Global Warming is a Leftist political tool being used to diminish capitalism and is an arm of the church of Liberalism. Not to mention that it is unadulterated BS.
You mentioned the global cooling between 1940-1975, well at that time the same factions were predicting a new Ice Age, before that it was Overpopulation (the world was suppose to starve to death by 1985) when that didn’t work out they came up with Global Warming. These folks can’t tell me what the weather will be 10 days from now, why should I believe they can predict it 100 years from now.
“It does not seem likely to me that God would set up the world to work in such a way that human beings would eventually destroy the earth by doing such ordinary and morally good and necessary things as breathing, building a fire to cook or keep warm, burning fuel to travel, or using energy for a refrigerator to preserve food.” - Wayne Grudem –
Fear not, God is in control.
2007-04-24 12:30:51
answer #1
answered by John 1:1 4
Though everything is money driven. But still we cannot ignore the climatic changes we have realised in the recent past. The normal temperature or the highest temperature of summers have gone up by 5-10 degree . The winters period is reducing. Why all these happens. It is because of the fact that there are some contents in the climate which are warming up the same. The excessive content of the CFC and Carbon dioxide are the major contributors for the same.
But what is the solution. Here lies a solution for the same. A small yagjna process namely "Agnihotra" is very efefctive on such things. You can visit to good number of sites available on the subject. In case of any further query, you may write to :-
Mahanubhav Shri Madhavji Sansthan,
Sehore Road,
Bairagarh, Bhopal (M.P.)
Ph : 09893563644
2007-04-24 18:41:57
answer #2
answered by gangwals 1
If the laws of physics are correct, carbon dioxide should act as a greenhouse gas. If CO2 acts as a greenhouse gas, increased levels of it in the atmosphere should cause warming.
The cooling trend seen from the 1940's through the 70's was the result of an increase in human particulates and aerosol pollution, which temporarliy overwhelmed CO2 and caused a drop in global mean temperature. Advancements in technology and stricter pollution regulations dropped the levels of these pollutants in the atmosphere dramatically, and the warming trend once again dominated temperature graphs.
You seem to forget that the climate is a vast and complex system, subject to many forcings both natural and anthropogenic in origin. And no supporter of AGW theory claims that carbon dioxide is the the only factor in regulating climate.
And while it is true that funding for research into GW has grown in recent years, the fact is neither important nor particularly interesting. Research scientists are not salaried form grant money, so they do not profit from AGW being real.
Your arguments are very poor, and were refuted decades ago. If you have any further objections to the theory, feel free to message me and I'll try to clear them up for you.
2007-04-24 12:30:20
answer #3
answered by SomeGuy 6
If anyone looks at the Earths historical climate, then for the last 3 million years (or so) the Earth has been in general cooler than before those 3 million years, with ice sheets over both poles for most of the time. We are at present in an inter-glacial period of an ice age which means "between two glacial periods." (We are NOT out of the ice age - if there is ice at the poles we are still in it). This means (ask any geologist worth his salt - ho ho) that after one glacial period finishes we have a relatively short (20,000 years or so, where we are now) interglacial period followed by another (80,000 years or so) Glacial period. Within our interglacial period are ups and downs of temperature which may or may not be due to man. What we should be doing is studying how we could use the carbon dioxide to fend off the next glaciation which although does not look like it is coming is not going to very merciful when it does. It is rather like seasons of thousands of years outside our usual four seasons , and at present (in our thousands of years seasons) we are approaching the peak of summer. It will only start to get colder after this, and colder and colder !! We should certainly be doing something about global warming, but should not forget that in the long run its going to be cold that will be the problem. If we really are contributing to global warming, we may find that in the fullness of time we would like to know how to do it all the more......the past history of Earth tells us what came before, and we all know that just because we are hot in August, it doesn't last....... and its the same for the thousands of years seasons........!!!
2007-04-25 04:08:30
answer #4
answered by ray999mauve 1
In a campaign without peacetime precedent, the media-entertainment-environmental complex is warning about global warming. Never, other than during the two world wars, has there been such a concerted effort by opinion-forming institutions to indoctrinate Americans, 83 percent of whom now call global warming a " serious problem." Indoctrination is supposed to be a predicate for action commensurate with professions of seriousness.
For example, Democrats could demand that the president send the Kyoto Protocol to the Senate so they can embrace it. In 1997, the Senate voted95 to 0 in opposition to any agreement that would, like the protocol, require significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in America and some other developed nations but that would involve no "specific scheduled commitments" for 129 "developing" countries, including the second-, fourth-, 10th-, 11th-, 13th- and 15th-largest economies (China, India, Brazil, South Korea, Mexico and Indonesia). Forty-two of the senators serving in 1997 are gone. Let's find out if the new senators disagree with the 1997 vote.
Do they also disagree with Bjorn Lomborg, author of "The Skeptical Environmentalist"? He says: Compliance with Kyoto would reduce global warming by an amount too small to measure. But the cost of compliance just to the United States would be higher than the cost of providing the entire world with clean drinking water and sanitation, which would prevent 2 million deaths (from diseases such as infant diarrhea) a year and prevent half a billion people from becoming seriously ill each year.
2007-04-24 12:22:20
answer #5
answered by bwlobo 7
Yes, global temp runs in a long cycle. Man can adversely affect the environment.
Not just temperature in the short run - in the long run -
many many poisons are added to the air and soil -
these cause destruction to the very environment we live in and the planet that our children and our children's children will live upon.
Is this being a good "Steward" of God's gift to us.
Look at the adverse affects that a pig farm has - pigs pass viruses to humans. Viruses are more likely to undergo mutation in a pig farm than else where. Down with swine farms.
Hydrocarbons and other poisons cause damage to the human body in many ways. Sperm, ova, fetuses and so forth have all be affected by breaks in genetic code caused by chemical pollution.
Do you want your children to be born healthy, grow up, and live long?
Being in agreement - we will let them use any scary half truth in this area and hope that less polluting and destructive forms of energy are developed!
2007-04-24 13:14:55
answer #6
answered by cordsoforion 5
So did God make it cooler between 1940-1975? Kidding, but seriously, if what you are saying is true, then a factor could exist for global cooling, or if that factor is the same for cooling and warmth, then it seems like there is no rationale motive or pattern to its cycle. I doubt that, but good thinking and good posting.
2007-04-24 12:21:43
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You should be an activist for this!!!
Too many people are falling into the trap of buying more expensive cars to "save the environment" For all the animals that are dying out has any one heard of ohh idk.....NATURAL SELECTION. We need to stop worring about something that may or may not happen in 2345687987 years and worry about the issues that are surounding us NOW like the war in Irag and violence and politics.
2007-04-25 05:21:25
answer #8
answered by James G 3
I just did a research paper on rainforests and cutting them down is a huge factor in the global warming. They are like thermostats that regulate the temperatures of the world and they are very few left now. Every second, a slice of rainforest the size of a football field is mowed down. If they slow down the cutting and grow them back global warming can be controlled at least a little.
2007-04-24 12:23:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I believe it is so the government can tax us for more things so they can get more money and since it has been a topic for so long, global warming, most don't question it or do their research, but we need to stand up and fight global warming because the government is trying to put a veil over our eyes to do whatever they want, take more control, whatever..
2007-04-24 12:22:16
answer #10
answered by LA 1