Post 9/11 we no longer wait for threats to materialize and then respond. Rather, we act on intelligence and take out threats before they attack us. Iraq was perceived to be a threat to the US throughout the 1990s. That is why we bombed them multiple times during the 1990s. That is why Clinton signed the regime change policy into law during the 1990s. That is why democrats called Iraq a threat, claimed they had WMDs, and, in the words of John Kerry to Howard Dean, said "any one who does not believe Iraq is a part of the war on terror is not fit to be president." In sum, Iraq was deemed a threat and state sponsor of terrorism (i.e. they were at least indirectly involved in 2/26/93 and listed on the state dept. list for decades).
Iraq had over a decade to prove they did not have WMDs. The burden of proof was always on them to prove they didn't, not on the US/UN to prove they did. They failed to satisfy that burden time and time again. In the past we bombed them for that failure. As per their breach of UN resolution 1441, they faced "serious consequences" and were invaded, for better or worse. Post 9/11 the US felt it made no sense to sit on intell showing a potential threat and not respond until after the threat matierlized. With WMDs being in play, the risks were deemed too high.
Therefore, Iraq and 9/11 are related in that 9/11 caused the US to change its policy to one of pre-emption - we take out threats before they materialize. This is controversial, as the was has shown, because you're not always certain about the threats and the intell can be wrong. Nonetheless, contrary to what dems say, as shown in the link below, dems and others alike deems Iraq a threat, before Bush was president, and before and during the iraq war, until the opinion polls changed.
Iran and North Korea were deemed threats as well; however, our history with them was different. For example, they did not have 17 UN resolutions and a cease fire agreement hanging over their head which could be used to justify taking military action against them. Now our military options against them are limited thanks to the politicalization of the Iraq war.
Still, the policy worked in that Libya finally turned over their WMDs, the AQ Khan network was dismantled, and NK came clean about their program after lying for years. Addditionally, people realize the US has a shaky trigger finger and are more aggressive in diplomatic solutions. But for Iraq, I doubt Europe would be pressing Iran so much. They are doing so in part b/c they don't want another destablizing war.
2007-04-26 06:54:19
answer #1
answered by Tired o 3
The moment America pulls out of Iraq, they'll hit our homeland again. You think our government went after the wrong country but the truth is Iraq and Afghanistan are just starting points. Shortly Israel will be hit again and at least Israel is smart enough to know it. The terrorists are in a building confidence mode and a pull out from Iraq is the same as saying the "terrorists won."
When Israel pulled out from Lebanon, Hezbollah said they won. What a joke! Doesn't anybody remember The Six Day War? A miraculous victory by Israel against Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Algeria. These Arab forces came against one nation. And that small nation of Israel withstood them. Our President just picked out the one with the biggest mouth and the most unlikeable and the one that tried to kill his dad. Sounded like the best one to bomb to me.
Israel has a MIGHTY GOD. Hezbollah, Hamas and Al Qaida
will meet Him shortly.
2007-04-26 08:09:08
answer #2
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
Its a simple matter of how this president has yet again got everything azz backwards and is out to promote his own benefit than that of the american people.
Why we didnt go straight into Afganistan like we did in Iraq should tip you off.
We took a right turn into obsurdity, and ended up eliminating Saddam, who everyone told the president we shoudlnt do -- because of the post war ramifications -- all the instability thats going on right now...but bushy had to be anindividual and went after the guy who tried to kill his father.
Somewhere along that he tied it into protecting israel, and wants to attack Iran, and wouldnt be surprised if he went after Syria.
But its Pakistan who allows anyone to hop a bus unchecked back and forth allowing a safe haven for terrorists.
Yet we give them money in the millions.
One mans greed and idiocy led us into IRAQ....
9/11 had 3 buildings fall...when only 2 were directlyattacked.
And Norad who could have -- would have shot down any planes that would impose a threat was non that too convenient.
9/11 was the prelude that had to be manipulated by someone to lead us into Iraq -- when all this time being In Afganistan would have completely neutralized Bin Laden and the taliban -- and greatly devastated Al Queda.
But everything has been rolling according to plan!
