Why do some police officers insist on making themselves look stupid and overbearing and then make the public critisise the rest of us trying to actually do a decent job.
No you cannot get points for having your little girl in the car without her seat belt on, you can get a £30 ticket because she is under 14 and therefore it's is ultimatley your responsibility to make sure she is safely belted up (even though most kids escape the belts before you can turn round)
Please dont fret about this idiot threatening you, I doubt that he has even put pen to paper over the matter, unless there is very strong evidence to suggest the manner of your driving was dangerous there is no case to answer other than a simple ticket for a child with no seat belt, and dangerous driving is a whole world more than £60 and 3 points.
At the moment the police are strongly enforcing childrens seat belts around schools simply because that is where a lot of accidents can happen due to the shear amount of traffic using the same roads at the same times.
Please dont think all coppers are like this, some of us would rather try and get the public on our side.
2007-04-24 08:34:56
answer #1
answered by rick_wenham 2
The copper obviously gets more brownie points for the £60 ticket. Technically it is a £30 fine with no points for not wearing a seatbelt. Speeding on the other hand carries a £60 fine and 3 points, for minor offences. You could refuse to pay the ticket and go before the magistrate to argue your case. If you lose though, you would end up with even greater costs. Shame on you for not belting up your child. An accident could occur anytime, anywhere. Better to be safe than sorry.
2007-04-23 22:22:25
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
it is the drivers responsibility to ensure all children under the age of 14 are wearing seat belts. if the child is under three years of age then a child restraint must be used that conforms to the british standards kitemark. having said this if there is no restraint a child can sit in the rear of the car on a cushion with a seat belt on. a police officer does not have to issue a caution.
2007-04-23 22:27:48
answer #3
answered by tony c 5
yes, it is endorsable. You should have known better what with all the recent media hype about car seats being law for under 12's.
Accept the fine and the points on your licence because you dont have a leg to stand on my friend.
2007-04-23 23:05:28
answer #4
answered by Catwhiskers 5
The factors are valid for 3 years yet stay on the licence for 4 years. After 4 years you have to be conscious to the DVLA for the factors to be bumped off. there's a fee for this.
2016-10-13 08:38:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
A new law came in recently, all children under 140cm must be suitably restrained in the back of a car. So unfortunately 3 points and a fine it will be. Is it really worth risking your childs life even if the journey is small?
2007-04-23 22:20:32
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
because the new law is that it doesn't matter the distance you travel the fact is children must be in an appropriate child seat and belted in!
Your child's life is more important than the sake of saving you a few minutes putting her seat belt on
2007-04-23 22:18:08
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You have not got any form of defence at all.You are absolutely wrong and deserve whatever penalty they throw at you.You know the rules. Stick to them and protect your kids at all times.No short cuts whatsoever.
2007-04-23 22:29:56
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
what is it with people!! it takes seconds to put on a seat belt! therefore seconds to hopefully save someones life!!!
2007-04-24 00:35:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You drove your car with your daughter standing up? Don't value her life much, do you? Serve you right!
2007-04-23 23:45:43
answer #10
answered by champer 7