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Right so.....
God created evrything so he created us so shouldn't this mean that my sexuality is part of what was createfd by god??

but then so why does god not accept gays or lesbians??

but doesn't god forgive and forget??
(but why forgive and forget in todays society would homosexulaity be a sin??)

why is it a sin??
because our role in life is to pro create??? but this may not stop me from doing so.....
doesn't god love everyone??!

2007-04-24 10:11:41 · 45 answers · asked by kim 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

45 answers

This is when you learn that religion is wrong and restricts us to liberties and freedoms in our life, like freedom of thought, expression and self.

2007-04-24 10:22:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Right so.....
God created evrything so he created us so shouldn't this mean that my sexuality is part of what was createfd by god??
True. God did create sex. But GOD created it, not us. He didn't just create it for pleasure but for a union, a bond.

but then so why does god not accept gays or lesbians?? He accepts people, he doesn't accept the sin. The body isn't set up for what homosexuality, especially men, do to it, you can look at the studies, it's hurtful.

but doesn't god forgive and forget??
(but why forgive and forget in todays society would homosexulaity be a sin??)
Yes, God does forgive and forget. Homosexulity isn't something new, it was really popular with the Romans, when Jesus was around. God's Word doesn't change, no matter what the culture does.

why is it a sin??
It's a sin because it isn't how he made us.
because our role in life is to pro create???
but this may not stop me from doing so.....
of course, we all sin, i was into porn, we all want to disobey.
doesn't god love everyone??!
Excatly, he loves us so much he killed himself for us. God's love isn't touchy feely love. God wants whats best for us, not what we think is best for us.

2007-04-24 10:19:34 · answer #2 · answered by yaabro 4 · 2 0

First of all yes GOD created man and woman so can fill all the earth.But u see thats the lawful way according to GOD.
But gay and lesbian is sin because it is done in a way that is displeasing to GOD.U cant do it because GOD stated that it wrong for someone to do.GOD knows about it.

Yes GOD forgives and forgot sins.And yes GOD loves everyone.But would u love your husband if he stays in your house and has a relationship with another woman all the time.would u be mad at him and probably leave him?why would u be mad at him because he is doing something that pleases him but yet displeases u.

So u see same with GOD.what pleases u might be fun for a while but in the long run its sin.GOD sees longer than u and he knows whats right for u and wrong for u.
So every kind of sex mentioned above it wrong.expect the one that pleases GOD which is between a legal wedded man and woman which is the way GOD wants the earth to be filled.when u take any other path GOD is displease at u.It doesnt mean he doesnt love u anymore he does expect he hate the things u do.Once u understand the love of GOD and what he did for u and how much he loves u.U just dont want to do anything that displeases him.

Wont u want to please a boy u love.Why cant u live a life pleasing when GOD loves u with unconditional love

John 3:16 says "For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoso ever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life".Ask JESUS to come into your heart and forgive ur sins and cleanse ur past with his blood.With a simple prayer like above u can be saved.

2007-04-24 11:11:57 · answer #3 · answered by Emmanuel 4 · 0 0

There are some seriously bad answers to this question displayed here. The truth of the matter is:
a) A God loves all His people
b) God’s people, starting with Eve and Adam sinned (that is did not follow the rules, disobeyed)
c) Because of b) above all mankind is born into sin (that is separated from God)
d) God did not “create” homosexuals, or pedophiles or adulterers etc. He created man and woman.
e) God wants us to reconcile with Him. He has provided a way for that to occur, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That is where the love comes in.
f) Salvation is available to EVERYONE but only through Jesus. It is a free gift and as a gift it must be accepted.
g) The way to accept it is to confess your sins, REPENT of your sin and ask Christ into your life.
h) If you do this your sins will be forgiven and you will be restored to righteousness with God.

