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Ok Moms, please help me out. I am in desperate need of some new dinner ideas. I know there is a food section but I would like recipes children enjoy. Could you please give me your favorite dinner recipe? I know it is a pain to type it in but maybe we could all get some ideas. Thank you so much!

2007-04-24 16:02:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Here is one my kids will always eat...

1 lb. bacon
olive oil
fresh grated parmesan cheese

Fry bacon and crumble in pieces
Cook pasta according to directions
Cook broccoli
Saute garlic in olive oil (use quite a bit as there is not sauce for this dish)
Toss bacon and broccoli in garlic and oil, sprinkle with parmesan cheese

Even the pickiest kids eat this when they come to visit. I know it sounds odd but it is really good.

2007-04-24 16:19:39 · update #1

12 answers

Get a box of Kraft Minute Rice and a box of Stove Top for chicken. Normally I don't believe in boxed dinners but Kraft has a few basic recipe ideas on the backs of those boxes.

My 3 year old son doesn't eat anything, but he LOVES tacos! I don't even have to bake the shells, he'll eat them out of the box.

Hit this website and sign up for the magazine. It's free and they send it out a couple of times a year. They push Kraft products, but you can substitute and change things where you want.


I feel your pain... I'm getting sick of pork chops and burgers!!

2007-04-24 16:20:35 · answer #1 · answered by beach answerer 5 · 1 0

Hi, I have a 13yr old and an 8 yr old, and they are active in all types of activities, so I am making dinner fast and on the fly. Here are a couple of my kids favorites.

Pizza cups

1 tube of biscuits
peperoni slices
bag of motzerella (sp?) cheese
1 can of pizza sauce

flatten the biscuits in a cupcake tin and push up the sides a little to make it look like a little cup. Then put a little sauce in the cup and put in your slice of peperoni and top with cheese. bake according to the directions on the buscuit tube. This is fast and the kids really like to make them.

One of my sons favorites is chicken with basil cream sauce and baby peas on any kind of pasta.

4 skinless bonless chicken breasts
2 packages of Knorr basil cream sauce
(you will need olive oil, and milk to make the sauce)
1 can of silver can sweet baby peas
1 lb. of any pasta

First get your water on the stove going to boil the pasta. Then just follow the directions on the back of the Knorr sauce and start that. While these are going I rinse and cut my chicken into strips and put them in a pan with garlic and a little bit of olive oil. When the chicken is almost done your water should be boiling, add the pasta. When the sauce thickens, I add the cooked chicken. When the pasta is done, I rinse and drizzle with olive oil. Then add the sauce with chicken and the can of drained peas. Toss and wahla...yummy and fast. Good luck I hope you enjoy.

2007-04-24 16:32:44 · answer #2 · answered by hkychick10 2 · 1 0

This is something my kids love! You don't really even need a recipe for it, it's so simple. Put about 3 cups of minute rice in a bowl, and put it in a can of cream of chicken soup and cream of mushroom soup, take 2 cans full of milk and dump that in. Then take some frozen broccoli and mix it in, too. Put it in a baking dish, like the glass 9x13 dish, and take either chicken legs and thighs, or boneless breasts, depends what your kids like. Salt and pepper. Cook about an hour at 350. My boys love it!

2007-04-24 16:15:09 · answer #3 · answered by BobTheBlazer 3 · 1 0

My kids love making and eating pizza bagels.
Bagels, pasta sause and mozzarella cheese.

We sometimes have what we call a backwards day when we eat eggs, toast, pancakes, bacon, etc. for dinner. The kids get a real kick out of that.

2007-04-24 16:07:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I call it dinner also...
My kids also like breakfast for dinner...I have found they tend to eat better when they help cook it too. For a change, I usually let them all pick out their favorite food, and even if it's not balanced, I make it anyway just to make them feel good. They'll only be little for a short time! Have fun!!

2007-04-24 16:12:24 · answer #5 · answered by Kim 6 · 0 0

Well I am not a mom but...
If your kids will eat aspagus. Get a can of Cream of Aspagus soap and look for the recipe on the can for lemon chicken with Aspargus. My Kids love it.
I made Potatos, Kilbasa and greenbeans in a pot of water tonight also a kids favorite.

2007-04-24 16:07:24 · answer #6 · answered by gator_ce 5 · 1 0

I know this sounds silly but my kids love breakfast so sometime our dinner is breakfast food. We are a big suasage biscuit and gravy eater and also french toast. Heck, you can save the left overs for breakfast the next morning, atleast mine don't mind. Try it and see what they think.

2007-04-24 16:11:39 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Here is a good EASY recipe:

Cook Spaghetti noodles. Cook Chicken breasts (cut up into sm. pieces if you need). Mix spaghetti sauce w/ chicken. Top noodles w/ chicken/sauce mixture. Top with mozzerella cheese.

2007-04-24 16:14:33 · answer #8 · answered by Carol J 2 · 1 0

You know what you should do? Go grocery shopping and don't buy ANYTHING you usually buy. That's what I did today and I discovered all sorts of things I usually ignore and pass by. I was just getting sooooo tired of eating the same things.

why not try making chicken and dumplings?

2007-04-24 16:08:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Poke around at www.epicurious.com

2007-04-24 16:06:28 · answer #10 · answered by AK 6 · 0 0

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