2007-04-26 07:23:00
answer #3
answered by writersbIock2006 5
According to the 9/11 commision report Al Qaeda did have training camps in Iraq. Also Iraq had sent military trainers to Afganistan to help train Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda actually turned down more help from Iraq. As far as a dircet link to the actual 9/11 attacks the was no link. However if you think Iraq did not support terrorism and Al Qaeda you are incorrect. Iraq also supported suicied bomber and terrorist groups in Palestine and Lebanon. Read the 9/11 commision reprt and it will open your eyes. This all said we are not fighting the war correctly. We need to be much more aggressive and destroy them where ever they hide.
2007-04-26 06:36:40
answer #4
answered by dglaze11 2
Same old thing... Guess what, we are already in Iraq, so what is the point of continually arguing whether or not we should go to Iraq when we are already there... stop rehashing the same tired old arguments and figure out a solution to the problem at hand.
Was it wrong to go to Iraq because of what happened on 9/11? Yes. Truth is there was no connection. but that was 4 years ago, now we are in Iraq and leaving Iraq will make it worse off then when we started.
2007-04-26 06:32:21
answer #5
answered by Ryan F 5
1st - Saddam paid $50,000 to the family of suicide bombers from Hezbollah, Hamas etc.
2nd - He harbored known terrorists. My unit actually apprehended several, when I was in Iraq, and several cells of Al Qadea that were already operating in Iraq (not that we don't have our fair share in the USA)
3rd - Saddam did have "WMD's" just not the ones hyped by the administration to scare the sh*t out of us. but he did have several weapons that were banned by the UN Resolutions.
4th - Yes plenty of US Soldiers have been killed in Iraq (some of which are or were personal friends of mine) but as for Iraqi citizens the number still has not scratched the surface of the mass murder committed by Saddam's Regime.
So I don't think you're ignorant and I guess time will tell how bad or good of a move the invasion was. Right now it seems to have been a huge mistake second only to the Vietnam War. I truely hope that it turns out good in the end.
2007-04-26 06:47:14
answer #6
answered by Andy 3
It isn't, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, they had no weapons of mass destruction, they posed no clear or present threat to the United States, and we knew that at the time. Further, the supposed "War on Terror" is a logical absurdity, terrorism is an act, you can't make war on an act. How are you going to make it physically impossible for one human to commit an act of violence against another other than the total genocide of all humanity? Bush has gotten us into a new Viet Nam, there is no achievable goal, no way to win, and no face-saving way out. When the people of the U.S. get tired enough of the un-ending body count they will vote out of office everyone who supports the war and bring our troops home with nothing to show for the loss of lives, just as we did in Nam, and people who sacrificed nothing over there will scream insults about "bleeding heart liberal traitors" ending the war, just as they did in Nam, and when we get into the next such quagmire, they will scream that we need to "Stay the distance like we should have done in Nam and Iraq!", just as they are doing now. I spent 20 years in the U.S. military, my family has a tradition of service going back to the Revolutionary War, and I was active duty for both Nam and Desert Storm. This is what happens when people with no military background are in control of our military.
2007-04-26 06:48:18
answer #7
answered by rich k 6
There is no connection between 9/11 and Iraq. Bush even admitted to that.
The American people were initially duped into the belief that there was a connection. Because in Bush's state of the union address before the war took place, he emphasized 9/11 and Iraq and that's what people thought it to be. Meanwhile we still don't hear about Osama bin laden, Bush even stated he doesn't spend much time thinking about him. Why people still support Bush and the war is beyond me.
2007-04-26 06:48:19
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
There is no relation. Bush said there was a connection to gain public approval to invade Iraq......that and WMD's, both turning out to be untrue. Bush wouldn't have gained the public support if these facts were known. I'm sure he knew that and that's why they lied. Don't you remember the news prior to the war, it was "Saddam - Al Queda - 9/11 - WMDs" non stop. They took advantage of the American people who were still shaken up over 9/11. He made people feel unpatriotic to question the motives or evidence. They gained public approval by flat out lying to the public. I'm sure if we could put them on trial and have a full investigation it would all come out as lies, not "poor intelligence".
Just another reason to impeach Bush.
2007-04-26 06:57:41
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The same idealogy of Muslims who want to destory the West is alive and well in Iraq.
911 was suppose to be our wake up call to start fighting those people who want us dead.
You should go back and listen to what Bush had to say we need to take on this threat face to face.
2007-04-26 06:41:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous