They think they have the right way to god and all other ways are "of the devil."
You aren't going to get the respect you crave, so it's best just to do your thing and not worry about how they feel about it.
Closed mindedness is part of their religion.
2007-04-25 15:17:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
They don't actually "fear" Pagan religions, they don't like it. They simply do not understand nor do they wish to even try. If any fear is involved it seems to me that they might be afraid of seeing a basis of harmony among all people, and they can't have that! ALL must believe that Jesus is Lord. Because if it is not of the Christian God it is of Satan (who is yet another Abrahamic myth).
I like your reference to terrorism. Perhaps people should be made aware that in recorded history there have been NO Pagan or Atheist terrorists or mass murderers. NO wars have ever been fought in the name of our Gods or Goddesses.
But like you, I am accepting of everyone and what they believe. If it makes them a better person then it is good.
It is so dis-heartening to see so many people openly admitting that they are not open minded, but at least they are being honest and recognize that they are not willing to find out what others believe or why.
By the way, I am a Buddhist Hedge Witch and also am happy to say that my Great Great Grandfather was a Comanche Medicine Man.
2007-04-26 05:29:31
answer #2
answered by Enchanted Gypsy 6
I don't fear them- neither should any true Christian who understands freedom under the blood of Christ.
I will , however, not have anything to do with this religion- it is not about peace and harmony- nt true peace and harmony anyway- what fellowship does light (Jesus) have with darkness- any religion that thinks it can reach God, godliness or it's member receive some kind of godhood or power of any kind without Jesus, without the one true God, creator of heaven and earth is a religion of darkness. Any religion that worships the creature, the creation rather than the creator is a false religion. I do not fear your religion but I will walk in truth and speak the truth about it.
I am certainly not judging who is better than who either I am no betterthan anyone and without Jesus , I am nothing and have no power of my own. There is only one God, one to be worshipped and only one who will return and bring true peace and He is not found in Wicca or native spirituality or any of those so called 'open minded' religions
2007-04-25 15:21:38
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
that has nothing to do with being a Christian. It's superstitious, and believing in magic....which is seen as evil by some. I'm a Christian, but I'm not superstitiously scared of someone putting a curse, or the evil eye, on me ! (besides, aren't most supposed to be good witches anyway ? This is America. To each his own ! I agree, we need more peace and harmony.
2007-04-25 15:22:14
answer #4
answered by Scorpius59 7
I have no fear of other religions or ways of life. I have respect for everyone no matter what our differences may be. I wish I could say the same for everyone else, but I cant and there are alot of people who show nothing but disrespect and hate for those who may be different. God Bless you on your path Iam a Catholic Christian, peace to you.
2007-04-25 15:17:37
answer #5
answered by tebone0315 7
First poster said what I was going to say basicly. I'm not afraid of you, I just know the truth behind it, even though you think it's one thing, it's another. You dont understand that, and I dont expect you too, until it is revealed in truth you will have a hard time understanding the reaction you get. It's not against you, nor anyone who believes in it (though some people DO make it personal, which is a bad thing) it's against the principle and what's truely behind it. I'm sorry to say it to you, and I know it might be offensive, but the Lord's word convicts us of all our wrong doings, that means yours AND mine, it convicts me just as it does you. Neither of us are perfect, and that's why it convicts us.
You will have the respect of people because you are a person, but they do not have to respect your belief or be around the practice of it. Once again, it's not you personally, it's the practice.
2007-04-25 15:20:23
answer #6
answered by Stahn 3
as a christian, I do not fear your religions. I choose not to be open minded to your way of believing, it would be a waste of my time. I agree, we should work together in our country and peace should be achieved..
If I met you on the street, I would treat you with respect and ask the same of you. Just because people do not agree with each others beliefs doesn't mean we cannot communicate...
I am hidden behind the Cross and God provides protection when I am amongst blasphemers...
2007-04-25 15:19:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
calm down. what do I have to fear? nothing. I'm just in disagreement with witchcraft. and btw, unless you want to be further judged on circumstantial evidence, then I suggest you stop making statements like "you're hypocrites".
and personally, I believe peace is not an external thing. I know for sure I am not going to see world peace in my lifetime.
2007-04-25 15:17:07
answer #8
answered by Hey, Ray 6
I'm not sure where you get the idea that we fear them....I certainly don't. I don't except the beliefs based on what the bible says but that can go for other religions as well.
Deuteronomy 18:10-11
Don't let anyone use magic or witchcraft, or try to explain the meaning of signs. Don't let anyone try to control others with magic, and don't let them be mediums or try to talk with the spirits of dead people."
2007-04-25 15:18:15
answer #9
answered by † H20andspirit 5
We do not fear them, but we do not like their religion because we have our own belief and their own belief as Jesus said:
:Mat 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Mat 10:29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
Mat 10:30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Mat 10:31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.
2007-04-25 15:22:40
answer #10
answered by Jesus M 7
Blessed Be! The whole terrorism thing was invented by Christians and Zionists (they got a great marketing department you know). It’s all hype. They (Christians actually not Jews) also demonised witches and burned thousands. They demonise the competition. It’s best to eliminate (destroy) the competition, it’s that simple. Don’t take them too seriously they’re harmless now and who gives a stuff what they think anyway?
2007-04-25 15:21:27
answer #11
answered by Anonymous