Zero, because I hate people in this life, and I'm sure the afterlife will be no different.
2007-04-24 02:53:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
When we arrive in Heaven, we will not have anything to complain about or be saddened by. Revelation 21:4 tells us, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” For a detailed description of Heaven, see Revelation chapters 21-22. Once we arrive in Heaven, we will be glorified and perfect. Our hearts, attitudes, and thoughts will be completely in agreement with God (1 John 3:2). If some of our loved ones are not in Heaven, we will be in 100% complete agreement that they do not belong there – that they are condemned by their own refusal to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior (John 3:16; John 14:6). It is hard to understand this, but we will not be saddened by the lack of their presence. Our focus should not be on how we can enjoy Heaven without all of our loved ones there, but rather on how we can point our loved ones to faith in Christ – so that they will be there.
2007-04-24 09:58:18
answer #2
answered by NickofTyme 6
Knowing that pedophiles, serial killers and mass murderers won't be torturing anyone else will be the upside. Not so much enjoying their being there, but it will be a relief not to have to worry about what they do to others anymore. And really, some of them don't really suffer the consequences of their actions in this life, so they're due some punishment.
2007-04-24 10:00:57
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I do not at all enjoy that thought, especially if I know that I missed an oppertunity to tell someone about Christ and they die and end up in Hell
And, you can go to a place you do not believe exists. If you do not believe there is such thing as New York City, but you win tickets to a Broadway play, you will be going to NYC, whether you believe it exists or not
2007-04-24 09:59:19
answer #4
answered by SignsofPoetry 2
On the same scale, how much do you think you may wonder what it would have taken not to be there. I'll give you the answer right now. It takes seeing the sin in your life as exceedingly sinful, and seeing that it separates you from Almighty God, who is Holy, and seeing that he provided a way for your sin to be atoned for and for you to be reconciled back to him. Believing is seeing.
2007-04-24 09:57:53
answer #5
answered by hisgloryisgreat 6
I'll have to say 11, because I know how much God hates people who lie to themselves and say "those who don't believe secretly do believe".
God Really hates that.
And lip service Christians. God really hates them too.
Notice there's no one but Christians in Hell.
That's because only Christians Believe in Hell.
God's got a wicked sense of humour...
And, Catriona, Human Suffrage has LOTS more to do with having the vote than eternal damnation, but I wouldn't expect better from someone who lives in what is laughably called a Democracy...
2007-04-24 09:55:35
answer #6
answered by Orac 4
zero. It breaks my heart to know that people would prefer eternal damnation than to come under God's authority and receive His blessings by accepting the salvation offered through the blood of His Son Jesus.
2007-04-24 09:58:12
answer #7
answered by Romans 8:28 5
10 Because the dead have no feelings of pain or pleasure no matter what your daddy or your preacher told you.
The Bible actually says "The dead are concious of nothing at all."--Eccl. 9: 5
"The soul that is sinning--it itself will DIE." --Ezek. 18 4
2007-04-24 11:45:56
answer #8
answered by grnlow 7
I just hope my neighbor Barry is going to hell, for stealing my rack of lamb
2007-04-24 09:53:58
answer #9
answered by Fatty 2
0! It is not a reason to celebrate. Human suffrage is not enjoyable.
2007-04-24 09:54:26
answer #10
answered by Catriona 2