There are some key concepts involved in the above:
a) God loves, God is NOT love. Jesus loves, Jesus is NOT love.
b) Repent your sins means: “to feel regret about a sin or past actions and CHANGE your ways or habits
c) Homosexuality is an action, a lifestyle freely chosen. They were NOT MADE that way. In order for a person that commits homosexual acts to be forgiven and loved by God they must repent (See b) above)
d) Grace (or Salvation) is a gift freely given and must be freely accepted.
e) Salvation once given does not allow you to return to your sinful ways.

A final note, God is longsuffering i.e. patient. However, unlike His Othos it is not infinite. At some point God will just write off a sinner. It is interesting to note that the Bible reference to that fact is in the same section that denounces homosexuality.

2007-04-24 11:22:15 · answer #4 · answered by John 1:1 4 · 1 1

Hi Kim, I just wanted to say that there is a big misconception about God and homosexuals. Let me say that the Bible says that we are all Gods children. Just like a mother loves none of her children more than the other, God does not love a non homosexual more than a homosexual. God is not the enemy of the sinner, but the sin. So when you hear people say God hates homosexuals, that is false. He loves you he just hates homosexuality. Imagine this....God created Adam and a female for Adam to love. The woman was a gift to man and yet later on down the road, man rejected that gift. Now women are also rejecting men. God states clearly in the Bible that homosexuality is an abomination but he also states that we have free will. In saying that, having free will means that yes, you can be a lesbian. But by being one you are rejecting Gods word. When you reject Gods word the punishment when you die is going to hell. It is everyones choice whether or not they will go to hell. God doesn't want you to, because he created you and loves you. But if you reject him and rebel against his word, you become a part of the world which is ruled by satan and this "Do what feels good attitude" that people have these days. So it is not that God does not love you but he has given you a CHOICE to live by his word. You don't have to do so and can go ahead and be a lesbian if you want, but the punishment is eternal damnation. I am sure there will be a lot of people who will tell you that hell and God does not exsist and it is your choice to believe that. However I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes: "I would rather go through life believing in God and die to find out there is not one, than to not believe in God and die to find out there is." Just know that God does love you and don't believe anyone who tells you different.

2007-04-24 10:29:55 · answer #5 · answered by ggirlgail89 3 · 3 1

Yes. God loves everyone. Even the WORST sinners.

Please don't be taken in by the homophobic sentiments here on Yahoo Answers. Or those you get from certain Christians out in the world.

If a million people say a stupid thing, it's still a stupid thing.

Yes. The bible tells us homosexuality is a sin. But it's not one of "the" big sins. It didn't make the top 10.

Jesus tells us to look to our own sin. Not the sins of others. Our job is to love everyone. NOT point out their sins.

God forgives, but I don't think God forgets. That comes up over and over again in the bible. He remembers past sins. So when we sin again, the chastisement comes quicker the later times down the line.

2007-04-24 10:19:20 · answer #6 · answered by Max Marie, OFS 7 · 0 2

first off, sexuality is a choice. The freedom of that choice is given by God to all of mankind.

The Bible has especially strong language concerning homosexuality (i.e. "it is an abomination") So, it is clear that there is no room for misinterpretation about the intent or meaning of the message. Homosexuality is a sin, period. Yes you can be saved and forgiven of it, but you also have to have a change of your heart to be saved. Confessing that Jesus Christ is your Lord and God and disobeying Him daily with a homosexual lifestyle puts into question whether you truly accept Jesus as your Lord. If He is your God, then why do you deny Him by a homosexual lifestyle. (not being accusatory here, just explaining). There is another verse in Hebrews 10 that addresses living a sinful lifestyle.

26If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.

God forgives our sins but wants us to stop living a sinful life. Homosexuality is a sinful life.

As far as WHY it is a sin, you should ask God and read the Bible.

In answer to your last question, yes, God loves everyone. But only those who believe in Him and follow His Word may enter His House. He provided the way, but you must choose to use it.

2007-04-24 10:34:09 · answer #7 · answered by excaliburtb 2 · 3 2

Your sexuality that was created by God is specifically designed for heterosexual relations only. The Bible is very specific on this issue in spite of what people may say.

