Yes, I'm worth it! Not worthy to DIE for my OWN sin or anyone else's of course, for I was born under the same sin-curse as everyone else and am not eligible to remove other peoples' sin by any selfless sacrifice I might've made. But, once I put on Christ and became a Christian, it made me worthy of all God promised us through my obedience of His salvation plan and a continued relationship with Him!
2007-04-24 04:23:46
answer #1
answered by bigvol662004 6
No we are not worthy at all, as we are all a bunch of sinners, but Jesus died on the cross for our sins and His precious blood washed away our sins and just for the record Jesus rose from the dead and He is coming back soon.
2007-04-24 06:38:42
answer #2
answered by Dakota Lynn Takes Gun 6
It is for God to determine my worth. Jesus is not dead. Jesus sits at the right hand of His Father.
2007-04-24 06:45:00
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Hmm so many things wrong with that statement God is not dead, and Neither is Jesus.
Am I worth it? I sure hope so
2007-04-24 06:40:21
answer #4
answered by Sunfire 2
When God did send his Son to save us, yes..he prooved that all worth it.
2007-04-24 07:14:44
answer #5
answered by sxanthop 4
You have absolute zero concept of Christianity and the Bible. Instead of showing your ignorance, why not read the Bible---the whole Bible---and get some instruction on what you read. Afterward, I do not believe that you will ask such inane questions.
2007-04-24 06:41:42
answer #6
answered by Preacher 6
God answered your question when He sent His Son to as a living sacrifice. God loves us all that much.
2007-04-24 06:38:40
answer #7
answered by fl2nc2ca2md2nc 3
Of course I'm worth it, I'm a human being full of potentialities.
2007-04-24 06:36:39
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Worth what? worth some fool getting his butt swung on a cross. I tell you many more have gave their lives for me in much more noble causes. Those who gave their lives in defense of their country are the ones I praise. Amen.
2007-04-24 06:50:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
God thinks I am that is what matters and yes I am christian.
2007-04-24 07:32:58
answer #10
answered by Mim 7