Wow,i gave you a star! You took the words strait from my lips.I hope to see some real answers from our christian friends,but i bet we won't.
2007-04-24 18:22:14
answer #1
answered by CRAVE 2
Just because someone labels an organization as Christian, doesn't make it so, as in your first example. The problem is that the word 'Christianity" has been so misused for so long that it's true meaning is blurred. Christianity is NOT a religion. The word "Christian" means follower of Christ. Not of a church or other religious leader. A Christian is one who has accepted the gift of eternal life through the belief that Jesus is the Son of God, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and rose on the third day after being crucified. Christianity is a relationship with the real living God. A christian can be baptist, methodist, presbyterian, catholic ro any one of other different "religions". Religions are man made. Religion is based on man's interpretation on how to worship God and how these interpretations and practices will get you to heaven. Religion without the belief of redemption through God's grace will send you straight to hell. People are flawed individuals, the Bible even says that! I don't find it surprising then to hear someone saying something that isn't very "christian". It doesn't make it right and I don't agree with Anne Coulter regardless of which org she belongs to. The trinity is difficult to understand and just as difficult to explain, but it is ONE God-head so it is NOT polytheistic. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are at the same time God and different independent beings. A very poor analogy because we really can't comprehend the trinity is that your hand has 5 fingers yet those 5 fingers are "independent" but are still part of the same hand.
The bigger truth is that there always has been and will be those who refuse to accept that there is a God. What they seem to miss is that God's existence doesn't depend on whether they believe in Him or not. God is, has been and always will be. The opposite however is not true, in that our existence does depend on God! In due time we all will face the truth. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. The belief of God requires faith; again, some people just won't believe; personally I don't have a problem with that. I just feel sorry for them and hope they find the truth before it's too late. Christianity does not condone or require that Christians kill non-christians, that goes totally against everything that Jesus taught. Judaism or any other religion isn't "persecuted" by Christians.
2007-04-25 01:40:00
answer #2
answered by imdmutt 2
Faith does not answer. A person who is of a certain faith can answer. If that is what you mean, I can answer all questions backed up by my faith, - Hinduism. Religion is a set of guidelines which teaches one to live in a manner that others could also live. Before you shoot a question, you should be ready to accept that the person you question is a person worthy of respect. Next, accept that all our view points or religions are just different radii of the same circle. All religion reach the same God who is at the center. Each of us see god from a different part of the circle. All religions of the world can be divided into two parts the Good conduct and the doctrines. The first part good conduct is like the Ten Commandments, common to all religion. The second part doctrine is different from religion to religion depending upon the time and place from which it was evolved, One who takes the good conduct part seriously and second part lightly, is loved by all and there is a circle of people who always want to listen to him. It is those who take the first part lightly and second part seriously, who create world wars and all kinds of disputes.
Arun Sharma
2007-04-26 13:10:39
answer #3
answered by Arunachalesa 3
There are no quesions which my "religion" cannot answer.
I'm a Bible believing follower of Jesus and to me this is a relationship with God through Jesus, its not a "religion".
Since the first requirement is in becoming a follower of Jesus, is admitting that you are a sinner, don't think listening to a sinner and their own ideas will help you learn something about Jesus.
If you want to learn about Jesus, read His Book, the Bible.
I know that it is "politically correct" to think of the Roman Catholic Church as a "Christian" religion, but its not.
Most of the complaints within your question has as an underlying assumption that Roman Catholic = Christian.
I disagree.
The Roman Catholic Church stopped following Jesus and started following the teachings of men a long long time ago.
And most of the "men" the RCC follows weren't following Jesus.
Jesus taught: Pray to my Father, which is in heaven. Matthew chapter six.
Catholics teach: Pray to his mother.
You are right, Catholics have made Mary the 4th member of the Trinity, and that is wrong.
Jesus taught: Don't pray repititious prayers like the heathen do. Matthew chapter six.
Catholics teach: Pray the rosary, pray the "our father" over and over and over again.
Jesus taught: Don't call anyone on earth, Father. Matt 23:9 Jesus was teaching, if you read the whole chapter, how to address or not address religious leaders in the public square. This has nothing to do with how to address your male parent.
Catholics of course, call their own clergy: "Father" in direct violation of Jesus' clear teaching.
