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I don't understand how some average Jew dying on the cross for saying he was God made my sins forgivable.

2007-04-25 08:57:18 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

Jesus is the only way of salvation because He is the only One who can pay our sin penalty (Romans 6:23). No other religion teaches the depth or seriousness of sin and its consequences. No other religion offers the infinite payment of sin that only Jesus Christ could provide. No other “religious founder” was God become man (John 1:1,14) – the only way an infinite debt could be paid. Jesus had to be God so that He could pay our debt. Jesus had to be man so He could die. Salvation is available only through faith in Jesus Christ! “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

2007-04-25 09:28:13 · answer #1 · answered by Freedom 7 · 1 0

If he was just an average Jew, it wouldn't make your sins forgiveable.

The reason is this: Jesus never broke God's law. Not even once. The Universe demands justice. There must be consequences for every action. God obeys the laws of the Universe, so He also is just. Therefore, every time a Universal law is broken, there must be a penalty.

The primary focus of Universal law is "live and let live", or to hurt no-one. If you hurt someone, you must also suffer pain equivalent to the hurt that you caused. Alternatively, Jesus suffered all the pain that was or will be inflicted on mankind. He has suffered the same amount of pain... he paid the price. However, he only paid the price for your pain if you want him to. If you don't want him to take responsibility for your pain, you will have to pay it all back yourself.

Now how is it justice that one perfect man suffers the pain that should have been suffered by the individuals who caused it? It is because "He has bought us with a price." In exchange for him taking away the pain that we would have had to suffer for our sins, we give him faith, love, obedience and glory. We belong to Him. We give Him our souls, ie our willing devotion and obedience to all that he asks.

I think that is a fair exchange. That is how justice (an immutable, universal law) is met by a very unique Jew dying on the cross.

2007-04-25 09:08:18 · answer #2 · answered by MumOf5 6 · 1 0

I do not know whether your question is sincere or not (I am sorry if this is not correct, I've had been thrown off by so many questions here. I've seen so many "not-so-sincere" ones).

But, assuming your question is sincere (I hope it really is).
The answer is:
- First, Jesus is not an average Jew. He is the incarnate God-ma. He is the only person born without an earthly father (This statement is confirmed by two largest Abrahamic faith communities).
The Bible further emphasis on Jesus being perfect because "although He was tempted in all things as we are, yet He does not sin (Heb. 4:15).
- Second, in Jewish culture, just like any other middle-eastern culture, it is commonly presumed that certain sacrifice is needed to appease the anger of God for man's sin.
And the sacrifice ritual performed for the forgivenss of sin in the Jewish culture is the sacrifice of the lamb (a lamb without blemish). The blood of the lamb is to be sprinkled on the mercy seat (to appease God's anger) and later sprinkled to the Jewish congregations waiting outside the Tabernacle (the Temple of Holy God) as the symbol of God's forgiveness of sin.
The similar ritual is still performed in Islam with similar meaning or purpose.

Now, having said that, we know that to reconcile God and man we need sacrifice, and the sacrifice needed is the blood of the lamb. But you can only sacrifice the lamb for the forgiveness of sin once a year according to the Law.

Jesus, in this case, because He is not an ordinary man, because of the fact that He is the only human being who was tempted but remained blameless. Therefore He alone is worthy to act as the Last and Final sacrifice as the propitiation of our our sin.

So, in short Jesus died on the cross to bear our sins, because He is the only One who can do that. The cross itself according to the Torah is the punishment for a person who had committed a sin who deserve death penalty (Deut 21:21-23).

Jesus, who knows no sin, had made Himself bear the consequences of our sins, so that we can be justified (or called righteous by God).

"He (God) made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." (2 Cor. 5:21)

2007-04-25 09:29:32 · answer #3 · answered by Boon 4 · 1 0

Jesus wasn't just an average Jew.
He is the Messiah.

But the blood He shed on that cross made all people forgivable

2007-04-25 09:33:15 · answer #4 · answered by Spoken4 5 · 1 0

Well, it’s like this…imagine that there are two huge cliffs with a raging river in between them. On one side we (the human race) stand, on the other side is God, the river represents sin. Before Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the fall happened the human race enjoyed fellowship with God. However, when Eve was deceived by the devil and ate of the tree the land split in two (figuratively of course) man became stuck on one side and God on the other. Sin ended our direct fellowship with God…after this happened a law was set in motion…as long as we sacrificed animals with no defects at appropriate times, wore our hair and clothes a certain way, lived out lives in accordance to this strict and heinous law…we could go to heaven and be with God. Needless to say this was very difficult because the law was so detailed and intricate and hard to follow. God was saddened by this and he desired the close fellowship with us that he had once enjoyed…so he arranged for a last and final blood sacrifice. That was Jesus; Jesus is the bridge between the two cliffs that closes the gape between us and God. He was perfect, God in human form, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and then died to give us a chance. Now all we have to do is accept his free gift of salvation and if we do when God looks at us when we die he will not see the sins we have committed…the blood of Jesus will cover us and in the eyes of God we will be spotless and pure and therefore escape the harsh judgment that others will have to endure. I wouldn’t want to be without the blood of Jesus to cover me on judgment day.

2007-04-25 09:20:36 · answer #5 · answered by stakekawa 3 · 1 0

Hi there,
Jesus was God's only begotten Son. If you look back into the old testament, especially in Leviticus, you will see the many lambs, rams, birds.....that had to be sacrificed for the atonement of sin. When Jesus doed on the cross, He was the Lamb. He forgave all sin. There is power in His blood. Only through Him are we saved.
Hope this helps!!
God bless!

2007-04-25 09:09:36 · answer #6 · answered by Randa 2 · 3 0

Without the shedding of blood there can be no remission of sins. This is God's law set up in the OT. Jesus was the final sacrifice for man's sins upon the cross to end the barbaric practice of sacrificing animals upon the altar once and for all. Sin is selfishness. We were created to worship him and have fellowship with him. Not because he is vain. When you meet him..and you will...he gives you plenty of reasons to worship him...and they are never ending.

2007-04-25 09:09:50 · answer #7 · answered by farleefarkle 2 · 4 0

If you really wanted to know then you would have asked nicely....but since you asked I'll tell you.....He was the Son of God, He died without committing any sin....he accepted the burden of mankind's sin and then took the punishment for it leaving you clear to be forgiven ....all you have to do is accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior....repent...and try to live a moral life that glorifies God....it's a fantastic bargain.. Guaranteed! Nothing average about THAT!

2007-04-25 09:09:11 · answer #8 · answered by Erinyes 6 · 1 0

For starters, He is no ordinary Jew. He is the King of the Jews. Without sin. He was pure and His blood covered our sins. He is the only way to the Father. We aren't worthy to be in God's presence without being covered by Jesus.

2007-04-25 09:05:08 · answer #9 · answered by AJM 5 · 3 0

Jesus was God in the flesh not just some Jew, and he lived a perfect life. It also was'nt just that he died...it was that he spent three days in Hell (for OUR sins) and then rose again. Thats how you are able to be forgiven but you have to ask forgiveness its not just automatic.

2007-04-25 09:02:57 · answer #10 · answered by Casey 2 · 3 0

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