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What is the Original sin? from what I have heard its that human race is immoral and we all do sins... is that it? if it is, and that is indeed why Jesus (PBUH) sacrificed himself....
But why? God made us...............If he made us original sinners then why did he feel the need to come down from heaven?
Because we did not choose to be sinners, god made us this way....
well yes but Christianity argues that we are all sinners... And all humans EXCEPT Jesus (PBUH) are born sinners........

IS that right? do you not see the problem with that equation?

Jesus (PBUH) was a messenger of God Just like Mohamed (PBUH) was........ nothing more and nothing less...

2007-04-25 11:10:23 · 15 answers · asked by Love Exists? 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Actually All prophets are without sin...... That includes Mohamed (PBUH) since all Prophets were innocent.

2007-04-25 11:19:38 · update #1

15 answers

I think that here we are faced with a little discrepancy that will affect our conclusions.
First. The Jewish tanakh. in it there are numerous propheies of the Messiah, the annointed who would redeem mankind, who would be called Imanuel, God among us. Isaiah prophecied more about him, in astonishing detail, as to where he was gonna be born, out of a virgin, he was gonna be crucified and he was gonna come back from the dead, his garments would be divided, His entrance into Jerusalem in a donkey, etc.

second: In the Gospels we read by first and second hand accounts the facts in the life of Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, (Yeshua=savior, mashiach=annointed).
In them we read that he sevral times acknowledged to come from the father and that he would raise from the dead on the third day and that when he was asked wether eh was the son of God he said yes i am. Also when Thomas saw him after his resurrection, Thomas said: my Lord and My God.
So for us, Jesus is the son of God, and God incarnate. You have to read the gospels in its entirety to understand this truth!

But then 600 years later, Mohammed comes and denies the always accepted and dearly held belief that Jesus is the Son of God, the divine logos, and reduces him to a mere prophet. These two positions will always be irreconciliable. We don't accept Mohammed as prophet, neither Jesus as prophet, but as the Son of God. For us to say that jesus is just a prophet is deny our very lives! Many men chose to die by lions in public spectacles, be burned, be beheaded, be tormented, be boiled alive, rather than deny the sweet name of Jesus, because He told us: If you believe in me, and if you love me, if you eat my flesh and my blood I will raise you up on the last day. He promisd us many houses in the house of his father and he boldly declared that:
"I am the way, the life and the truth, nobody goes to the father if not trough me"
"If you deny me, I will deny you before my heavenly father"
"I am the bread of life"
"Before Abraham, I was"

Now God in His infinite mercy and love, will one day make everything clear in the sight of all, and we will all love one another, muslim, jew christian and all men that subject to His will.

Original Sin is the first disobedience of man, by which Adam and Eve desired to be like HIm and ate the fruit, this refers to the fact that man trusts more in his own strenght and wit than in God and therefore chooses other things than God, and sins.

The peace of God be with you

2007-04-25 11:40:53 · answer #1 · answered by Dominicanus 4 · 1 1

I think your question should be - why did god make us sinners ?? - the answer is probably free will, but why in the first place he allowed us to sin ?? - we might not have enough wisdom to answer that.
The answer to your question :

Jesus is eternally begotten SON OF GOD, and therefore sinless ; Jesus is NOT HUMAN , he came down from heaven AS a human. Jesus was conceived by MARY by the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT, and was NOT a descendant of ADAM and EVE.

now my question for you :

why did prophet mohammed have so many wives, including a child which he married at the age of 54 or so. ?

Why did prophet mohammed commit murder ??- according to some sources which i came across on yahoo answers and elsewhere...- is that your idea of sinless ?
how come the coming of prophet mohammed wasnt mentioned in the holy book, but the coming of jesus was mentioned ? - it was mentioned though, about the coming of false prophets.

Why are muslims allowed to kill other people,according to jihad, where a statement is made against the nonbelievers ?- dont tell me the statement is wrong or different ; a statement is a statement. you cannot say sumtin to sum1 and den say no i meant the opposite.

one more thing :

how do you know the quran is god's word ?? - has god told you so verbally or just because its your religion you believe in it .

Next - the quran came after the bible and judaism. Does that mean god gave his word(old testament) first to the jews and christians then to muslims ?

2007-04-26 07:43:28 · answer #2 · answered by bornonaplatein1988 4 · 0 0

the "original sin" was the first sin, the first time man disobeyed God: the garden of Eden.

Jesus (Christ) was the perfect sacrifice. an animal's blood could only cover sin, but God's blood could wash it away.

and really, if you want to be viewed as intelligent, I suggest you don't poke at Jesus not being a sinner. Because, as you know, prophets in Islam apparently come down from Heaven, yet they are descendants of someone (yes I heard this from several muslims), and nothing's wrong with that equation?