The Church of Rome has been teaching for over one thousand years, "Kill those who disagree with you!"
The RCC has been buring at the stake those it disagrees with for hundreds of years.
I love Roman Catholic people, but I hate the lies the Roman Catholic religion has taught its people.
The vast majority of the founding fathers of this "American Experiment" where Bible believings followers of Jesus, pretty much just like I am.
Those followers of Jesus created a government which was told by the first ammendment that the government could not put it nose into the church.
The ACLU today tries to turn that backwards and says that the church should keep its nose out of government. That is wrong.
Most of the Europeans who settled the new world were Christians who were fleeing from the persecution that originated with the Roman Catholic Church.
They created relgious freedom for everyone even those who disagreed with them.
I'm sorry I've only scratched the surface as I've tried to answer your question.
God Bless You,
Pastor Art
2007-04-25 08:27:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There is only One thing I can say about Catholicism. This one of the seven heads of the Beast whose head had been fatally wounded and the wound got healed. Christianity as a whole is the One body of the beast with seven heads (seven means many). This is the religion that Jesus himself said, " Watch out that no one deceives you., For many will come in my name (Jesus), claiming that I am He (Christ) and will deceive many........"Matthew 24:3-8, Mark 13:5-8, Luke 21:8-11
In Luke12: 51 Jesus also said, "Do you think, I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you but division."
These are the things Jesus said what will happen; that is why there is no peace in the world, that is why Christians are so divided among themselves.
And the whole time we have been looking for the number of the Beast 666 is because it had cleverly hidden itself within the fold of Christianity. 999 Stood for the Old Teachings taken from the book of Torah and when they twisted the teachings it became 666. See how in Ezekiel 21:25-28 God said the word "Twisted" Twisted, Twisted three times.
One more final thing:
Isaiah 14:12-17 "Lucifer" means Morning Star. He is not an angel but he is a man who claims, "I will ascend to heaven, I will raise my throne above the stars of god; I will sit enthroned on the mount of the assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain."
Matthew 26: 64 "Yes it is as you say," Jesus replied. "but I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven."
Revelation 22: 16 "I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches, I am the root and offspring of David, and the bright "MORNING STAR"(Lucifer)
To make sure that the word Lucifer will appear, read the Original King James Version and Latin Vulgate of Isaiah. 14:12-17. In the other Bibles you will find the name MORNING STAR only. No need for references because oftentimes they are more misleading than true. Use your imagination and heart. Read the Book throroughly. learn and understand.
2007-04-25 01:56:54
answer #5
answered by Rallie Florencio C 7
From a man that loves science:
Maybe the bible cannot answer every single question there is. Maybe the bible have good teachings and philosophies that where never meant to answer every question there is. I mean does the bible tells you how to set up the clock on you vcr (those machines before dvd players)? No it doesn't. But, I don't think that is the purpose of the bible and religion in general as a way of life. So, you can always say that X or Y question was not the purpose of my religion to cover because it is out of its realm. My religion however, tells me that W and or Z thing help me live a more fulffiling life because of ..... so on and so forth. Leave the cooking to the cook, the wood work to the carpenter and the metal works to the black smith.
2007-04-25 01:22:16
answer #6
answered by mr_gees100_peas 6
Do as everyone else does: Fake it! I see so many people making up reasons as to why things happen it is astounding. If someone wanted to know something about my religion and I didn't know the answer I would ask others in my religion. If that didn't get me an answer then I would go to the gods themselves and ask them.
2007-04-25 01:18:38
answer #7
answered by Mawyemsekhmet 5
hey, killing is not even an act approved by the christian god. So why do christian people to it?
it dosen't make sense.
If someone asks you a question that you can't answer what do you do? you don't answer or try to shrug it off. probably you'll do the same with questions on faith. Don't answer questions that you can't answer, it'll make things messy.
2007-04-25 02:13:29
answer #8
answered by Windechime 3
nice cut and paste but do some research the hindus have only one god with many aspects the one god is called the unborn one the undying one the eternal self sound familiar you camel jockey?
2007-04-25 01:17:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I notice you never quote the most important Christian, Jesus.
Love God with everything you got, and love your neighbor.
2007-04-25 01:29:51
answer #10
answered by Anonymous