-only-fighting-in-Iraq-to-win-the-war-against-terrorism-and-bring-peace-and-democracy is a bunch of bull$hit that Cheney (who is really running the show) lets Bush spout off in order to prevent the public from seeing what is REALLY happening there. Iraq is the SECOND largest supply of oil in the world after Arabia. And Saddam Hussein played no part in 9/11. But now we're locked in a pointless war that's costing us close to half a TRILLION dollars....which could have been used to pay off the national deficit, eradice poverty, find a cure for cancer, etc. etc...
2007-04-26 23:39:47
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Yeah who cares if we're the leading power in the world and have a social duty to fight massive genocide.
2007-04-26 23:34:27
answer #11
answered by Anonymous