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is that they don't accept that when someones born a certain way they try to twist them into something they are not. A friend of mine was raised christian and found out he is gay. Why would someone raised a christian just decide they are gay? of course he struggles so much juggling between these two and i really feel for him; why can't god accept him the way he is? why would "god" damn this person who loves him but "god" made him this way?

Why exactly is homosexuality a sin? why? it helps keep overpopulation under control and contains certain genetics inside a group of people. Why would god condemn a man loving a man or a woman loving a woman? IMO it's not diffrent then straight love and they could adopt children that have no homes.

Just answer me this; Why exactly, does god dislike the sin of homosexuality? How does it hurt humanity or him.

2007-04-25 16:12:07 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

right @ first poster.. so that's why homosexuality was proven to be genetics.

2007-04-25 16:15:51 · update #1

oh to the poster a few down: yes the anus does lubricate. hate to say it but it's true.

2007-04-25 16:20:24 · update #2

32 answers

My decision to be 'straight' was not a decision....it is how I was born! I could not just decide to become gay. Why is this so hard for people to understand? Being gay isn't just a decision someone makes one day, they are born this way and need to be off everyones hate list!! You don't see gay people hating straight people, do you? Or telling them to become gay? I know my brother didn't just decide to be gay when he was younger.

2007-04-25 16:24:50 · answer #1 · answered by ~MEEEOW~ 5 · 1 1

So, if the Ex-Gay movement is so effective, if you can truly choose not to be gay, then explain what happened with Ted Haggard.

The Bible says a lot of things. It says that Homosexuality is an abomination. It says that people who practice witchcraft and divination should be put to death. It says that you shouldn't eat pork chops, cheeseburgers, or lobsters, but that it's OK to eat grasshoppers, crickets, and locusts. And, ladies, if you're on your period, you'd better not leave the house -- you're unclean! A lot of these laws have to do with hygiene in an ancient, nomadic, desert culture. Some of them actually make sense in this context. In the modern age, however, a lot of this stuff just doesn't translate. Just because something is in the Bible doesn't make it true. The Bible was written by human beings, at a particular time, in a particular place. The way fundamentalist Christians deify that book is practically Idolatry.

There is nothing wrong with Homosexuality. People are born gay on straight, in my opinion. While just about everyone has a natural curiosity, and some do choose to experiment, I don't think sexual orientation is ultimately a choice. It's the way you're wired. Why would anyone choose such a difficult life? Why would anyone choose to be the target of so much bigotry? It's not a choice. Either it's in your nature to be gay, or it isn't. There is nothing wrong with being gay. There is, however, something wrong with being a bigot.

If you believe that God made everything, then everything that exists was made by God -- including homosexuals! And, if you're gay, then God must have made you that way. Regardless of what some book written by some guy in a bathrobe slaughtering goats five-thousand years ago says, if you're gay and you deny your gay nature then you're going against the will of God. Just live your life the way you're meant to, and do what feels right. Be yourself. If that self is gay, then by all means be gay! Let's get out of the dark ages, and move forward into the Twenty-first century already.

2007-04-25 16:41:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I will try to explain it very plainly. God set things a certain way, and sin wasn't the intent of what He set things as. Sin entered into the race of man, and it will always be wrong for men to sin, no matter how 'good' a thing might seem to bring someone else, or the planet as a whole.

NOW! That being said, homosexuality is NOT what makes a person in that state of sin, but rather sin is a result of that sin nature. The straightest person that ever lived on the face or the Earth can be condemned, yet the Gayest person that ever lived can accept Christ and be saved. That's important to understand. And I think that you said what you said because you are influenced by those Christians that do not even get it. It's not homosexuality that stops us from trusting God, it's through doubt that that we miss the blessing of God.

So tell your friend that those Christians, no matter how old he was when he began listening to them, are completely wrong. Focus on Jesus, and forget those Legalistic fools.