2007-04-25 11:23:29 · answer #3 · answered by Hey, Ray 6 · 0 0

the original sin in the garden of eden is when that beautiful blue eyed blond named eve looked upon the ebony colored beast/serpent because he was bigger and better looking than adam and she lusted for sexual knowledge and the serpent was more than willing to help her out. as it states the serpent beguiled/seduced eve.

that is why God cursed her at the womb was because that is where the sin took place. that is how we became polluted in our own blood was by the crossing of the blood lines thru this sexual act. there was a cross caused by sex where every man died that is why it took another cross with a man born without sex with pure blood as the antidote to this original sin, the Lord Jesus Christ!

the book of revelations shows a spiritual picture of this. it depicts a great whore(RCC) having a spiritual sexual relationship with the beast(pope) and he inpregnates her with all his false doctrines, which she greedily accepts. did you know that there is a white pope which everyone knows but there is also a black pope which is the head general of the jesuit assassins. see, this beast like the serpent of old can change his colors depending on what environment he is in too.

the Lord said he is alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. genesis is alpha, the beginning and revelations is omega, the end. the revelation is the same in both books. what eve did naturally, the church did spiritually. the mind is the womb of the spirit and the church desecrated her mind with this beasts(popes) false doctrines.

that is why there are so many colors of people today. it is the serpent seed nature hybrid into us. that serpent could change colors depending on the environment he is in.

christ, was the tree of life not a literal tree. the tree of knowledge of good and evil was the serpent, not a literal tree

2007-04-25 11:37:10 · answer #4 · answered by God help us 6 · 0 0

Original sin refers to the fall of man in the garden of Eden, i.e., Adam and Eve disobeying God. Sin came into the world then, and everyone who was born then had a sin nature.

That is correct, the bible says that all have sin except for Jesus. Jesus was supernaturally conceived of the holy spirit. Therefore he did not have the sin nature.

I understand you are a Muslim. But dear, if you ask a question, at least let people answer and not answer your own question with your ingrained belief about who Jesus is.

2007-04-25 11:15:48 · answer #5 · answered by Esther 7 · 1 0

The concept of original sin, besides being wholly invented by man, is completely absurd. Anyone who truly believes that an unbaptized infant is bound for hell obviously worships a monster, not a God.
The entire concept of original sin is wholly unreasonable. The basis of the original sin starts in an incorrect reading of Genesis. Firstly in the Genesis story, Adam was not a person, but rather adam [aye-dohm] meant man or mankind. The Eden story was not about a single man and woman.
At any rate, Genesis contains two creation stories (much of the "Old Testament" was written by two different sources). It does tell of the fall of man via sin against God, but this resulting in all of us having a sinful nature is simply another device with which the papal dictatorships of old held more power over the masses.
The OS doctrine goes like this:

Adam and Eve sinned, cursing everyone thereafter with a sinful nature.

Those born after Eden, even if they haven't sinned, they are damned to hell because of their sin. Original sin infects the soul of a perfectly innocent baby.

Salvation is required to avoid a damnation based on sin that doctrine says infects even the innocent.

So redemption is required to save us all from a sin that was forced on us by someone who made a poor decision thousands of years ago.

Such an absurd doctrine is wholly repugnant to an sense of justice or reason. Just as the concept of death by proxy and subsequent salvation is.

The entire concept of sin, death and hell assumes the existence of the latter. But Jesus, the alleged messiah, didn't preach about hellfire or damnation. The KJV "gospel" accounts of Jesus quote him preaching about hell, but such terminology is inserted in stead of the true words he used which translate to Gehenna (the local trash dump) or Hades/Sheol which simply mean the grave.
Even the death by proxy and salvation requirements were not taught by Jesus, but rather by Paul years after Jesus.

The whole of Christianity as we know it today represent a hijacking of Jesus' peaceful message of love, life and kindness from Paul through the early Roman church leaders. The religion crafted over time bears very little resemblence to Jesus' message.

2007-04-26 08:13:46 · answer #6 · answered by debraraj 3 · 0 0

The Judeo-Christian "Original Sin" was when Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and were cast out of Eden. All the decendants of Adam and Eve were born with this knowledge. It's meant to explain why everyone is born capable of sin.The whole Bible is the story of God's(Yahweh's) plan for the redemption of humankind, humankind being tainted by the original sin. To Christians it ended with Jesus, he died to take the punishment of all for their sins. For Jews it hasn't ended yet, they are still waiting for the Messiah. . . . And I don't know about Muslims honestly, I don't know a whole lot about the Quran. But you're Muslim, so you can fill in that blank yourself.

2007-04-25 11:22:37 · answer #7 · answered by Caity S 4 · 0 1

Original sin is a psychological concept of permanent error. The Genesis story is metaphorical and describes how shame separates us from the divine good (abstract experience) because believing that anything about us is unfixable perpetuates our misery or hell. Jesus' message is about death of the learned self and becoming the true Self or Christ.

2007-04-25 11:58:50 · answer #8 · answered by MysticMaze 6 · 0 0

To answer your original question here... read Genesis. The original sin could be considered pride, greed, lust, covetousness, etc. But the actual original sin was disobedience.
Man and woman chose to eat of the forbidden fruit because they were prideful, and believed they should be as smart as God. They were greedy to know all that God knew. They lusted over the knowledge and power of God that could be theirs if they only took one bite (according to the serpent).
In reality, however... it was none of that and all of that... we are a disobedient people. Always have been... always will be.

2007-04-25 11:19:34 · answer #9 · answered by beebobry77 1 · 0 1

the record of his death burial and Resurrection is evident that he come and died on a cross for lost sinners, he become a sacrifice for your sins and mine and the whole worlds ..now if you don,t recognized that your a sinner i cannot say anything to help you ..if you don't believe in Jesus i cannot help you or know other christian can either ....sin passed down to us from Adam and eve we are their descendant's

2007-04-25 12:43:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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