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13 answers

Against the law of God.

2007-04-25 15:37:22 · answer #1 · answered by Jesus M 7 · 1 2

No, because it is not true.

The Catholic Church is not against natural forms of birth control.

Judeo-Christian tradition has taught for thousands of years:
1. Single people should be celibate.
2. Married people should be faithful to each other (adultery is wrong).
3. Married couples should welcome God's gift of children and, therefore, artificial birth control is against the will of God.

Here is the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop's webiste on Natural Family Planning: http://www.usccb.org/prolife/issues/nfp/

With love in Christ.

2007-04-26 17:09:35 · answer #2 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 0 0

Birth control sets up an unhealthy mind-set that sets us as the ones in control of when life begins, and not God.

Life, itself, is a gift from Him. It does not belong to us, so we do not have the right to choose when it begins or when it ends. Contraception seeks to uproot that reverence.

Life is transmitted through the sexual act between a husband and wife, through the celebration of their love for one another, a sharing in the creative power of God. Not even the angels have this power.

God bless.

2007-04-29 06:07:21 · answer #3 · answered by Danny H 6 · 0 0

We are made to pro-create. The Catholic church is Pro-life, meaning creating life as well. We don't disagree that waiting for children is a bad idea when circumstances aren't at the best so we do believe in the Rythm Method or as my husband calls it the Pull and Pray.

2007-04-25 15:44:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Catholics believe that the God's plan for man and wife is to procreate, that a man's seed is not to be wasted. By using any form birth control(or masturbating) then the man's seed is intentionally not being used for it's intended purpose.

2007-04-25 15:38:43 · answer #5 · answered by justpeachee22 5 · 1 1

"By its very nature the institution of marriage and married love is ordered to the procreation and education of the offspring and it is in them that it finds its crowning glory."

The Church, however, allows natural family planning methods which does not interfere with the goal of procreation. There are many natural methods which are more effective than contraceptives.
Peace and every blessing!

2007-04-25 16:14:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It's not against all forms of birth control; there's still the rhythm method.

Of course, there's the old joke: What do you call two people who use the rhythm method? Parents.

2007-04-25 15:36:29 · answer #7 · answered by Doc Occam 7 · 1 1

In the Bible, God gave the command Go forth and procreate. That is where they get the no birth control. Personally, I don't agree with it. It is old testament and although Jesus didn't recind it, I just don't agree with it. I think that if you are married,and ready to have children go for it. Otherwise, you owe it to them to take measures to prevent it.

2007-04-25 15:38:54 · answer #8 · answered by cunhvn 3 · 0 2

I believe it is because it 'flys in the face of nature' so to speak.
The premise seems to lie it intefering with what they percieve as 'God's' plan, but for mine that attitude ignores free will, which is paramount to spirituality.

2007-04-25 15:37:11 · answer #9 · answered by Taliesin Pen Beirdd 5 · 0 0

I believe it's because sex is only supposed to be for procreation and not recreation, and since using birth control means it is recreational sex, it is not allowed.

2007-04-25 15:39:54 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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