Jesus was a real person, just like you are. The question of His divinity is where the disagreement stems from. Judaism can not be summed up in one paragraph. If you want to know about Judaism, you are going to have to research it, although I doubt you'd be able to understand any of it because "ain't" isn't in their vocabulary.
2007-04-24 07:40:11
answer #1
answered by Hot Coco Puff 7
Jews do not believe in Jesus, other than believing that he was a man who once existed. Anyone who tells you that Jews believe that jesus was a prophet, the messiah, or the son of G-D, is making an error. The group that calls itself Jews For Jesus, are NOT Jewish. They are a Chritian missionarry group, that tries to convert Jews to Christianity by tricking them into believing that you can believe in Jesus and still be following the Jewish religion.
A Jew is always a Jew. A Jew is someone who is either decended from the patriach, Jacob, or underwent a valid Jewish conversion. Anyone who falls under this catagory is Jewish whether they mistakenly believe in Jesus or not. However, anyone who believes in Jesus is not following the Jewish religion.
Jews believe that there is ONE G-D, and that one means one, and it doesnt mean three. Please see the website
2007-04-24 07:44:43
answer #2
answered by NewSong 3
Thank you, L'Chaim and New Song ( Shir Chadash?)
Most of the textual requirements concerning the messiah, what he will do, and what will be done during his reign are located within the Book of Isaiah, although requirements are mentioned in other prophets as well.
* The Sanhedrin will be re-established (Isaiah 1:26)
* Once he is King, leaders of other nations will look to him for guidance. (Isaiah 2:4)
* The whole world will worship the One God of Israel (Isaiah 2:17)
* He will be descended from King David (Isaiah 11:1) via King Solomon (1 Chron. 22:8-10)
* The Moshiach will be a man of this world, an observant Jew with "fear of God" (Isaiah 11:2)
* Evil and tyranny will not be able to stand before his leadership (Isaiah 11:4)
* Knowledge of God will fill the world (Isaiah 11:9)
* He will include and attract people from all cultures and nations (Isaiah 11:10)
* All Israelites will be returned to their homeland (Isaiah 11:12)
* Death will be swallowed up forever (Isaiah 25:8)
* There will be no more hunger or illness, and death will cease (Isaiah 25:8)
* All of the dead will rise again (Isaiah 26:19)
* The Jewish people will experience eternal joy and gladness (Isaiah 51:11)
* He will be a messenger of peace (Isaiah 52:7)
* Nations will end up recognizing the wrongs they did Israel (Isaiah 52:13-53:5)
* For My House shall be called a house of prayer for all nations (Isaiah 56:3-7)
* The peoples of the world will turn to the Jews for spiritual guidance (Zechariah 8:23)
* The ruined cities of Israel will be restored (Ezekiel 16:55)
* Weapons of war will be destroyed (Ezekiel 39:9)
* The Temple will be rebuilt (Ezekiel 40) resuming many of the suspended mitzvot
* He will then perfect the entire world to serve God together (Zephaniah 3:9)
* Jews will know the Torah without Study (Jeremiah 31:33)
* He will give you all the desires of your heart (Psalms 37:4)
* He will take the barren land and make it abundant and fruitful (Isaiah 51:3, Amos 9:13-15, Ezekiel 36:29-30, Isaiah 11:6-9)
2007-04-24 09:18:48
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Jews believe that Jesus could have been a real, live human being who preached one of the many versions of Judaism of the time. However, when the Nicene Creed was agreed upon in the 4th century and all Christians had to believe that Jesus was divine, it became blasphemy for any Jew to worship a human made into a god.
Messianic "Jews" and Jews-for-Jesus are not and never have been Jews. They masquerade as Jews in order to peddle Christianity door-to-door.
The messiah will NOT be divine, and his sole purpose is to bring peace on earth. Do we have peace on earth? No????? Then the messiah has not been here yet.
Jesus was NOT a prophet. None of his "prophesies" have yet to materialize. The only prophets included in the Hebrew Bible are those whose prophesies materialized.