There is no proven genetic cause for homosexuality or lesbianism. This is one of the biggest lies perpetuated in the history of the world.

God therefore rightly condemns the act of homosexuality and anyone who persists in living in it after they know it is sinful and offensive to God. While they are alive they can find forgiveness from God but that forgiveness comes only to those who will repent of and forsake those lifestyles.

It is sin because it is based on lust. Satan, the god of this world, has disillusioned people into believing lust is love! It's a feel good thing but it isn't love, otherwise God would be unjust in condemning it.

God does love everyone. That is why Christ came to die in our place. He died for every thief, liar, fornicator, covetous person, adulterer, witch, homosexual, lesbian, robber, racist, and everyone else who is a sinner ( THAT'S ALL OF US ).

2007-04-24 10:22:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Well, it is a huge controversy in the Christian faith, no doubt - homosexuality! I say that everything that you pointed out is true. Some Christians just like to use the Bible as a malleable tool and shape it around what they already believe. The problem is, most don't realize they can't have it both ways. It's funny because the Bible teaches for us not to judge. Then some people judge homosexuals because they say that homosexuality is a sin. Well, wouldn't they be sinning by judging. Quite ironic. And didn't the Bible say that all sins are equal (save for blasphemy). I say forget all of it. Live your life how you think is best for you. The Bible is not a code of laws. Use the ten commandments as guidelines for your life - not because they are part of the Bible, but because most (exluding the first 3 or 4) are simply good guidelines for a moral life. * Benjamin Franklin

Good luck!

2007-04-24 10:18:08 · answer #9 · answered by eastchic2001 5 · 2 3

Does that mean that the part of a murderer that makes him want to murder was created by God? Or an adulterer wants to do it because God made them that way? It is a sin because God's Word says it is. Does God love everyone? Yes, in spite of our sin. A gay person is no worse than me- I am a sinner too.... I am a "fundie" and don't hate anyone. There is not a bitter thread in my body against anyone - gay or straight, whatever.... Praise God that He has put it in me not to be bitter.

2007-04-24 10:16:26 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Hey Kimbo. wil try to answer your question as best I can. God did create us all. yes He did, and we are all valuble to HIM. BUt, He created us with free choice, and then He tries to tell us why we should go to Him, and the devil tells us why not to. ITs our choice who we listen to and obey. God created us, but He did not create anything in us that is SIN. Tho we are born of a sinful nature, by going to God we can change that and take on the nature of God But, God is clear that homosexuality is a sin and leads to death. and ppl have changed also, that really wanted it. Most dont tho, as its a powerful lust of the devil, just like porn, etc. God does love us and forgives us, so easily. BUt, we must ask for forgivness and stop doing what He says is sin. and on the subject of homosexuality, He is very very clear about it. Yes, He did tell us to procreate. But some cant have children, thats between them and God. thats not sin, if they cant If its something we can change, then its up to us to do so. If I were born with a huge long nose, it couldnt be sin, as I have no say about it. But ppl that are gay can change, and I hate that term. I havent known many that aren GAY. Gay is joy and happpiness. Down deep, most seem to kno it is wrong, but feel they cant give it up. the devil deceives them big time. God can do anything if we ask HIm and allow it. Yes, God does love us all, and forgives so easily, even the most vile sinner. But, to be saved one must be like Jesus and turn from sin. no matter how difficult.
and No, you cant procreate with someone of the same sex, you can adopt and do other stuff, but you cant have a natural baby with the same sex, because its not normal. and its against GOD. Thats why itsnot allowed.
God loves homosexuals, but He cant accept and forgive them unless they turn to Him and stop it, and allow Him to give them a new heart and mind. SO easily done too, if one really wants it, and will hear God about it all.
Yes, God loves everyone, but He wont save everyone. Do you read the Bible at all. Many will be lost to sin, and not just homosexuals. Be it adulters, liars, thieves. the list is long Only by obeying Jesus can you turn from sin. I hope you do so today.

2007-04-24 10:23:07 · answer #11 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 3 1

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