the left side of his face is all messed up, it looked like he had all kinds of gunk or something in his fur, I tried to pick it off and it pulled off his fur and everything there with it, underneath it all, he has spots that look all nasty like they are infected, one is about the size of a quarter and is not bleeding, but has like a clearish white fluid oozing out of it and the other spots look like cuts or something and he is bleeding there well it's dried up some is really gross and I've never seen anything like this before. I didn't hurt him or anything, he layed there and moved his head like he wanted me to help him with it, and never cried, his fur just peeled off as it was like it was all stuck together in a big old furry lump. I treated it with alcohol and don't know what else to do, I can't afford a vet right now.anyone seen this kind of thing before and know what it could possible be..I'm stumped
15 answers
asked by
➔ Cats
oh and it might be itching him and bothering him too cause after all this it looks like he has scratched at it, cause it is now all bloody and the fluid is still coming out too
15:37:23 ·
update #1
You know I don't know whatt is wrong with some people on here, I asked for help, I have had this cat for years, he is not a baby.I have run into financial problems this year, it has been a rough year, okay, I love my cat very much, that is why I'm asking for advice. If you don't have anything nice to say, I appreciate you saying nothing at all, this is suppose to be a site to help each other not to bad mouth one another..thank you and for the rest of you I really appreciate your advice, and I will try to take him to the vet if he doesn't get better in the next few days, but I won't have money until then, I love him very much and want to help him
15:51:49 ·
update #2
when I GOT hime TWO YEARS AGO I had money, plenty of it..just this year everything has went bad, he was prefectly healthy until now, and like I said if it doesn't get better with neosporin and peroxide I will take him to the vet on Mon when I get some money, I am not giving him away, he has a home here and he has paranoia issues that most are not willing to deal with
16:02:42 ·
update #3
im so sorry this happened to your cat. I know how it feels to love a cat like a baby. Thats how i feel about mine. She older though i rasied her since she was baby. i love her very much. i would try to keep the wound clean and try to get ur baby to the vet asap. even if u have 2 brow some money from someone. Ask ur utlis if u can pay so much on ur bills n then make up the differance so u can get him 2 the vet. i have 2 do that sometimes, its not easy 2 do. but, things left un treated can kill him. if its infected it can. i'm not sure what it is but, id get him 2 a vet as soon as u can. Even talk to your vet maybe the vet can work something payment wise with you. it doesnt hurt to ask. gl n if u need 2 talk or some more advice email me
thatsspoiledangel2u at
2007-04-26 17:05:42
answer #1
answered by thatsspoiledangel2u 3
The reason people are suggesting the vet is because the cat may need antibiotics. It sounds as if he does. What you can do is call around and find a vet school. I've been where you money and vets and meds are expensive. There is also pet insurance out there for a few bucks a month, look into that. But youre doing fine with the neosporin and alcohol and watching him closely. But dear he really may need antibiotics. Topical treatments are fine for most things, but if this is a fungal infection, its going to get into his blood stream and he can die. So please just make alot of phone calls. There may be volunteers who will pay for a one time emergency treatment. Just get on the telephone and keep calling...someone you call will give you numbers and a domino effect will happen and eventually you will find help. Its alot of work but its a labor of love. Good luck. I'm sorry some people can be so cruel...their intentions usually start out right, but somewhere along the ine trying to help they forget that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" and start blaming the owner for eveything. Thats not very compassionate...
2007-04-26 16:44:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Your cat sounds like he could have cellulitis or an abscess (also called pyoderma) which are painful, hot, inflamed skin or pockets of pus beneath the skin. These abscesses can open up, get infected, and then poision the blood which will lead to toxic shock. Pretty much the only way to treat this is to take hime ot the vet and get some antibiotics. Cats are really sensitive so it is dangerous to treat the serious stuff yourself without a vet to guide you. It's best to take him sooner than later because the longer you wait the worse the situation gets, the probability he will get better goes down, and the bills go higher. The local ASPCA or a cat rescue group may be able to help you out with costs or finding a vet who will do pro bono work.
2007-04-26 16:03:31
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You have some very good answers here, like the peroxide and neosporin. Cats do get abscesses from time to time, from fighting or another injury, and they CAN be cleared up at home, by carefully draining and cleansing the wound. Unfortunately, if they do not have the antibiotics, they tend to develop more and more of the nasty things. I understand what it is like not to have enough money, so I am certainly not blaming you for not taking him to the vet immediately. I would, however, take him as soon as you are able to . I hope everything turns out well for you and kitty, and please, don't let people's negative reactions stop you from loving your kitty. Most of us have, at some stage, felt the pinch financially, so we do know what you are going through.
