Kinda hard to believe anything MAN has to say. I will sit back and watch all you Christians panic on this question. A book that was compile from 1200bc to 1200 ad according to Christian history, must be pretty fallible considering MAN, you know the guy with SIN, wrote it!
If GOD had written the bible himself and threw it down from heaven for us to read i could understand. But man? Get out of town Charlie Brown, you might as well tell me GOD invented (wrote) the INTERNET. I will be amazed at the thumbs down and the naysaying christians who read this and then spam religious quotes to prove its worth. Have fun and remember, if you havent heard it from GOD himself, its more than likely a lie.
11 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
I mispoke when I said LIE, what I meant was it cant be the WHOLE TRUTH.
I believe personally the bible is no different than a book of Morals to help guide people in their daily lives. Much like the Crying Wolf story and Aesop's fables, presented to give us a good moral. Thank you for all that have answered.
11:08:40 ·
update #1
It's all a fairytale!
2007-04-23 22:30:37
answer #1
answered by Pseudonym45 4
If a book came falling from the sky I think I'd still have a hard time believing that some Higher Power threw it down to me. God would literally need to appear before my eyes and toss the book into my hands. Even then, I still would not know if I could trust that guy or know who he truly was. I may just think I was having a crazy hallucination. If I can't even trust my own eyes, why would I trust the words of men who claim that someone else said they saw something years before? It's like believing a story that happened to a "friend of a friend, I swear..."
The Bible was written down by men and men make mistakes and/or lie for whatever reason. It doesn't prove or disprove anything in the Bible, it just shows that it's all based on word of mouth.
*I'm not sure where people are getting all these ancient dates from since the oldest surviving fragment of a biblical document seems to be no older than the Dead Sea Scrolls. The oldest date I can find for any of those is possibly 250 B.C. I don't know how someone could say that Genesis was definitely written by Moses in 1445 B.C., that would just be more 'word of mouth' info.
2007-04-23 22:39:06
answer #2
answered by Pico 7
The Bible was divinely inspired but written by humans, compiled by humans and translated by humans so it is fallible. Despite the mistranslations in the Bible, apocrypha and other scripture, we can still see a lot of profound truth in them that may improve our lives.
The statement 'if you haven't heard it from God himself, it's more than likely a lie' implies that the statement is probably a lie itself. It's a paradox like 'this sentance is false' unless you're God.
2007-04-23 22:47:05
answer #3
answered by Holistic Mystic 5
yes the bible was written by man and yes the bible has been compromised. christens are supposed to hate gays, because supposedly the bible talks about them in four verses. in the original Aramaic and Greek texts, no reference to anything like homosexuality or lesbianism is in it. a lot of christens say that they are going to heaven and everyone else is a sinner and is going to hell. hell is full of kings, queens, popes and such, while heaven is filled with tax collectors, fisherman, farmers, pimps hoes and such.
entire chapters of the scrolls found pertaining to the the gospels of Thomas where deemed heretical for centuries and reading them meant death. why? because the book stated that spirituality was to be found separate of the church. the books of the bible were copied from scrolls found near the dead see in caves by a young Shepard in 1380. these scrolls however were written centuries before and centuries after the time of jesus. the bible itself is written by men and has been given the spin they thought it was to have because of their own perspectives. but the fact is unlike science religion did not deny science until the pat robinsons of the world appeared. however one could fill an entire football stadium full of artifacts and recorded incidents that science can't explain and denies as a result.
2007-04-23 22:43:11
answer #4
answered by The Simurgh 3
Wow,good pre emptive strike.However,I'm not panicking.
The Bible wasn't writtten in 1380 AD.It was compiled far,far earlier than that.
Scripture is God inspired.God worked through the writers of the various books.And the agreement of the books with each other,the way that prophecies were fulfilled etc,serves to confirm the accuracy of the Bible.
See? I did it without spamming religious quotes.Can you give us the benefit of the doubt?
2007-04-23 22:36:03
answer #5
answered by Serena 5
The Bible and different sacred texts from different cultures are the tries of adult adult males, and in all probability women folk, to precise the courting of people to the universe and his very own social platforms. those writings have been filtered by way of generations of people and distilled right into a variety that a great majority of people have got here upon inspiring and a competent technique for directing their lives. those writings have presented which potential, yet people who potential have stepped forward over the years only as human society has stepped forward over the years. It replaced into on no account meant to be a formulation or recipe for living continuously; if it have been, we ought to continually chuck all technologies and stay like historical people did. in fact that the present technology would not even think of like people did whilst the books of the Bible have been written. Society replaced into no longer the comparable. maximum folk have no understanding of a thank you to farm or tend animals, yet lots of the memories of Jesus or of the previous testomony contain farming or a nomadic way of life. i think of this is time for people to strengthen as lots adulthood of their non secular ideals as they have of their application of technology and technologies.
