The term is "ex nihilo" and typically it is used in reference to how God *creates* "out of nothing." As the necessary "uncaused-cause," God is not created out of nothing, so the term does not apply to GOD but rather HOW God creates.
As for your main question:
Did God create Jesus in the image of God? How can this be?
Well, to understand the answer we must understand Jesus' two natures. OK, so the Christian God is three persons in ONE nature (A God nature.)
One of those persons, is Jesus, who incarnated on earth, and did not LOSE his God nature, but ADDED a human nature. (This is difficult to conceptualize because we don't see other things with two complete natures. You don't see a tree which is also a rock, having a tree-nature and a rock-nature!)
So, anytime you ask a question about Jesus, you ask two questions, one of his God nature, and one of his human nature.
So: Did God create Jesus in the image of God?
In his God nature NO he simply IS God who was not created.
In his Human nature YES. Jesus was fully human.
For richer and deeper understanding, read up on the Trinity, three sources that serve as a good *starting point* are listed below
2007-04-25 16:08:34
answer #1
answered by Matt B 2
It is often hard for us to comprehend how God can as you say "create himself" God is three persons, but one being. The father, the son, and the holy spirit. It wasn't so much that he "created himself" by creating Jesus and the Holy Spirit, but separated himself into these three persons.
2007-04-25 22:55:13
answer #2
answered by coondog 2
man is the image of God.. and Jesus was a man. He was created in the image of God because he was a man, but he was truely the son of God. He was not put into Mary's womb by how a child would be, but God put him there. Jesus is the son of God because of that, and he died for us, knowing that he would have to go through so much pain & suffering to do so.. Jesus is man, put into womb by God, not by another man.
*hope this helps*
(all people are created "in the image of God" and that's what makes Jesus the image of God.. he was a person/man)
2007-04-25 22:47:03
answer #3
answered by kyliebear? 5
yeah Jesus is Gods son (and Gods name happens to be Jehovah- Psalms 83:18)
When Mary was told that she would have a child and that she was to name him Jesus, she asked: “How is this to be, since I am having no intercourse with a man?” God’s angel Gabriel replied: “Power of the Most High will overshadow you. For that reason also what is born will be called holy, God’s Son.”—Luke 1:30-35.
like when he was about to die he prayed to God, so how can he be praying to himself
Father, the hour has come; glorify your son, that your son may glorify you. This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.”—John 17:1, 3.
Also he said that his father was higher than him, so if he was the father why would he say that?
you can compare this to your own Bible
2007-04-25 22:51:42
answer #4
answered by ♥ly 3
Jesus is God's messenger on earth, so he is God in the human world, God's son. The Holy Spirit is the god inside of you.
2007-04-25 22:47:02
answer #5
answered by bell4884 3
God is God who created all of and the whole universe.
But Jesus is a prophet like all the other prophets.
God was never created and he is God who created us all.
2007-04-26 17:37:45
answer #6
answered by SOCCER GIRL! 5
Ask your teacher the way you have asked us - I think that your teacher will welcome the discussion, especially since you gave it some thought.
The way I was taught is that "God" is triune - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So you are correct - Jesus is also "God".
2007-04-25 22:53:08
answer #7
answered by Mrs. Goddess 6
The Bible, in Genesis, says God made MAN in His image. As a matter of fact He says, "Let US make man in OUR image.".....sounds like Jesus (in some form) was already there as part of the trinity.
Jesus said at one point, "Before Abraham was...I am."
Maybe your teacher did this to challenge you. Take her up on it.
2007-04-25 22:50:09
answer #8
answered by nancy jo 5
Get out of that class as soon as you can. He does not know what he is talking about. Christian teachings is already a lie itself from the beginning; so, it will be much worse to listen to another lier who invents his teachings.
2007-04-25 22:53:32
answer #9
answered by Rallie Florencio C 7