He's a brittish slapstick actor.
2007-04-24 14:23:42
answer #1
answered by Melli 6
Sir Norman Wisdom actually, is a famous English actor/comedian. He is a Cockney born and bread. He is now in his 90s and still occasionally appears on TV, most recently in Last of the Summer Wine.
Norm, as he is better known, is also a composer, one of his songs being "Don't Laugh at Me, Cos I'm a Fool".
Sir Norman Wisdom is the Queen's favourite comedy actor and star. She awarded him his knighthood for services to comedy among other things.
Norm first came to public attention in a series of movies he made back in the 1950s - one such being "Trouble in Store". These comedy movies are all available on DVD and well worth watching. If not to buy, then rent.
Norm started life on the streets of London's East end and for a while actually lived rough out there on the cold streets of London.
Norm joined the British Army as a boy before WW2 and was a serving soldier during WW2 and a veteran of same.
Norm's stage presence in his younger days was the kind of knock-about comedy we all too rarely see these days. Now that he is much older, it's more the 'verbal' comedy but still as excellent as ever.
His biggest fan base is Albania where he is held up as a Hero of the Working Class, which indeed he is, but he is at heart a true Royalist and very much a self-made man. Good for him. No social security when he was a boy.
For the very latest information and chat about Norman Wisdom, go to his official website at www.normanwisdom.com - there you can sign up and chat to other fans and find out more about Norm.
He's been doing a movie this year. Find out about that too.
The word 'retirement' in the Sir Norman Wisdom sense are as much tongue in cheek as anything else and should not be taken seriously. Let's just say that Norm is still out there working but in a more relaxed style.
2007-04-26 12:21:01
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Sir Norman Wisdom used to be a comedy actor in films in the 40's and 50's. He must be over 90 now and lives in retirement on the Isle of Man
2007-04-28 20:13:47
answer #3
answered by nemesis 5
Norman Wisdom was a famous slapstick comedian and starred in many films in the 1940s and 1950s
2007-04-24 21:57:49
answer #4
answered by bob r 1
Sir Norman Wisdom, if you don't mind. You're probably too young to remember him at the height of his popularity (he'll be 92 on Sunday).
He made a career out of doing pratfalls and other slapstick routines and made several films (the ones where he played a character called Norman Pitkin were particularly popular). More recently he's been seen in cameo roles, such as in Last of the Summer Wine. He used to sing too (e.g. "Don't Laugh at Me Because I'm A Fool - which I believe he also wrote).
Apparently he's almost a god in Albania (!), probably because his films are so visual, they don't need to understand the English dialogue. I can't say I was ever a fan of his and there's a comedian today who does a similar act to NW, Lee Evans, who is just as irritating.
2007-04-24 21:42:09
answer #5
answered by Dolores & the prune 7
Does anybody know who Norman Wisdom was? The last of the comics in the mould of Charlie Chaplin. The little man who got everything wrong. A great actor, he made me laugh and sometimes made me want to cry. Last time I saw him in was in 'Casualty' in which his performance must have made clear to even the most ignorant that he really was a star. Now over 90, I wish him a happy retirement.
2007-04-26 07:57:32
answer #6
answered by cymry3jones 7
English comedian, who made many films in the 50's and 60's. He is regarded by the people of Albania as a National Hero. They call him Pitkin, meaning Prince. The reason he is a hero, is because his films were the only Western films permitted under the old Albanian regime. His character epitomised the battle of the people against the evil capitalist boss.
2007-04-25 16:11:27
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
There is an English comedian named Norm Wisdom. Years ago, he had a summer replacement program on American TV. He was good.
2007-04-24 21:22:11
answer #8
answered by Joseph F 5
Mr grimsdale,was a saying of his when he stared in b/w comedy films mainly from the sixty's.He was a short bloke with a big heart used to wear a cap alot..
2007-04-24 21:40:38
answer #9
answered by sierrablue 2
A pretty pathetic comedian in the 1940's-60's
2007-04-26 10:34:47
answer #10
answered by Canute 6
he is a comedy actor , not seen these days due to his age but in the 70's he was quite big ,he wears a flat cap and does lots of stupid acts like throwing himself about
2007-04-25 11:38:00
answer #11
answered by sue_suem 1