2016-10-03 11:53:37
answer #6
answered by lieser 4
GOD only showed the face of truth which is within one's heart,and provided u prudence to uncover the truth within,the source of every knowledge,scriptures,holy books....,so it depends upon the genuineness of the person who authored any scripture after realising him or without any enlightenment,since the things orignating from the heart r bound to be true.
2007-04-23 22:35:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Not to mention the fact that the divinity of Jesus, the Holy Trinity, and the virgin birth were all VOTED on at the council of Nicea. I mean why would they need a vote? If it was the word of god why would mere humans need to vote on whether or not to include it in the bible.
2007-04-23 22:33:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i tell u wad.
GOD did not write the bible and the bible was written by men.
u will ask how the man noe what to write in the bible?
God had already talk to those people he could trust and tell them to write them.
actually all the story was not written but was pass down orally by the words of mouth untill a few century later people started writing them in the bible and that is how the bible came about.
For the ten commandments god told mosses wad is the ten commandments and tell him to tell everyone to obey it
2007-04-23 22:35:48
answer #9
answered by Professsor Daniel 2
Old Testament
Book Author
Date Written
Genesis Moses ? - 1445 B.C.
Exodus Moses 1445 - 1405 B.C.
Leviticus Moses 1405 B.C.
Numbers Moses 1444 - 1405 B.C.
Deuteronomy Moses 1405 B.C.
Joshua Joshua 1404-1390 B.C.
Judges Samuel 1374-1129 B.C.
Ruth Samuel 1150? B.C.
First Samuel Samuel 1043-1011 B.C.
Second Samuel Ezra? 1011-1004 B.C.
First Kings Jeremiah? 971-852 B.C.
Second Kings Jeremiah? 852-587 B.C.
First Chronicles Ezra? 450 - 425 B.C.
Second Chronicles Ezra? 450 - 425 B.C.
Ezra Ezra 538-520 B.C.
Nehemiah Nehemiah 445 - 425 B.C.
Esther Mordecai? 465 B.C.
Job Job? ??
Psalms David 1000? B.C.
Son of Korah wrote Psalms 42, 44-49, 84-85, 87; Asaph wrote Psalms 50, 73-83; Heman wrote Psalm 88; Ethan wrote Psalm 89; Hezekiah wrote Psalms 120-123, 128-130, 132, 134-136;
Solomon wrote Psalms 72, 127.
Proverbs Solomon wrote 1-29
Agar wrote 30
Lemuel wrote 31 950 - 700 B.C.
Ecclesiastes Solomon 935 B.C.
Song of Solomon Solomon 965 B.C.
Isaiah Isaiah 740 - 680 B.C.
Jeremiah Jeremiah 627 - 585 B.C.
Lamentations Jeremiah 586 B.C.
Ezekiel Ezekiel 593-560 B.C.
Daniel Daniel 605-536 B.C.
Hosea Hosea 710 B.C.
Joel Joel
835 B.C.
Amos Amos
755 B.C.
Obadiah Obadiah
840 or 586 B.C.
Jonah Jonah
760 B.C.
Micah Micah
700 B.C.
Nahum Nahum
663 - 612 B.C.
Habakkuk Habakkuk
607 B.C.
Zephaniah Zephaniah
625 B.C.
Haggai Haggai
520 B.C.
Zechariah Zechariah
520 - 518 B.C.
Malachi Malachi
450 - 600 B.C.
New Testament
Date Written
Matthew Matthew 60's
Mark John Mark late 50's
early 60's
Luke Luke 60
John John late 80's
early 90's
Acts Luke 61
Romans Paul 55
1 Corinthians Paul 54
2 Corinthians Paul 55
Galatians Paul 49
Ephesians Paul 60
Philippians Paul 61
Colossians Paul 60
1 Thessalonians Paul 50 - 51
2 Thessalonians Paul 50 - 51
1 Timothy Paul 62
2 Timothy Paul 63
Titus Paul 62
Philemon Paul 60
Hebrews (Paul, Apollos, Barnabas...?) 60's
James James, half brother of Jesus 40's or 50's
1 Peter Peter 63
2 Peter Peter 63 - 64
1 John John late 80's
early 90's
2 John John late 80's
early 90's
3 John John late 80's
early 90's
Jude Jude, half brother of Jesus 60's or 70's
Revelation John late 80's
early 90's
2007-04-23 22:34:32
answer #10
answered by ? 2
Fire your history teacher! Cuz you embarassing yourself with that jibberjabber!
2007-04-23 22:42:39
answer #11
answered by Who's got my back? 5