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I am a born and raised Christian.But i have become very interested in Wiccan ways.I would in no way call myself a Wiccan.I am just trying to get as much information on it as possible before i make a decision either way.But there area afew questions i just cant seem to get past.Mainly,This is probably going to come out wrong,But is there any proof or reason to what it is you believe? Because alot of Christian beliefs run on Blind Faith.But then again,If you believe in God and the Bible then there is proof in everything.The earth He created,Ect.So i guess im asking what is it that Wiccan beliefs tell you? I know that you believe in Gods And Goddess,But why? Is there a Wiccan 'Bible' that will better explain this to me? Thanks so much for your help.Sorry if this is confusing! :/

2007-04-25 12:15:06 · 8 answers · asked by Marti 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

8 answers

I'm a Pagan, but perhaps I can help you. Wicca is a religion, just like any other. There certainly is a "faith-factor" involved here. But unlike monotheistic religions, which hold the concept of divinity to be transcendent, that is to say, unknowable and above their "creation", Wicca and other branches of Paganism hold divinity to be immanent, in other words, an inextricable part of "creation". Meaning that the divine is directly manifest in humans and all of Nature. The most logical "proofs" for holding Earth and the forces of Nature as divine are 1. They exist, and can be experienced directly by the practitioner, through all five senses if you wanted to
2. All life is dependent on Earth and these forces of Nature.
Making Earth as good a candidate as any of actually being a God or Goddess.

I can't speak for others, but I believe in Gods and Goddesses as expressions of natural forces or certain concepts that are otherwise difficult to explain, the way a mathematician designates the number 3.14 (rounded off) as "pi" to explain the circle in mathematical terms.

There is no standard text which all Wiccans, and especially not all Pagans, adhere to. Part of the responsibility of the new Wiccan or Pagan is understanding where your beliefs actually lie and which tradition or sect best fits your beliefs. There are many websites and books which can help you to better understand Wiccan or Pagan belief systems, but I would advise you not to rely too heavily on what others think or say, rather focus on what you think and take it from there.

2007-04-25 12:35:32 · answer #1 · answered by Enslavementalitheist 3 · 2 0

First, I'd like to wish you well on your spiritual journey that you are beginning. I, too, was raised Christian, Roman Catholic to be exact then became a Methodist then a Jehovah's Witness and now finally Wiccan. So perhaps I can answer many of your questions ... feel free to contact me if you wish.

For me the Wiccan ways "feel" right and I work each belief out logically if something doesn't fit and I can't seem to find the logic in it then I don't adapt it to my belief system. When I started studying I read and read and read everything I could find.

Why do Wiccans believe in a God and Goddess? I can tell you why I do, though I won't speak for all Wiccans because each of us may believe something a little different. I personally look to nature and the world around us. There are female and male to all species and usually it takes both to create life. That is why to me, logically, there is a male and female aspect to The Divine. There is a balance to all life so why would there not be a balance to The Divine?

2007-04-25 12:39:13 · answer #2 · answered by )0( Cricket Song 4 · 5 0

We have no singular text or supposedly infallible book to draw from. There are a few pieces of material that we find valuable for teaching others, but nothing that we can point to and say, "This is our holy book." As for evidence of our beliefs being "true"...Wicca is a religion of experience. We do not simply read about our beliefs--we live them. We make every effort to speak to the Lord and Lady and hear what they have to say. We go out to feel the sun on our faces, the wind in our hair, and the turning of the earth under our feet. We perform rituals with others and experience the energy that rises and builds, eventually washing out to change the world, maybe just a little bit, for the better. We see examples of "as above, so below" and the law of three-fold return everywhere we look. That's part of the reason why Wiccans, even from those of the same tradition, will all practice their faith a bit differently. We each experience the Goddess in a unique way, because we are unique beings. And this, I feel, is to be encouraged.

2016-05-18 22:38:50 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Check out witchvox online and dig around to your heart's content or hit the local bookstore and peruse until you find something that "speaks to you". All those questions are hard to answer without getting too basic and leaving you short.

The most basic I can say as an ex-Wiccan myself, is that non-omnipotent gods and goddesses make more logical sense to me than the omnipotent, monotheistic idea of such.

The basic idea, which you'll hear repeated often is the Rede: An that it harm none do as ye will. In plain English don't do anything to hurt anyone with whatever you do, it's not a blank check to run around doing everything you want (hey, some people think that's what it means). The Rule of Three is that whatever you do comes back to you threefold... kinda like the concept of "karma" and just as logical.

There are various forms of wicca so research, study your year and a day, if you choose and don't hesitate to always continue questioning the answers.


2007-04-25 12:22:12 · answer #4 · answered by vinslave 7 · 2 0

There are others who can go into better detail than I can but I'll give my general opinions. I think that one of the main things you're having trouble with is reconsiling the Christian God to a wiccan God/Goddess. Don't think of them as being mutually exclusive. The awe-somness of deity is the same no matter what name gets put on it. Speaking personally I think we go too far to put labels on things and would rather concentrate on the concept as a whole.

Following a neopagan path requires investigation and dedication and individual decision precisely because there is no one "Book" that will tell you everything you need to know and lay down the law. Some wiccans stick to Gardner and his works and others borrow from anything that moves them.

At the end of the day it's the journey that's important rather than the destination. If you're on a path that allows you to reason and choose for yourself then you'll find the answers you're looking for.

2007-04-25 12:25:44 · answer #5 · answered by Zimmia 5 · 2 0

Well, I'm not Wiccan, but I understand many of their beliefs.

Firstly, you probably know about mother nature, the ideas of Wicca is that you must be in harmony with this embodiment of nature.

Sadly, there is no Wiccan bible, and there are many Wiccan sects because the religion was eradicated by Christian conquerers long ago the belief only resurfaced recently.

The real sole purpose of Wicca, what you are striving to attain, is to become one with nature, to understand animals and plants and to live in harmony, in balance.

Wiccans celebrate things like Christmas and holidays like Easter, and they did so long before Christians. In fact, the earth, to them, is like a Jesus figure, born, then dying, then becoming reborn for us.

If you become Wiccan, you'll find that it is a lot like Christianity, I WAS Wiccan once.

2007-04-25 12:27:38 · answer #6 · answered by valkyrie hero 4 · 1 1

To be honest, I think you are still 'a' true christian !!

Your best bet is to get some books out the library or buy one you feel suits your needs.

Or there are loads of sites full of information, just punch in wicca and you can have a field day.

But sorry as it stands it takes a lot more than just being interested.......

2007-04-25 12:27:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


This web site give a non-biased view of many religions including wicca and christianity. How I learned alot about wicca is getting books about it and reading up on it. Hope you find the path that is right for you.

2007-04-25 12:20:28 · answer #8 · answered by armani 1 · 3 0

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