2007-04-25 16:27:57 · answer #3 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 3 1

For one thing, God doesn't hate homosexuals, he doesn't hate anybody. However, love doesn't mean approval. He loves them just the way they are, but He loves them too much to leave them that way. The Bible says that homosexuality is a sexual sin equal to any other type of sin. God hates all sin, He never hates the sinner. God created the world with a certain order and laws and going against and going against that perfect order and laws is sinning. God created man and woman to be together. He made Adam and eve, not two men and not two women. There is a reason that homosexual couples can't have children besides adoption and that's because that was not the intended order for the world. God's plan for sex is one man and one woman in marriage and marriage alone. This means that ANY sex outside this law of God is a sin against Him. This includes sex between and man and woman who aren't married, a man and more than one woman, a woman and more than one man, a man and a man, or a woman and a woman. People often think that any sex between heterosexual couples is more okay than between homosexual couples. This is not true, it's equally wrong. This isn't my opinion, this is found in God's Truth found in His Word.

2007-04-25 16:24:32 · answer #4 · answered by mexico13 2 · 4 0

religions rely a lot on tradition, and so sometimes it takes a while for a religion to throw out its former prejudices, that come from a less tolerant time. That's been the case with treatment of women, slavery, and homosexuality. I am religious, but I believe that we must change if we find out we were wrong about something. And I think that homosexuality is one of those things. I don't think anyone chooses to be a homosexual, and I don't see what it hurts, at all. So I don't see how it can be a sin.

It gets tricky though, because those ancient prejudices were written down in a book that many regard as absolutely holy and from God. So even if someone WANTS to believe that gays are not sinning, they don't find the resources in their religion to allow them to do it. At least, we can encourage them to be tolerant and love the gay person, as much as they love everyone else who sins (which is everyone). I don't believe it's a sin to be gay - but I'm speaking for those who feel they have to believe that it is.

I hate what gay people have to endure because of this confusion. We can hope that just like slavery was once endorsed but is now almost universally condemned by Christians, that in the same way, an acceptance of homosexuals will also come about, with time. In the meantime, those of us who believe that gays are doing nothing wrong just need to offer them as much support as we can - because they often have a hard time growing up in a home or society that thinks they are sinning.

2007-04-25 16:23:28 · answer #5 · answered by Heron By The Sea 7 · 0 2

God doesnt hate your friend, God loves all of His creation, but He does hate the sin he is committing, just like He hates all the sins people commit. God can not be in the presence of sin, God is perfect. That is something your friend will have to take up with God of why He says the act of homosexuality is a sin. God made the laws, not man. Only God can judge what state a persons soul and heart is, no one else.

2007-04-25 16:35:06 · answer #6 · answered by tebone0315 7 · 1 0

Firstly I am sorry for any judgement or condemnation that comes your way as a result of asking this question. It is not the Christians' place to judge but to serve.
God loves everyone. He loves us so much that He made a way for our relationship with Him to be repaired no matter what. It is easy to become confused and misguided and we are all vulnerable. God is dynamic and active in all of our lives though we seldom notice it.
God does not play favorites. Sin is sin and we all have to stand before God for what we have done and I do not think that a straight person will be treated any different than any other sinner. Every sinner will be judged for their own sin.
Please do not write religion off just yet, and please do not stop searching for answers. I promise you that the answers are there for you when you are ready(but maybe not when you think you are ready). I will keep praying.

2007-04-25 17:00:17 · answer #7 · answered by Deckard F 2 · 2 0

It is a sin because it it contrary to Gods design of a man and woman. Please read Rom 1:24-27, 1 Tim 1:9-11, Jude 7, 1 Cor 6:9-11. You will see in the Bible that God does condemn the act of homosexuality. Along with that, I will also say that he condemns alot of other behavior, and even fornicators and adulterers are warned to stop practicing such behaviors. I can't accuse all gays of this, but some of them sure like to flaunt the fact that they are gay, and even go so far as to DEMAND that heterosexuals accept their lifestyle choice! To me that is like a slap in the face to GOD to so openly defy and demand that they be accepted by HIM or anyone else. People can pretty much justify any bad behavior they assert.

