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Matthew 24:19 "[woe] unto them that are with child"
Luke 2:22 Mary is unclean after birth of Jesus
14:26 You cannot be Jesus's disciple unless you
hate your mother, father, and family
20:34-35 Better chance to get to heaven if you don't marry
I Corinthians
11:3-15 Man is the head of the woman; only man
is in the image and glory of God
14:24-35 Women, keep in silence; may only learn from husbands
Ephesians 5:22-3 "Wives, submit..."
Colossians 3:18 More "Wives, submit yourselves..."
I Timothy 2:9 Women adorn yourselves in shamefacedness
2:11-14 Women should learn in silence in all subjection;
Eve was sinful, Adam blameless
Ephesians 5:22 33 women will not die in childbirth if they
"continue in faith, charity and holiness"
I Peter 3:17 Women should talk to husbands in fear
Genesis 2:22 Woman created from Adam's rib
3:16 "In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children."
Leviticus 12:1-4 Women who have sons are unclean 7 days
12:4-7 Women who have daughters are unclean 14 days
15:19-23 Menstrual periods are unclean
Numbers 5:13-3 Unpassable adulteress test encourages
jealousy and cruelty
31:17-35 "Virgins" are war booty
Bride who is not virgin must be stoned to death
22:28 Unmarried rape victim must marry her rapist
24:1 Men can divorce women on the spot
28:11-12 Delicate women will be forced to eat their children
I Samuel 21:4-5 Men are holy if they stay away from women
Job 14:1-4 "Who can bring a clean thing out of
an unclean [woman]? not one"
Psalm 51:5 "In sin did my mother conceive me"
Isaiah 13:16 "their wives [shall be] ravished"
Hosea 13:16 "Their infants shall be dashed in pieces and
their women with child shall be ripped up."

2007-04-26 14:56:56 · 16 answers · asked by Shawn B 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

I try to remember to be more "spiritual" than "religious. To me being spiritual is walking in love for God and others. God is Spirit - God is Love, And summed up we are to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, with all our mind, and with all of our strength, and to love our neighbor as ourself.

Religion as in rituals, traditions, laws, etc. has valuable importance -
When Not Abused.
But like the Pharisees that Jesus dealt with and teaches us to be aware -
That a spiritual life of love for God and love for people -
If we are not careful - Can and Will turn any one of us into a Pharisee -Dealing in and living our lives in legalism which puts one in bondage -
which is the opposite of liberty and being set free to love God and people..

Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.

To love the Lord with all of your heart, mind and strength is like wise -

"Then the righteous will answer Him, "Lord, when did we
see You a stranger and invite You in, or needing clothes and clothe You?
When did we see You sick or in prison and go to visit You?" The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these , you did for Me."

(read all of Matthew chapter 25)

And That My Friends Is As Mystical And Spiritual As It Gets!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-26 14:59:37 · answer #1 · answered by gigiemilu 4 · 3 1

You are deliberately misquoting a LOT of verses here, in order to give a false impression of an anti-women view in Scripture.

Someone who asks a lying question (which you are doing here) does not deserve an answer.

Some of your falshoods are as follows:


Matthew 24:19 is not an "anti-woman" verse. This is part of a prophecy spoken against Judah. Jesus said the nation will be beseiged and destroyed. The events of that time will be hardest on pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Luke 2:22 Mary's "uncleanness" after childbirth refers to her post-gestational menstruation. This is still considered a delicate time today (medically): sexual activity is prohibited for at least 6 weeks, etc. How strange is it that the God of the universe knew so much about the fragility of the human body, before there was an OB/GYN to teach Him all about it? hmmmmmm.. Also, the sacrifices proscribed in Scripture for this time brought Mary, Joseph, and Jesus to the Temple in order to meet Simon and Anna, both Prophets in their own right.

Luke 14:26 "hating" one's family is only in comparison with the love we are to have for God. God must come first in our lives; he is not actually commanding a 'killing hatred' here.

Luke 20:34-35 Jesus corrects the Sadducees' false impression of life after death. He (Jesus) states that the afterlife is NOT merely an extension of this life, with spouses, in-laws, and other such complications, as the Sadducees mistakenly thought. Jesus is not saying one must be unmarried to attain heaven.


Deuteronomy 22:13-21 Guess what: Prostitution was ILLEGAL in ancient Isreal. It was punishable by death, whether the prostitute was a man or a woman! Prostitution was part of the pagan religious culture; people committed anonymous sex acts in worship to demons. Adultery and infidelity were also punishable by death, and the punishment was supposed to be the same for men as well as women. This law is not anti-woman, it is anti-prostitution and anti-ho-dog.