2007-04-24 08:06:22
answer #4
answered by Hatikvah 7
As I understand it, Jews follow Judaism which is the religion as established in the Old Testament and corresponding documents. They don't acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah and so, therefore, don't acknowledge his teachings as written in the New Testament (especially since so much of it changed or went against many of their old laws). I think most Jews acknowledge that Jesus existed and that he might've been some kind of prophet, but it's pretty much a steady understanding that he was not the Messiah. If you believe he was the Messiah, then it comes to reason that you also follow his teachings which would then make you a Christian and not a Jew.
(Afterthought: I've been told that you're supposed to be a Jew by birth, so, if you don't follow the teachings, I suppose this is where that whole "not a 'real' Jew" thing comes in . . . I don't really understand those that convert to Judaism --- does that still make them Jews, or do they just follow the same teachings?) *shrugs*
2007-04-24 07:32:36
answer #5
answered by MaxS 5
Well, for Jews Jesus was born, he lived, he died when the Romans nailed him to a cross. End of story. Christians on the otherhand say that he rose again.
Early Christians and Jews had VERY similar beliefs since Judaism does believe in the massiah. The difference was that early Christians thought Jesus was the messiah whereas the Jews were still waiting.
There are however some Jews who believe Jesus was the Messiah but continue to practice Judaism as they believe this is was Jesus would want. (Makes sense since Jesus was Jewish himself.) I hope this helps.
2007-04-24 07:33:15
answer #6
answered by danl747 5
Jews tend to be rather pragmatic. The most common position I've encountered is an acknowledgment that that there could have been someone saying those things, but we really don't know. So why get all worried about it?
What is very clear to anyone who knows Hebrew is that this Jesus does not fulfill Messianic prophecies. It's that simple, Jesus is not and cannot be Moshiach.
Messianic 'Jews' say all sorts of things that are quite outside of Judaism. If they want to be Christian, fine. If they want to quietly enact Jewish ritual, so be it. But many of them insist on harassing others and grossly misrepresenting Judaism to the rest of the world. I insist on my right to counter that.
2007-04-24 07:47:03
answer #7
answered by The angels have the phone box. 7
Jews believe in Jesus the same way Christains believe in Mohammed. He just isn't relevant to our religion.
A Jew by birth is a Jew for life. However, those who believe the J.C. was the messiah are, for all intents and purposes, practicing Christians. It's the same as if a Christian would worship Buddha. That person would be a practicing Buddhist.
2007-04-24 07:43:02
answer #8
answered by Melanie Mue 4
Most Jews view Jesus as a historical character. Basically a normal guy that lived and died.
As for why Jews dont see others Jews that do believe in Jesus as Jews anymore it is because they are converts.
Would you consider someone Christian if they practiced Islam?
2007-04-24 10:52:15
answer #9
answered by Gamla Joe 7
Messianic Judaism is the term given to Jewish people from all walks of life who believe and have accepted Yeshua (the Hebrew name for Jesus) of Nazareth as the promised Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures. These Jewish people do not stop being Jewish, but they continue to remain strong in their Jewish identity, lifestyle and culture, while following Yeshua as He is revealed in the Brit Chadashah, the New Covenant. Many Messianic Jews refer to themselves as “completed Jews” since they believe that their faith in the God of Israel has been “completed” or fulfilled in Yeshua.
In reality, Messianic Judaism began 2000 years ago. Yeshua, Himself, was an observant Jew, most of the Apostles and writers of the New Covenant were Jewish, and the vast majority of the early believers in Yeshua were also Jewish (see Acts chapter 2).
Traditional rabbinical Judaism today does not believe that Yeshua is the Jewish Messiah. Observant Jews are still waiting faithfully in accordance with the Rambam’s (Rabbi Moses Maimonides 1134-1204) “Thirteen principles of Jewish Faith” which states in Principle 12 “I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah. How long it takes, I will await His coming every day.” Most secular Jews do not believe in the physical coming of a personal Messiah, but some still look forward to a Messianic concept or Messianic Age.
2007-04-24 07:48:01
answer #10
answered by Freedom 7
Oh my goodness. Well, the friends I have that are Jewish believe Jesus was born, but they dont believe he is the Son of God. They follow their version of our Christian OT. We love them because they too are God's children, and also they are God's Chosen People. <----Longer story, I say call a Rabbi for more details.
2007-04-24 07:33:37
answer #11
answered by Jodeci 2