God supposedly impregnated Mary (through the Holy Ghost - I think) and fathered Jesus. Jesus is supposed to be "the image," or likeness, of God.
2007-04-25 15:48:14
answer #1
answered by Justsyd 7
Does it really make sense to think that Jesus IS God? Not to me. The reason you thought Jesus is God also, is because of the Trinity doctrine that has been taught. But also been proven to be completely false. How can one be the Father and the Son at the same time? They cannot. Jesus never claimed to be GOD, in fact he went out of his way to say otherwise. (John 14:28) many other examples too. Your teacher was correct. You should ask him how and why the trinitarian doctrine developed. I would bet my last dollar that he will tell you that it wasn't a scriptural teaching, but rather one more fallacy that the Catholic Church adopted. No offense to you if you are Catholic either.
2007-04-25 16:01:39
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The Book of Redvelation says that God is, was, and always will be in so many words. Jesus was here at the Beginning (in Genesis) according to one of the verses in Hebrews. Also read Gen 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, [b] and over all the creatures that move along the ground." I do not know that I would agree that Jesus was made in HIS IMage but we are created in HIS Image therefore, I guess that Jesus must have been also. Have a great evening.
Eds, Christian
2007-04-25 15:57:21
answer #3
answered by Eds 7
God’s word tells us that He is self-existing and ever-existing. In eternity past God was there. At a certain point he made a decision to create man. God’s desire was to have this man express Him in His image and represent Him with His authority earth (Gen 1:26-28) The bible tell us in the very first page of Genesis that God’s creation of man was different from His creation of all other things. He created man in His own image. Let us illustrate this matter by using a glove. A person’s hand cannot fit into a handkerchief because it does not have the image or form of the hand. Because the glove is in the image, the likeness, and the form of a hand, it is able to contain the hand. A glove is made in the form of a hand for the purpose of containing the hand. In the same way, the human life was created according to the image of God so that God could dispense Himself as the divine life into the human life. Man was created not only to express God but also to be God’s representative authority. The unique way for man to express God and represent God is to receive God as his life that man may become a counterpart of God. Man was created with the capacity to receive and contain God’s divine life. All of man’s human virtues, such as love, honor, and goodness, were created by God so that man may have God’s live and live out the divine attributes
2007-04-25 18:02:54
answer #4
answered by show me the way 2
Jesus is created in the image of God.
Think of it this way:
God created humans in his image, yes? So, when Jesus came as a man - was he not also in God's image? Yes, he was - for Christians. Which I think is probably what she was getting at.
Also - for Christians Jesus is part of the God head. So, by saying that Jesus was created in the image of God is saying that Jesus is part of God. God is eternal - but Jesus is both a part of the eternal God and created as part of the Trinity. Just as the Holy Spirit is - eternal yet created for God to dwell within humans.
Hopefully that helps a little. If you have other questions you can email me.
2007-04-25 15:58:47
answer #5
answered by noncrazed 4
when your teacher said that God created Jesus in the image of God, he means that Jesus was made to look like God. Yes, they're the same person, but it's just clarifying that God the Father doesn't look like one thing and God the Son (Jesus) looks like something totally different. And when he said that God has always been and always is, well that one's harder to understand. Basically, time is something we humans use to organize ourselves, we name it minutes, and hours, and years, etc. But time really is just what's going on at that exact second, it's not a line that you can look down into the past and future. We humans use time to describe change. As time goes by, things change for us, we get older, we look different, we change. But God doesn't change so He's not bound by time. Before humans, there was just God so there was no time. In that way God has always been.
2007-04-25 15:57:29
answer #6
answered by mexico13 2
It's the teacher's personal interpretation, so don't take it to heart. If you see the topic differently, then keep looking, keep thinking and decide which makes more sense to you.
I'd say where your teacher is coming from is that according to the Bible 'God' created man in his own image (Genesis) and Jesus took on physical form to become a man, meaning that if you follow the logic through 'God' created Jesus in his own image. It's all in your point of view.
2007-04-25 15:51:00
answer #7
answered by Taliesin Pen Beirdd 5
actually, the "created in the image of God" thing is slightly incorrect. Yes Jesus is God. The Trinity is the more widely recognized belief. Man was created in the likeness of God (soul) and the Son part of God was enveloped in a soul made for His body.
God isn't really "Ex Nihilo", which means from nothing. I'm not sure if that's the correct latin terminology, but God is self existant, as He first existed outside of time, where a point of creation is not needed. "Ex Nihilo" sounds more like "He just appeared", which is wrong.
hope that helps.
2007-04-25 15:52:17
answer #8
answered by Hey, Ray 6
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God (John) The Word is Jesus, all things were created by Him and through Him. Jesus is the visible human image of God the Father.
2007-04-25 15:48:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Your teacher may have meant to say what he said but it is unbiblical. Jesus was never created. He is the alpha and omega. He is the "I AM". The three persons of the Godhead are one and have always existed. They are not constrained by time They created time. If I were you I would pay attention so you can make a good grade but not actually believe anything you teacher says.
2007-04-25 15:54:11
answer #10
answered by freebubba 3