It contradicts literal readings of certain holy texts.
2007-04-24 12:50:51
answer #1
answered by Doc Occam 7
Depends on the religion. Many religions can accept evolution. Others can't because it contradicts their Absolute Truth. Some people are retarded.
2007-04-24 12:58:45
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes it does. Before Adam left the garden there was no death. If this was true then there ould have been about a million half breeds per animal. Evolution is the theory that one animal became another over time. A lot for noah to take on his ark don't you think? Also the bible date of the start of man is much sooner then the science verson of it.
For more info on how the bible and Evolution conflict
go to
2007-04-27 02:17:31
answer #3
answered by Ninja Showdown 2
I dont comprehend why it does in some peoples minds.i'm a Muslim yet Im additionally a college pupil.Ive been taught evolution for the reason that widely used college and it never looked as though it might conflict with my ideals.Even now,there is not any genuine reason to me that announces that evolution discredits the existence of God.It takes a definite stress of ideas to refuse to work out that.
2016-10-30 05:23:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Evolution never contradicts religion. Religion is a following of the enlightened masters. The followers of Gautama Buddha are called Buddhists and the religion Buddhism. The following of Jesus Christ is termed as Christianity.
Evolution is a process not controlled by anybody. It just happens to be. Ever since the Cosmos came into being after the big bang, the evolutionary system became inevitable. As the souls atmans after the big bang spread all over the Cosmos... they had to come back to their original pure pristine form and for this they had to manifest body after another.
It is only after a chain of 8.4 million manifestations... a soul atman can gain the original pure pristine form. In the life of a soul atman it is a long earthly life cycle of 96.4 million years. 7.3 million Manifestations are spent as insect life, plant life and animal life. The balance 1.1 million manifestations exist in the human form alone. However best we try... the process of evolution cannot be stopped... not even God Almighty!
Religion is primarily meant for one bodily life. In a single life span as a human being one follows religion. Evolution is a journey of 8.4 million manifestations in the life of a single soul atman. If one desires gaining enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) and salvation (moksha)... we need to travel the path of spirituality and not religion. Religion definitely helps one proceed on the path of spirituality but the nuggets of wisdom contained in Bhagavad Gita... the most sacred Scripture of Hinduism is the final answer.
Following Bhagavad Gita in its entirety... one can definitely gain enlightenment and salvation and go to the kingdom of God in ones lifetime (aka Baikuntha in Hinduism). More on evolution -
2007-04-26 17:49:51
answer #5
answered by godrealized 6
Gen 1: 20 And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky." 21 So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth." 23 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day.
24 And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so. 25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
The phrase"according to their kinds" precludes evolution thousands of years before the theory was espoused
Evolution is religion
2007-04-24 12:57:50
answer #6
answered by charles b 3
While it doesn't set out to make religion look stupid. The evidence and facts that are uncovered via evolutionary sciences is making religion look mighty stupid. Since science has taken over how we gain knowledge and understanding of the world around us religion and its god has gotten smaller and smaller with each new advancement and discovery. And all with out even find that extremely hilarious and satisfying.
2007-04-24 13:03:27
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It contradicts the story in several Holy texts.
2007-04-24 12:52:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It's factual. Whether or not any religions are contradicted by it is their business.
2007-04-24 12:51:48
answer #9
answered by eldad9 6
It depends what kind of religion you follow. It's probably true to say that it makes religion redundant, though.
2007-04-24 12:54:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous