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Do you ever feel outraged at Christians being so patronising and telling you that you'll rot in hell if you stay true to yourself? I'm straight and I try and laugh at their delusions, however sometimes I feel the urge to tell them to F*c* off, grow up and get real. I know when I feel like that I am letting myself down and that I should remember where it comes from and that it shouldn't matter but sometimes....

2007-04-23 21:43:32 · 21 answers · asked by mia 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Sonfai81, oh yes, a lot of them do
Bravo, Bravo

2007-04-23 21:57:59 · update #1

Alfie, i will use whichever terminology I choose, and the dictionary is constantly being added to, hence the popular use of the word gay as a reference to homosexuality. Answer the question my little brain dead amoeba

2007-04-23 22:01:35 · update #2

21 answers

Well it still hurts, particularly when the Christians telling you that are in your own family. I've grown used to it, sad but true.

2007-04-23 21:47:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Near as I can determine most christians fall into one of two camps:

- gay people will go to hell, period.
This crowd will generally also tell you the earth was created 6000 years ago, that the bible is literal truth etc. They are idiots and they can be discounted. I don't listen to them. I just laugh at them.

- homosexuality is a sin like other sins
I don't like this view either. Murder is a sin. Stealing is a sin. How can two people loving each other be a sin? Would it help if they got married? Or should they just 'repress their urges' and lead a lonely celibate life? The whole thing stinks.

2007-04-24 05:21:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Im not gay but was always curious as to where in the bible it said that gays were wrong. Apparently, god destroyed the 2 cities of sodom and gomorrah because the inhabitants were gay but when i read this passage in the bible, it stated that the cities of sodom and gomorrah were destroyed because "the men were very bad" absolotely NOTHING about them being gay.
Appears to be yet another example of the books contents being twisted by bigots.
As long as you are not harming anyone, do what you like and ignore the christians that patronise you, you are more true to yourself than they will ever be.

2007-04-24 05:22:38 · answer #3 · answered by Catwhiskers 5 · 2 1

I'm christian, and I think Gay people are a result of an over poplulated planet, and that the only way evolution or God can stop it is by making men and woman stop having sex. I think that the powers that be when the bible was translated used it as a way to have political and moral power. I think that the only message of Jesus that we should worry about it loving everyone and being good people by helping people in need. I think everything else is way out of line. I know alot of Gay people that talk to God, and he seems to answer them by sending them loving caring partners, I dont think evil could send someone love.

2007-04-24 04:50:47 · answer #4 · answered by waterlily 4 · 2 1

Any Christian who judges & condemns another to hell is not a Christian at all--When Christ came upon some religious bigots who were about to stone an adulteress to death--they used the same excuse as the pretend Christians "we're judging her by the word of God"--bloody hypocrites!!!

2007-04-24 05:18:38 · answer #5 · answered by huffyb 6 · 2 0

Have you ever thought that they might be right? Maybe a man b*ggering another man is immoral and unnatural. I for one agree with that view point - it does not happen in nature (other than male rape as a show of dominance), therefore one can assume it is unnatural and against the teachings of the Bible (and the Koran). They have every right to express this opinion and I for one find it refreshing that they do so in this agonisingly PC world we live in. Are you trying to say that Christians are not entitled to an opinion just because you do not agree with it? If so it is I that has the urge to tell you to f*c* off and get real.

2007-04-24 04:55:59 · answer #6 · answered by derbyandrew 4 · 2 3

Does it ever occur to you that it is peadophiles and their followers who are saying this, its like, hmmm....pot, kettle black, but if you look hard enough you can find something in the bible to support any point of view, I'm sure if you took the sermon on the mount and intrepreted it your way you could say that Jesus was encouraging revolution and so deserved to be crucified, or become the figure head of a peadophile sect which ever

2007-04-24 06:25:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

its irritating, but we must always remember to be mindful of other peoples beliefs, its not all christians that are like that, in fact there are quite alot who are accepting of it.

it all stems from the delusion that sexual orientation is a choice.. it isn't.. you can't choose who you fall in love with, you're just born that way.

ignore the delusional fanatics, the majority of christians are ok.

though its funny how many people quote leviticus when leviticus states to kill psycics, spirit mediums and people who say bad things to their parents, it also states about sacrificing cows because the smell is pleasing to the lord? and how many people are put to death for working on saturday? (sabbath)

and Homosexual offenders probably means peadophiles and rapists, like so many vicars and church ministers that are over publicised in the papers.

of course, as judging should be left to god, as it's gods job, those who judge us that are not god are in themselves considering themselves to be god.

to quote parts of the bible, when you aren't following the whole bible, is essentially bastardising the religion. like people who follow ghandi and don't throw themselves onto their opponents swords ( as he asked the british to do when facing the nazis)

reminds me of a quote i heard yesterday, of the thief and the pharizee

pharizee" thank god for making me better than other men, i don't murder or steal, and fast twice a week"
thief "god have mercy on me, a sinner"

god favours the thief, who admits his shortcomings.
the exalted shall be humbled, and the humble shall be exalted.

2007-04-24 04:49:47 · answer #8 · answered by §ilver 5 · 3 0

It's because some religious people are the most hate filled and intolerant people you can imagine. Stay well clear of them, they'll only drag you down with them.

2007-04-24 05:07:10 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I feel sorry for the deluded Christians and yes I have them in my own family, it makes you realise how pervasive the brainwashing is when members of your own family have become unreachable, slaves to the exaggeratedly homophobic interpretation of religious scripture that is now institutionalised.

2007-04-24 05:17:39 · answer #10 · answered by CHEESUS GROYST 5 · 2 1

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