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I'm a person that has problems...But my question is why does God allow the evil demons to take control of me and cause me to do awful things..like attempt suicide, pyshically abuse my family members and have thoughts of hurting others at times? I pray that I can get better but it seems like the more I pray the more screwed up I get..why is God allowing these things to happen to me and why can't he stop it if people say God is more stronger than Satan?

2007-04-25 16:59:42 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

God is more powerful than Satan. Do not give control to Satan. Put the full armor of God around you and no evil can penetrate. : )

2007-04-25 17:03:40 · answer #1 · answered by SeeTheLight 7 · 4 1

If god was all seeing and all knowing then why the hell did he make us in the first place. No demons take over your mind. It's all a hoax like the Easter bunny and Santa Claus. Why our parents and other people still fall for it I have no idea. Now a religious person would say your letting them in not god but then again I bet that person sins just as much. Don't ya think if god was real he'd have to be one cruel man to say don't you dare gamble but me and Lucifer here are gonna make a little bet. Oh yeah and I am all seeing and all knowing but in the end I couldn't tell that you were all gonna screw me over. After all the story of Noah and so many other tails were told in different religions long before the bible. People just wanna feel safe and think that they are gonna get to see dead aunt sue again that is the only purpose of religion is to make the weak feel safe. Sorry I got carried away but for goodness sake no demons are taking over your mind you do bad sh!t either because you do bad sh!t or because you might need to get some issues straightened out in therapy. The fact that someone told you demons are getting into your mind is making you even more sick and I hope you pull through and stay safe.

2007-04-25 17:11:38 · answer #2 · answered by SassyFras85 2 · 0 0

God is stronger than Satan, especially in the fact that he lets you make your own choices. It makes him sad when you follow Satan, but they are your choices to make just the same.
They are tests, and you cannot pray for God to do something for you, what you have to do is pray for the strength to say no to the situation... not to mention get some worldly help... like support groups and such. Maybe anger management? if anger is whats causing you to do all the things

2007-04-25 17:10:44 · answer #3 · answered by singingkkatt 1 · 0 0

just keep doing what your doing! calling on God! God allows you to fall under satan's hands and to go through lifes hardships to build your strength!keep your head up and trust in the Lord worrying about Gods power is making you vulnerable to satan! i 've been right where you are now when i first started to go to church and change my life satan constantly tried to pull me back in everything in my life went wrong in a matter of days but i prayed everytime i worried about where my life was going and of course my life didn't change instantly with those first couple of prayers because God is testing you and your strength against satan! Ive included a prayer for you that really helped me out and continues to everytime im stressed about life! Father, when we confront temptation, when we stand face to face with evil, we pray that you would give us strength and that you would use your power to block the path of evil. Thank you for your promise that if we do what is right, eventually truth and justice will prevail. As we face the dilemmas and options of this time, remind us that good does reign supreme! HOPE THIS HELPS

2016-04-01 07:46:18 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

God is definately all powerful and stronger than Satan. But He also gives us free will to make our own decisions. Satan is looking to feed on the week. God wants you to follow Him and not give in to Satan's temptations. It one of the hardest things we can do sometimes, but if you give Satan the power, you will be miserable. Try praying that God will protect you and show you His will for you life. I pray that you find the Lord Jesus Christ.

2007-04-25 17:05:09 · answer #5 · answered by mom3x 3 · 2 0

Why do you let Satan control you? You know what you are thinking and doing is wrong. You have the mind and heart to know what is wrong with you. Don't just pray, work on what you pray for. Satan is just as strong as you if you will only try not to fall into temptation. You are the one who is lazy to get up and go on. Do not blame God for what you did not do.

2007-04-25 17:05:57 · answer #6 · answered by Rallie Florencio C 7 · 2 1

Have you asked The One True God to save you from satan ?
Well if you truly ask Him and only Him, Your Creator...... He will answer your prayer.
Satan takes control of people`s mind when people stop having faith in God..... just like bacteria take over when the immunity is low.
Satan is not powerful, God allows him to take over, otherwise he would never be able to do it. God is protecting you always...saving you from satan, without you even realising it..... when we keep making sins, and we keep forgetting to repent, and we don`t recognise our true creator....God lifts up His Protection.
And this is a Mercy....... cos when He lifts up His Protection.... bad things start happening to us cos satan takes over......... when this happens, its a wake up call for us to go and return to our Lord........ when you truly and sincerely return to Him........ and He accepts you....... Then good will return into your life. If there was no wake up call system designed by God...... we will keep sinning and exploiting people`s rights and doing bad to our selves and other people and there would be know correction.
God is The Most Merciful

2007-04-25 17:15:57 · answer #7 · answered by Who? 2 · 0 0

Satan is doing those things to you

God is more powerful

You allow Satan to gain entrance into your mind by the thoughts you things and the things you say

Start speaking the word over every need you have

look up scriptures that pertain to that

and speak it out loud don't allow yourself to be used by Satan


Is a good place to find the word

I pray for you in Jesus name, that a hedge of protection be around you and they you will know the voice of God and a stranger you will not follow.........

Blessings and Peace.............................

2007-04-25 17:10:38 · answer #8 · answered by Gifted 7 · 0 0

Have you had other people pray for you? There are times that we need to lean on the faith of others, especially when being harassed by demons. If you go to church, please talk with a pastor or other leader and try to get some prayer and advice. It may also be an emotional illness rather than (or in addition to) spiritual attack-- pursue healing in both areas.

2007-04-25 17:10:28 · answer #9 · answered by SS 1 · 0 0

it would help to pray to the real GOD and not the self created image of GOD that we are raised to believe in...leave the churches...GOD isnt there...get a KJV bible (not a NKJV either) and start reading in genesis and read to the end without skipping around, then start over, dont worry with how much you read each day, just make sure you read EVERY day. each day before you begin reading ask GOD to guide you and teach you and keep you from self wisdom and understanding.
if you are serious enough to commit to a life of obedience to the real GOD, HE will protect you from satan. otherwise, if you decide a life of obedience is to strict and too much hassle, then you have chosen against GOD, and HE will give you over to the lusts of your heart, and to the master you chose...satan. you cant expect GOD to protect you from satan when you have chosen satan over GOD, now can you? if you want freedom from satan, you will have to be true to the real GOD, as HE is a jealous GOD...

2007-04-25 17:45:17 · answer #10 · answered by Tammy M 6 · 0 0

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