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Why would God allow a flawed, pre-Christ covenant to begin with?

2007-04-23 22:42:09 · 14 answers · asked by Why? 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

What covenant are you trying to ask? Do you understand what is covenant?
was there a solemn agreement between you and God?Old solemn agreement and the new solemn agreement?

There is no such as covenant of God to anybody and covenant of Christ.

You do not know what you are talking, my friend. Where is your English word came from?

2007-04-23 22:52:12 · answer #1 · answered by Jesus M 7 · 0 2

Nothing is wrong with the Old Covenant but that does not mean the New Covenant is 'useless' or just the second part or the sequel to it. The New Covenant fulfulled the Old Covenant. OT people were promised a messiah, a savior to be born who will save mankind and God fulfilled his promise. God always does-to Abraham, his descendants number the stars in the sky and the sands on the shore. He fulfilled his promise to the Israelites that he'd bring them out of Egypt and slavery to a land flowing with milk and honey. God is never a promise breaker so when he said he's send a messiah, he really did and the New Testament introduced to us the word who was made flesh, Jesus Christ, who is God's only son. Jesus also did not demolish the decalogue as many others understood of the gospels in the NT, he revised them. He was so great, he made 10 laws to 2 laws with the same thought. First is to love God (the first three laws of the decalogue) and second is to love your neighbors as you love yourself (the seven remaining laws).

Other than the NT fulfilling the OT, it also gave it some sense. If people only believe the OT, then they'd still be waiting for the messiah until now. And he came here already as a spiritual leader and not a political one as others may have expected. OT talked about the savior who would come and the anticipation of the people. If people would reject NT and accept OT only, then it would not end the story. The salvation of mankind has been done already nearly 2000 years ago. We have been given eternal life that does not end in death.

If there are other promises God made, he'd really fulfill them. Because he's God. It may have taken time for Abraham to have countless descendants and for Israelite to have the land flowing with milk and honey, but everything God said had happened. Jesus Christ promised the Holy Ghost would come and HG is here today. God said there would be an end of the world and there really would be. It will just take time ... (End of Days can be found in the Book of Revelations and that's in the New Testament, I hope this makes sense now to many people)

2007-04-24 07:40:17 · answer #2 · answered by Nichola Salvacce 2 · 1 0

The old Covenant was not Flawed Man as a whole is Flawed. The old Covenant had certain sacra fices set up for the "payment" of Certain sins. With the coming of the Yeshua he became the ultimate sacrifice for our sins because he was without sin himself. There fore forming the New Covenant. If Man had been able to follow the old covenant with out breaking a law there wouldn't have been a need to Have a new covenant. The new covenant gave us Grace from G~d.

2007-04-24 05:57:40 · answer #3 · answered by Amber 4 · 1 0

The first covenant was between man and God. Being flawed, there was no way that man could up-hold his end of the bargain. In other words, it was flawed. Temporary at best. Mostly because the original covenant was basically an agreement between God and the Israelites i,e, Ten Commandments, Keep my law and be faithful and I will bring you to the promised land.

The second covenant was made by the Son of God, for the sake of ALL mankind. In essence, Jesus Christ paid for our sins, all our sins, past, present and future.

2007-04-24 07:22:14 · answer #4 · answered by denis.delcallar 3 · 0 0

There wasn't anything wrong with the old covenant. The law was written to convict all mankind of their sin so they could see that they require a savior. The old covenant was perfect and just and if followed perfectly would allow access to God's presence. The problem is with man not the law. We are just unable to perfectly follow it. That's why Jesus had to come, fully God and fully man, to fulfill that law for us and become the perfect sacrifice for sin.

2007-04-24 05:58:40 · answer #5 · answered by CaTcHmEiFuCaN 4 · 0 0

The old covenant wasn't flawed. It was simply overcome by man's increasing evil each succeeding generation to the point that God realized that animals couldn't WILLINGLY give themselves for our sins, their deaths lost on a generation of spiritually lazy people whose thoughts were something like, "Oh well, time to kill the lamb for atonement again. Where's the after-Temple party?" God allowed it because at first, it was the ONLY way possible to achieve salvation since Adam and Eve forfeited the God-given authority they had over the world to Satan, effectively placing separation between them and God and removing God from a physical presence on Earth. You'll notice that every representation of God from that point on in the OT was in the form of a cloud, or a great light, but NO PHYSICAL presence. The Law was established under the old covenant to remind people of the IMPOSSIBILITY of regaining the perfect nature that God had given to Adam and Eve without a CONSTANT, ONGOING relationship with Him through a system of penance and worship! The only other option was DEATH, which wouldn't have helped, for in sin, we cannot die for our salvation or sacrifice ourselves for others!

2007-04-24 12:11:34 · answer #6 · answered by bigvol662004 6 · 1 0

The old covenant was fulfilled by Jesus coming as the Messiah. The sacrificing of unblimished animals pointed to Jesus sacrifice of his perfect human life for humankind.

The new covenant was the first time humans had the hope of going to heaven. It also gave humans relief from the original sin of Adam, restoring the balance to mankind.

2007-04-24 09:46:27 · answer #7 · answered by grnlow 7 · 1 0

The old covenant was the law. It has always been the only way to be forgiven of sin is by innocent blood. An unblemished lamb fulfilled this temporarily. Jesus fulfilled this covenant permanently by His death and resurrection.
We can now claim the blood of Jesus without having to sacrifice an animal for the forgiveness of sin.

2007-04-24 05:56:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It was incomplete. Redemption could not be obtained by the old covenant. It was merely a picture given to prepare people for the coming of the Christ. When the "Real thing" came, the picture was no longer necessary. This is the way God, in His infinite wisdom, determined to do it.

2007-04-24 05:48:19 · answer #9 · answered by oldguy63 7 · 1 1

Men didn't obey the "old" covenant. It was humanity that approached the Law with a flawed motive. Not God.


2007-04-24 05:46:18 · answer #10 · answered by JoMo Rising 2 · 1 1

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