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Asimismo, un estudio de la Universidad Esatal de Michigan asegura que la mujer que trabaja fuera del hogar duerme un promedio diario de 30 minutos menos que el hombre, y si tiene hijos pequeños, por día descansa alredador de 45 minutos menos que su compañero. Por lo tanto, el exceso de trabajo y responsabilidades familliares, coloca a la mujer en mayor riesgo de padecer un estado de tensión nerviosa que la conduce a un agotamiento físico y/o mental.

¿Por qué la mujer se sobrecarga de tantas responsabilidades ignorando a menudo las señales de su propio cuerpo que le indican que ya es hora de descansar? Para hallar la repuesta es conveniente revisar cuál es su situación en el ambiente familiar y en el lugar empleo.

2007-04-26 14:41:57 · 3 answers · asked by Jamie 2 in Society & Culture Languages

3 answers

Likewise, a study at Michigan State University finds that a woman who works outside the home, sleeps a daily average of 30 minutes less than a man, and, if she has small children, she rests around 45 minutes less [per day] than her partner. For this reason, excessive work and family responsibilities place the woman at a higher risk of suffering nervous tension that can lead to a physical/mental breakdown.

Why do women take on so many responsibilities, frequently ignoring the signs from their bodies that indicate it's time to rest? To find the answer, it's convenient to look at her situation, both at home and at her place of employment.

2007-04-26 18:57:18 · answer #1 · answered by StormyWeather 7 · 1 0

Likewise, a study at the State University of Michigan asserts that a woman working outside the house sleeps a daily average of 30 minutes less than the man, and if she has little children, rests around 45 minutes less per day than her partner. Therefore, the excess of work and the family responsibilities places a woman in a greater risk of suffering a state of nervous tension which leads to a physical and/or mental fatigue.

Why does a woman assumes so many responsibilities ignoring many times, the signs of her own body indicating that it is time for a rest? To find the answer it is convenient to review which is her situation both in the family and in the working place environments.

2007-04-27 05:32:39 · answer #2 · answered by Martha P 7 · 0 0

A study of the Statal University of Michigan ensures that the woman who work out of home can sleep 30 minutes less than the man, and If she has little sons, she can rest 45 minutes less than the man. Therefore, the excess of work and familiar responsabilities, put her on high risk to became a pressure stage on nervs that can produce a physical and mental exhaustion.

Why the woman overexpose herself a lot of responsabilities often ignoring the signs of her body that says, is time to rest? To find the answer is convenient to review which is her situation on the family environment and the job place.

2007-04-26 18:56:22 · answer #3 · answered by Tony 3 · 0 1

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