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2007-04-25 07:48:19 · 27 answers · asked by jon 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

Just as Great as the God of Our mind!

2007-04-25 07:51:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

At this point, I'm actually praying that the God of the first part of the Bible isn't my God and is just the God of the Jews. Poor Jews. I'd want my God to be more like Jesus without all the condemning and more love. The God of the Bible is supposed to be better than us but evidently he's just human like we are. I hope that this proves that he's being misrepresented. That way I can still believe that God is good and that some of what the Bible says about him (the good parts) is true.

2007-05-02 18:31:10 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

The God of the Holy Bible is great because He is the true God. Please compare the true God with the false gods.

He is the true God because He can prophesy and can make what He prophesied to happen. There were ten plagues that the true God asked Moses to convey to the Pharaoh. Didn't the ten plagues happen? That is why the children of Israel were liberated from bondage in Egypt and was led to the Promised Land. Didn't the true God promise Abraham and Isaac and Jacob this Promised Land of milk and honey?

Did not the prophets of God prophesy the coming of the Messiah? Wasn't the Messiah be born by a virgin in Bethlehem? Because the true God is powerful, He was even able to make a virgin give birth to a son. And we know that this virgin was Mary and the son was Jesus.

Didn't this true God not make barren, old women, like Sarah (the wife of Abraham in Genesis) and Elizabeth (the wife of Zechariah in Luke) become pregnant and give birth to sons?

That is why I believe in the God of the Bible to be the true God.

2007-05-03 07:43:33 · answer #3 · answered by Peace Crusader 5 · 0 0

God is infinitely great. His greatness is hard to fathom. He is beyond time and space. So we cannot bring tie Him down into our worldly equation. He is beyond every "thing" that was ever created. Is He a man? No. Is He just a force? No because He created force. Does He have a personality? Yes He does. We cannot comprehend Him because He is beyond our comprehension. He is invisible, immortal, all powerful, all-wise, the only True and Original. Everything else that is seen and not seen are His creation. It does make all the sense of this God as revealed in the Bible because only a God of such nature could have created everything that we see.....

One of the people who responded said that God is not great because He couldn't leave proof of His existence. I am not sure what that person is talking about. He just needs to look around. Everything around is a proof that God exists....

God is not just great, but He is the the ONLY TRUE GREAT!!!!

2007-04-25 15:01:49 · answer #4 · answered by IZitall 3 · 1 0

I give him a 6.5 out of 10. It's tough being a cool or orignel god in a monotheist religion. He tends to be a bit boring when he is doing his sweeping vengeance across 10 generations. And the author really could have worked on a better rivalry with him and Satan.

Jesus I give an 8.5. He's pretty one dimensional, but I can identify with him. The whole God as a mortal thing is pretty cool. He has a great climax in the end and out of all the Gods he is the one you would most want to have a beer with. I love the suspense in his story. Can't wait till the third Testament where he comes back.

2007-04-25 14:58:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

As great as that he can wrap the whole universe and put it in his pocket.As great as he can play pool with the planets.So wise that he can name every human that ever lived.So loving that he sent his son JESUS.So merciful that he overlooks our faults.So powerful that he can part seas and move mountains.

But GOD also did a very great act of love.

It all started when adam sinned.Because GOD is holy he cant have sin in his presence.so man got seperated from GOD.

So GOD needs something to pay the penalty of sin.JESUS was the perfect sacrifice for our penalty.So JESUS came to earth lived among us and died for us on the cross.JESUS was the penalty.

GOD loves u so much that he sent his son JESUS to die for u to reconcile u back.

John 3:16 says "For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoso ever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life".Ask JESUS to come into your heart and forgive ur sins and cleanse ur past with his blood.

