Just the other day,I answered a trinity Q. it took me almost an hour to get it all in there right. If u want, go see my profile, Q's answered for a more through reading. k?
Other then that...here u go...
The trinity took hold in the 4th century.--
The New Encyc., Brittania
'1 God in 3 persons', there had been nothing remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective among the Apostolic fathers.--The New Catholic Encyc.
The Bible does not teach the trinity.
Acts 7:55,56----Jesus @ God's right hand,no mention of the holy spirit.
Matt. 26:39----If the Father & Son were not distinct individuals, such a prayer would have been meaningless. Jesus would have been praying 2 himself, and his will would 'of necessity' have been the Father's will.
John 8:17,18 RS---(Jesus answered the Jewish Pharisees);
So, Jesus definately spoke of himself as being an individual seperate and distinct from the Father.
John 14:28----"..........The Father is greater than I."
1 Cor. 11:3----God is head of Christ,Christ is head of Man,
Man is head of Woman. Who is over whom? Not Equal...Not the Same.
John 17:3 "........The only true God......."
Jesus said this.
2007-05-04 04:05:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Good question, this is a topic that has made me shy away from organized religion.
In the 10 commandments it states "have no other gods but me" (rough paraphrase). Yet most modern Christan religions, especially here in the US go on and on about Jesus, the holy spirit and then all the saints. Is that even the same god at that point or has the spirit of faith within god and the old testament been corrupted by disciples and others claiming to speak on gods behalf?
I bet you get a lot of answers about the holy mysteries or duality the many facets of god. It all starts to sound like bad logic used to defend something that contradicts itself.
2007-04-26 12:05:28
answer #2
answered by silligrl357 4
According to the Catholics, there are three persons in One God. They must have copied that from the Hindu deities of Brahma, Visnu and Shiva representing the Creator, the Preserver and the Destroyer. By functions they have the similarity.The Creator as God the Father, The Preserver as the Redeemer or Saver of Life and The Destroyer as the Conqueror of Evil. I am not just very sure if Hindu claims Oneness of the three deities or three separate entities. The Oneness of the three persons in One god must have been taken from both Roman and Greek Mythologies with the desire of the Catholic to be different from the Jewish Monotheistic belief. Since they took Jesus from Jewish teachings and at the same time hated the Jews as people, they must have decided to make few changes so they can claim Christianity away from Judaism.
The trinity is a deception if you will take into heart all what is said in the Old Testament about the singularity of God and no added flavor to his sides. It is not true that the Old Testament is obsolete because God Himself said that the New Testament will not be anymore written in tablets or parchments but in the heart and mind of everyone when teachings about Him will no longer be needed. Therefore this New Testament we are reading is nothing but a biography of a Jewish hero taken away by the Romans to be their hero in their own deceiptful way. Imagine someone they crucified while crucifixion is their way of humiliating a criminal, now, they kneel before that symbol. Imagine a movement of Christians growing rapidly with converts among their citizens and occupied territories, imagine the threats of toppling down their empire, What would you think is the wisest decision when after all those atrocites you did to them they still keep on growing? would you not consider deciding therefore to declare peaceful co-existence by making Christianity as the official religion of the Empire? And so, the persecuted becomes the persecutioner. Rome has done a much greater crime than Hitler...they ran after the first Christian-Jews and kill them and then when they became Roman Christians, they ran after the Jews they call Pagan and kill them. Bothways they really couldn't exist peacefully with Israel.
The Trinity was created by Romans to make them different from Rome and little by little they are making the undying Book of God obsolete.
2007-04-26 12:24:20
answer #3
answered by Rallie Florencio C 7
Study the Egg of a chicken:
While there is one egg, there are three parts to it, the shell, the egg white and the yolk.
When we look at the egg, we know that it has an egg white and a yolk but we cannot see them. Comparing this to God, the egg represents God.
The visible shell represents God incarnated through Jesus.
The egg white represents the Holy Spirit and the yolk represents God the Father.
Both, God the Father and the Holy Spirit are hidden from our sight just like the egg white and the yolk... unless of course, if we crack the egg. Then all are revealed.
2007-05-03 20:27:34
answer #4
answered by heeboy3 4
They were always taught as the holy trinity, and not very well I might add. I think it has more to do with the way they had shown themselves. It is easier to understand how god and Jesus are the same, but then you throw in the holy spirit and it gets a little grey.
2007-04-26 11:54:17
answer #5
answered by luv2fish2extremes 2
They are not the same! Jesus is Gods son, The holy spirit is the power of God. Can God make a mountain so big that he cannot move it? Yes...but he can move it if he wants to...and that is the power of faith!
2007-05-04 10:32:14
answer #6
answered by John 5
I think it's a bit like this:
You're you, right? And your thoughts and feelings are you, even if they are not physically identifiable as you. and they come from your brain, which is also you, but wouldn't be too useful without the rest of you. There's your boidy, your brain, and the throughts you generate, but without any one of the three, the rest would be pretty useless.
That's the way I figure it, as a non-Christian. *shrug*
And CaTcHmE, yeah... mny finite mind's got that one pretty much sussed. A change in temperature has a measureable affect on the molecules that make up ice, water and steam. Cold temperatures force the molecules to slow down, contracting, whereas warm temperatures force them to speed up, expanding (ala the 2nd law of thermodynamics that so many people around here understand with such mind boggling "clarity."
2007-04-26 11:51:29
answer #7
answered by ZombieTrix 2012 6
all three, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are one and the same God. Each has a different role.. they all had a role to play in the redemption of mankind, The Father sent His Son because as a propitiation for our sin, so that we may be Justified when we believe on Him and He is the one and only way to the father, whereas the Holy Spirit is our advocate, appropriating the blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of our sin and clothing us with Christ's righteousness. The Father saw what we see as redemptive history from the beginning He gave the power of choice to Adam, and similarly to Jesus, the second Adam. the former caused the fall of mankind, the latter took the fall of sin for mankind.
2007-04-26 12:22:27
answer #8
answered by schwarzeneggerchia 2
God is revealed in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. go to www.equip.org and ask Hank.
2007-05-03 15:24:54
answer #9
answered by Indy 5
Just like water. It exists in 3 states. Vapour, liquid and solid. Actually these are all water. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are something like that.
God who is sitting at the mercy seat, looking at Jesus, who is our redeemer, high priest, lamb sacrifice, mediator, representative of us. Jesus who was also a prefect sinless man who can totally relates to our struggles and problems. Jesus was sent to us not only for our redemption but also that we human will not have the excuse that God being god will not understand our problems. For Jesus was born as a man and thus experienced all of our problems.
The holy spirit, who is also the spirit of God, dwell within us, in our heart. Providing guidance to our daily life and our walk with God by influencing our mind and in turn influencing our behaviour.
Like one of the answerers had mentioned. All have different duties to perform. But in fact, they are one. God as the centre person, Jesus, his son and a man who knows his father's heart, and the God's holy spirit who is everywhere.
Hope this helps.
2007-04-26 12:41:41
answer #10
answered by Beloved 2