2007-04-26 20:31:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I am so sorry this has happened to your cat. I wish there was a sufficient answer here, but a Vet is really the only practical suggestion because of how serious his condition is. You might try calling a humane society or SPCA for referrals to a low cost clinic in your area. Alcohol could irriate whatever is going on. It could possibly be food related with whatever substance is poisoning the cat and dog food. (There have been more and more recalls, just today, including Natural Balanced- some of the canned food now, Chicken Soup, Diamond foods, Kirkland etc.
You might scroll around on that site or on this one:
to see if there are any cats that have been similarly affected by bad food.
You could also try calling different clinics and say your cat seriously needs to be seen, heck, take the cat to different Vet offices and beg to see the Vet, and tell them the cat is sick and you need help. Offer to do some cleaning at their clinic, anything just please help your cat.
They may not take the offer, but your offer may affect whether they help you with your cat or not. Try to directly contact the Vet.
I can only imagine how frightening this is for you and painful for the cat too. I hope something works out.
2007-04-26 16:10:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Okay I don't know what the cause is. I can understand you situation. For a few days I would clean it a few days with water and peroxide (I think alcohol is way to harsh), then I would use a Q-tip with neosporin.
Try to watch him as best you can, so he's not picking at it. If you absolutely have to, put a little tape on his front paws so he can't scratch himself. I think this is cruel, but I have seen it done.
If he is used to going out, you'll have to keep him in. Plenty of my friends live pay check to paycheck..that is fine. Make an appointment for that day.
While you are there ask you vet if, for the future, should an emergency arise, if he would allow you to pay him in a few days time. That way you'll know that you can bring him in and pay later...many vets allow this when they know who you are, and trust you.
Good luck, I hope your kitty is okay.
2007-04-26 17:11:02
answer #6
answered by Shelly 2
I totally agree with Jenn. (2nd or 3rd response)... you cat has a very nasty abcess or ulcerated wound and that could become life threatening if it isn't already. If the cat didn't jump when you used alcohol... well.... there's nerve damage at least..... Take kitty to the vet ASAP, this in not an option.... most vets will treat animals if you will ask them to work out payments... give whatever you can now... keep the area clean with cotton balls soaked in hydrogen peroxide as best you can before during and after the visit....
2007-04-26 17:18:21
answer #7
answered by cme4pc 1
You need to take your cat to the vet. It sounds like he got into a fight, and could possibly have an abscess. If that's the case, he needs antibiotics to clear up the infection.
I understand that we all have hard times and that money can be in short supply. However, this really sounds like an infection. Cat's can get abscesses very easily because their skin is thin and the surface of a wound will heal over quickly. That causes any infection underneath to fester and abscess because it can't drain and heal from the inside out. The only way to get rid of the infection is with antibiotics, and possibly a "drain" to keep the wound open long enough for the underlying flesh to heal. If they don't get this care, than the infection could spread to the blood and they could die.
If you really truly don't see a way to pay for vet care, please consult this page. It lists a few places were monetary assistance for vet bills can be found.
If you feel that your money issues may turn into long term, though, than you might want to consider re-homeing your cat. I know you love him, but you have to consider what is best for him. If you can't afford proper care, than you can't afford to keep him. I'm not trying to be mean, just honest.
2007-04-26 15:40:38
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If your cat goes outside, he may have gotten into a fight and got bitten. Bites can abcess (which is what it sounds like exactly) so you need to get him to a vet. Please do not pour alcohol on an open wound, use hydrogen peroxide. If you can't afford to get him to a vet, you have a problem on your hands. He needs antibiotics to clear it up. He may not seem to be in pain or uncomfortable, but if you had a hole in your face, you would be. Pets need medical care, just as humans, which can get expensive. You should have taken that into consideration before getting him. You can not let this go. He needs medical attention.
2007-04-26 15:55:58
answer #9
answered by Chrissy D 2
It sounds like either a bite wound or scratch, or it could possibly be ringworm. this cat really needs to see a vet for some antibiotics if it is a bite or scratch. In the meantime put warm soaks on it and some neosporin or other ointment. But if it is ringworm, neither will work and it is very contagious. That's why you need a professional to check him out.
2007-04-26 15:43:35
answer #10
answered by Anonymous