Deut. 22:28 There are many types of "rape". We recognize statutory rape now (seduction of a minor is criminal, even with consent); Bronze Agers were also this intelligent. If a guy managed to seduce his girlfriend, it was still considered rape, for the man had taken advantage of the young woman. He could be forced to marry the girl if her father decided to lay down the law. If her dad absolutely decided THIS GUY IS BAD NEWS, he could still have the rapist beaten and fined, but the girl would NOT have to marry the bum.

Deut. 28:11-12 This is a prophecy of a city's future conditions under a seige. The famine would become so severe that some of the inhabitants would stoop to cannibalism. This is NOT a command.

Isaiah and Hosea verses are both PROPHECIES, not commands. Both sad situations were fulfilled during two different wars.

If you cannot mention these few verses without deliberately taking them out of context, why should anybody listen to your views of scripture? You are not trustworthy.

2007-04-26 22:26:20 · answer #2 · answered by MamaBear 6 · 1 0

Some are poor translations. Some taken too far out of context. Some reflect the times.

Jewish laws on diet reflected no refrigertion, lack of pharmausticals and venternary medicine.

The laws on shell fish and pork were very sound back then and saved lives.

Today that are not as relevent.

We need to also examine the United States consitution in which "women" were bulked together as "other persons" for the computation of representatives.

Seeing as how ALL the atheists agree that the US was NOT set up as a religious nation, we must assume these views don't reflect religion, just male thinking.

It's very odd it took a court decision in the 1980s to establish the fact a husband does NOT have a RIGHT to sex inside of marraige.

Sex is a privillage, not a right.

And finally we must also look a the current Muslim views that Australian women are PIECES OF MEAT

That view was only LAST YEAR.

2007-04-26 22:21:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'm not going to take the time to go through that whole laudry list of verses but I'll take the first 3 to give you an idea.

Matthew 24:19 "[woe] unto them that are with child"

Jesus is talking about how terrible persecution is going to come on Jerusalem when the Romans destroy it in 70AD and how women who are pregnant will have it worse than a woman who isn't pregnant.

Luke 2:22 Mary is unclean after birth of Jesus

The "uncleaness" is a ceremonial state because of the shedding of blood while giving birth. God placed a great emphasis on the life blood because He was pointing to the sacrifice that Jesus would make by shedding his blood as payment for our sins.

14:26 You cannot be Jesus's disciple unless you
hate your mother, father, and family

The context of that passage means that in comparison to your devotion to Jesus all other people in your life should have as much importance to you as if you hated them, even your close relatives. Obviously Jesus who told us to love our enemies and our neighbors and who quoted the commandment about honoring your mother and father wasn't telling people that they should actually hate people.

2007-04-26 22:07:59 · answer #4 · answered by Martin S 7 · 1 0

Some of these are taken completely out of context. Read a concordance and understand what Paul and some of the other authors meant when they wrote this. There are too many here to explain them all to you. Peace

2007-04-26 22:02:53 · answer #5 · answered by lynjen31 3 · 1 0

Dude too many scriptures which mean too many things for too many differnat situations and meanings that I don't have time to translate it all. Sometimes it depends on the time period to explain the scripture. Read "Women, God's secret weapon" by Ed Silvoso (written by a man) and see if that helps you get thru all this mess.

2007-04-26 22:02:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I simply remember that the bible was written by MEN, not WOMEN!
Seriously, when the bible was written, relationships between men and women were quite different. The woman basically had a subservient role to men. Rules and customs were quite different than they are today.

2007-04-26 22:06:27 · answer #7 · answered by Katykins 5 · 0 1

The bible is a book of a whole you cannot take selected scriptures without taking out the rest o f back ground intornation like "Saying I feel that democracy is stupid without freedom of speech and thoughts etc." to take out the scriptutre it would be like *Sher* said that "Democracy is stupid..." You can't forget the '...'

2007-04-26 22:04:48 · answer #8 · answered by **** 5 · 1 0

no one can claim he is taking it out of context, the zealots do the exact same thing to support their arguments. most of the lines don't have context anyway, its just a string of random, ridiculous, hateful, sexist, immoral, etc... writing that are supposed to tell some kind of religious story. mostly garbage.

his point is valid because you cant claim these are out of context while the ones you use are OK.

2007-04-26 22:10:44 · answer #9 · answered by ambientdiscord 5 · 1 1

Wow that's a big compilation!

The only thing I submit to my hubby is a nagging list of stuff to do.

That war booty line is cracking me up! *ROTFLMAO*

2007-04-26 22:06:12 · answer #10 · answered by Rapunzel XVIII 5 · 0 1

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