With a simple prayer like above u can be saved.

watch this move to see how awesome GOD in the bible is


2007-04-25 15:30:36 · answer #6 · answered by Emmanuel 4 · 1 0

God’s word tells us that He is self-existing and ever-existing. In eternity past God was there. At a certain point he made a decision to create man. God’s desire was to have this man express Him in His image and represent Him with His authority earth (Gen 1:26-28) The bible tell us in the very first page of Genesis that God’s creation of man was different from His creation of all other things. He created man in His own image. Let us illustrate this matter by using a glove. A person’s hand cannot fit into a handkerchief because it does not have the image or form of the hand. Because the glove is in the image, the likeness, and the form of a hand, it is able to contain the hand. A glove is made in the form of a hand for the purpose of containing the hand. In the same way, the human life was created according to the image of God so that God could dispense Himself as the divine life into the human life. Man was created not only to express God but also to be God’s representative authority. The unique way for man to express God and represent God is to receive God as his life that man may become a counterpart of God. Man was created with the capacity to receive and contain God’s divine life. All of man’s human virtues, such as love, honor, and goodness, were created by God so that man may have God’s live and live out the divine attributes

2007-04-25 14:52:12 · answer #7 · answered by show me the way 2 · 0 2

The God of the Bible is great because He chose to die for me and us in the first place. He loves and cares for us. He loved us to die for us. He is great that He loves me no matter what. I LOVE GOD!

2007-05-03 05:48:40 · answer #8 · answered by Rhabdite 3 · 0 0

He created the Ant, that can carry 10 x's its own weight.
He created humming birds,smaller then my hands(i'm petite) and yet, whose wings flap faster then any other bird.
The human eye ball, what a wonderous thing.
Have u ever seen the pics., of a baby in the womb?
He can enter into the storehouses of the snow,hail & hoarfrost. Can U? I can't.
He cares for the sparrows, and yet He sent His Son, for me, while I was yet living in my sin.
He will resurrect all those in their memorial tombs, to have the opportunity, to live forever in a paradise earth.
His wisdom, confounds the wise; and yet babes grasp the meaning.
He is Love.

I could go on,& on,& on,&on....

2007-05-02 21:08:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That question is not one we can adequately answer. If all the very best words in the world from all the languages of the world were arranged in their very best order they would not be
adequate enough to describe one thing about God adequately.

There is no beginning or ending to God. He always was, always is and always will be. He is the only uncreated being in existence. To try to grasp this concept alone would stretch the imagination of any intelligent person on this planet including those who deem themselves to be highly intellectual and knowledgeable.

He is Perfect. We have no clue what that means, but to try to express it - He is absolutely without fault, error, sin, or any imperfection that has ever existed, exists now or ever could exist. He is perfect love and mercy, and perfect judgment and

He owns all the power in the universe so that He can give it to other creatures without losing any power Himself since He can take it back whenever He chooses.

He has absolute knowledge so that he knows everything past,
present and future instantly and without any effort. He knows every thought, word and deed that has ever existed in the most intricate detail without straining His mind. He is never surprised and can never learn anything.

He is all this and so much more, and yet he somehow thinks that puny man filled with wickedness is worth sending His Only Begotten Son to die for. That is the perfection of His love that goes beyond human understanding.

Finally He is so vast that He fills the universe, yet He is small enough to fit into a human heart and fill it with love that is real and not the carnal "love" that is a man-made thing and not real love at all.

All the books in the world written about Him put together as one volume would only contain an infinitesimal drop in the ocean of knowledge about who He is and what He can do.

I laugh at those who come in here with finite understanding to mock and scorn God because they have hardened their heart
to accepting truth. I weep for them also because of blindness
in their never-dying soul that keeps them from embracing the greatest good available to them in this life or the life to come.
How foolish it is that man who is to God like a small grain of sand on the ocean floor should be so bold as to speak words
against their Creator and allow deception to hold them captive to the lies of the devil! It is tragedy beyond all the tragedies that have ever existed on earth because we only have one soul, and to lose it to a lie is a terrible grief to God.
The Bible says this; "What shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his soul, or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Weigh carefully all treasures of knowledge and all material treasures you can gain in this life and ask yourself - is it worh eternal damnation to gain them? Wisdom says no. Man's "wisdumb" won't listen.

2007-04-25 16:36:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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