2007-04-25 16:34:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

First, you are asserting many presuppositions such as claiming that God made the person gay. How can you prove that?

From scripture, God condemns homosexuality in Genesis 19, Leviticus 18, Judges 19, Romans 1:18-32, 1 Cor. 6:9, etc.

In Genesis 2, God created man and woman and "it was good." Marriage was created by God to reflect and point to a greater marriage, namely between Christ and the church. Romans 1 gives the best understanding by showing that man suppresses the truth of God, even though God has revealed Himself generally through creation. Further, man suppresses the truth and exchanges the truth for a lie, for idols, and continues down a wreckless path of sin and destruction. Homosexuality is pointed out because it is completely unnatural in both its function and according to one's conscience.

The greater question that you are asking is this: "why can't God accept him or her?" In the final analysis, God cannot accept any sinner in His presence unless that person has acknowledged Christ as his/her personal Savior of their sins. Whether it's homosexuality, lying, murder, stealing, etc., we are all guilty and stand before God damned, but if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and you believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9)

2007-04-25 16:24:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

The fact is we are ALL BORN with the "sin gene" therfore we ALL have sin, no matter what it is. God accepts NONE OF US the way we are (homosexual or not), humans are all cursed and uncaring about the One who created us. We are ALL damned to death and hell and Christ is the only cure. That is what Christianity is...the cure for God`s wrath! By believing in Christ, his blood covers our sins and washes us white a snow! If we continue to live like slaves to our sin, we are only hurting ourselves while we are living on this earth. God will judge each one of us for what we have done, and none of us will have a life completely without sin. But, if we believe in Christ, we are pardoned for our sin.

Look at other religions, you have to live a perfect life or have to punish yourself.....and still you don`t know if the scales will balance out. You choose Christ and you are pardoned, forgiven and accepted no matter who you are or what you have done. Christs love leads us out of our sinful ways if we obey his gentle and caring teachings. By living a pure lifstyle which is directed by the Lord, we avoid curses like diesese, mental illness, hatred, brokenheartedness and the temptation to abuse others. Homosexuality leads many down a harsh, abusive and dangerouse road just as alcoholism leads many down a similar path. God wants to protect us from this dangerous way.

2007-04-25 23:17:54 · answer #10 · answered by Smiley 6 · 1 0

God does not condemn a person for being homosexual. And I agree with you, that they seem to have been born that way, and do not choose their orientation.

I think the issue is one of acting upon their given orientation. A gay person is just like a single person; they are called to be celibate. Do they do this? Does it seem easy? Of course not, but it doesn't change the truth of what Christ teaches. Sex outside of marriage is sinful.
It is no different than my love of gossip. It is wrong, I do it, I ask for forgiveness, I ask for help in avoiding it, I continue to do it, truly intending amendment , and it is one of many strongholds in my life. Am I going to stop trying? By no means.....
Do I feel condemned by God? No, but I do know that he condemns my sin. Thankfully, he does not run out of patience or love for me in my sinful nature, and he always forgives and puts it "as far as East is from West.".

Trying to justify homosexuality as "good" for overpopulation and for unwanted children, is just one of the many ways we all try to excuse sin, or avoid calling it what it is.

We don't and can't always know why God says or does the things He does. We are not God, and there's a lot we won't know this side of heaven, but the things the Bible is clear on (and sexuality is one of them) we are to follow as Christians.

Sexuality is really one of the tougher areas, and one I would love to discuss with God one day....

But I really think people should spend a lot more time debating the more prevalent sins like: not loving their neighbor, not giving enough to the needy, dishonesty(personal and corporate), pride, greed, materialism, etc. Only 8-10% of the population struggles with homosexuality, but 100% of us grapple with those other things...

2007-04-25 16:24:43 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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