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Please no Bozo Answers..

Thought Provoking Answers would be appreciated.

2007-04-26 05:47:02 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

Dear sister in the Lord

A reprobate mind and hardened heart wont ever believe. They have choosen the lie and rejected the Holy Spirit.

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 (King James Version)
10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Romans 1:28
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

2 Timothy 3:8
Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.

2007-04-26 06:05:54 · answer #1 · answered by alphaomegadisciple 3 · 0 1

I don't need proof - just a little evidence would be a vast improvement over what we have currently, which seems to be nothing more than the say-so of people who generally seem to know essentially nothing about the topic.

A thoughtful, well-informed argument from a believer would help, but what would really make a difference would be an actual appearance by God himself. Why don't believers wonder why that doesn't happen?

The "hole in the hand" argument (below) isn't bad either. There's another Bible-sanctioned test involving fire from heaven consuming an altar soaked in water. On its own that wouldn't convince me that there's a god, but it'd be a nice start in that direction. Surely the believer who believes that the Bible is true should be willing to set up that test, fully expecting that fire from heaven to appear. Yet they never even try it, do they? As a nonbeliever, I think it's pretty obvious why they don't - the believer knows as well as I do that it's a work of fiction.

2007-04-26 12:49:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

So far just about everything people have attributed to god is occurring at the rate that raw probability would tell us to expect it. It's practically impossible to look at an infant and not be amazed and want to protect it from danger. Sunsets are the same color to believers and nonbelievers alike. People are spontaneously cured of cancer...rarely. Pray for something (heads in a coin flip maybe) then come show me that your prayer makes any difference whatsoever in a large number of coin flips. The experiments are easy to define, finding Theists to participate in that "mumbo jumbo science BS" is not so easy. And by quoting that I'm not trying to imply that you call it that but simply that Theists in general don't *do* science - they think it's political and slanted against them (which it *is* but only because they refuse to bring facts or repeatable processes to the table).

2007-04-26 12:56:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I can't define the acceptable evidence, because that would make me closed-minded to other possibilities.

Objective, verifiable evidence is all, but I can't dictate what that means for something like a deity. I can say what I might expect to be the evidence of a deity's existence (actual "miracles" or even just personal revelation, barring the possibility that I was hallucinating, the stars aligning to spell out a name, all wars suddenly and inexplicably ceasing, etc.) but who knows?

2007-04-26 12:57:58 · answer #4 · answered by N 6 · 1 0

As a believer that has done "some" research on this type of question, I would say that it is not about "proof".
Nor is it about scientific evidence, it is more about philosophy more than anything else, Mankind does not want to believe in any kind of "absolutes" or does He want any kind of rules telling him what he can and cannot do, so you get people who will goe so far as to fabricate their own rules that make him " feel better" even scientist will fabricate evidences concerning evolution and pass them off as fact brainwashing the secular world in believing that it is fact and has been tested and proven, when in essence it hasn't, but people believe it has, there are a large and growing number of former evolutionary scientist that have recognized this and left that orginazation to tell the truth, as soon as they did, their names and any evidence that they were part of that group was destroyed and denied to exist.
people will refuse to believe in God even with empirical evidence, even so far as to the point that when God does show Himself, these people because of thier hatred towards God , will curse and spit and shake thier fist at God saying " How dare you proove you exist!!!!, how dare you!!!
Joseph Stalin was one such individule, he studied for a time theology and rejected it, when he was on his death bed, just before he died he looked up , shook his fist at God and died.
This is the type of attitude I have found very common with hate filled atheist, that come in this R & S section for no other reason but to poke fun at Christians, others will lie and say that they are just trying to "enlighten us" both are foolish and rejected.
But you get my meaning.

2007-04-26 13:15:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I think it takes God himself or a serious life changing situation. Like a bad car accident and coming out untouched, etc. to make non believers and even some believers wake up to the real truth.

I walked as a agnostic/atheist man for 30 yrs even though both sides of family were strong Baptist. I laughed at it all and stood on the Shroud of Turin as my podium to laugh at the followers.

Well it took God Himself to wake me up and see what the truth was. He shook my world with sight, touch, feel, healing and just blew my agnostic/atheist/scientific mind away, even baffeled doctors. I then asked Him for His name, didn't believe in this God, Lord title. I was shown YHWH. Then from research realized this was the very name on the Torah, the very personal name of God.

I now stand as a child and soldier for Him.

I was preached to, made to sit in church, sunday school, etc. None of it works and the more you preach at someone, the farther you actually drive them away from it all and wanting to find the truth in it. And that is the other problem, many that go out preaching, are preaching lies, myths and wrong tales.

Many agnostics are closer to the real truth of God, YHWH than many in religion are. For those in relgion are doing nothing more than blindly following tradition. An item God clearly tells us not to do and tells us to question everything, to seek the truth. For only He will stand at the end of the path of truth.

The only problem is when someone stops seeking the truth, then they have gone over to Lucifer and his team.

2007-04-26 12:59:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The merest, teeniest hint of solid evidence would do.

How about healing an amputee, publicly, at Lourdes? Or his name, in ASCII, at some significant point in Pi. Or some writing on the wall of the UN Security Council in mid-session.

Any one of these, if publicly and irrefutably witnessed, would unify a grateful, joyful world overnight, probably end war and get everyone into line.

Strangely, He chooses to leave us in our present bloody stew. Why would that be, I wonder...


2007-04-26 12:50:29 · answer #7 · answered by Super Atheist 7 · 4 0

If there was proof, I wouldn't need to believe - I'd know.

I don't have a need to believe in God. I've never felt the need. I suppose if I ever do, I might find myself believing.

If believing does you good, then I'm happy for you. Just don't muck up my world because of your beliefs, thank-you.

2007-04-26 14:13:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Marie, I don't think that the non-believers realize this issue.

But the analogy I have to make is this. Would we expect Bill Gates, or any CEO or any President to come to us and do our bidding? But somehow they feel that God should have to do that???? From my perspective, this is pretty arrogant to demand that God perform for us.

He is God and doesn't have to do anything. He did not even have to do anything for us 2000 years ago either.

God demands that we take the first step. That step is faith. Once we believe (not just say that we do to prove a point), then God makes himself real to us.

2007-04-26 12:59:26 · answer #9 · answered by Searcher 7 · 0 1

There's no reason, in theory, why god's presence couldn't be measured or detected in some way. The only reason that believers claim that god "can't" be detected in this way is because god *isn't* detected, and so a vast and intricate rationale has to be devised to explain this vast, loving, eternal, all-powerful "something" which is, in every external, objective respect, indistinguishable from nothing

2007-04-26 12:50:31 · answer #10 · answered by KryptonOne 5 · 4 0

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