I hadn't heard they were trying to do this anywhere, yet.
We do know from Bible prophecy that another Temple will be built on the Temple Mount (technically, this would be the fourth, not the third - Solomon's, the post exilic temple, and Herod's that was destoyed in 70 AD).
You are right, though the Mosque is there right now preventing them from doing it. It would cause WWIII if they tried which is why it won't happen until the Anti-Christ is on the scene to institute world peace.
There are some small groups of "Christians" who are trying to help along /speed up this scenario by providing the Red Heifer (ashes of this animal are needed for re-instituting the sacrifice, so certain cattle ranchers have bred this cow and sent it to Israel) and on the more extreme side, plotting to destroy the Mosque. I say "Christians" in a loose way because Jesus would be opposed to such violence. This would be very wrong for them to do this!!!
The irony is that the Jews do not NEED a Temple at all; they had a tabernacle -a portable tent that housed the Ark of the Covenant and where they sacrificed daily for hundreds of years before Solomon's Temple. They could easily erect a Tabernacle if they wanted to, but I believe it does not fit into God's plan to do so at this time. Of course, no believer in Yahweh needs an animal sacrifice anymore because the Lamb of God was already slain for them, Jesus.
2007-04-23 17:03:30
answer #1
answered by biblechick45 3
Your pastor is probably referring to Bible prophecy. Most Bible Scholars believe that a Third Temple must be built because several of the Biblical prophecies that deal with the End Times and the Antichrist refer to him stoppong the sacrifices in the Temple. Also, there is a Jewish group today that wants to rebuild the Temple. So far they have not done anything to the Dome of the Rock, but it is possible that if the situation between Israel and the Arab states continue to worsen, that many jews would be willing to destroy the Dome of the Rock. Probably the only thing holding them back now is the knowledge that destroying it would result in war.
2007-04-23 23:39:58
answer #2
answered by treycadeboy 2
Traditional jewish belief maintain that a third temple will be built (Herod did extensive repairs on the second temple he did not build a new one it was so succesful and beautiful that is was known as herod's temple) however when we do not know. It also maintains that by no means at all should we force our way up onto the temple mount and blow up the dome of the rock. As to the tabernacle is soon as the first temple was built the use of the tabernacle was forbidden forever and all the utensils moved into the temple
2007-04-27 09:37:08
answer #3
answered by Perplexed User 2
Actually, your pastor is right. They are rebuilding the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, to do the animal sacrifices again. It will be near the the Islamic Mosque. They already have the priestly robes, and the other pieces that go into the Temple. This is part of the end times. Once this is done, it will not be long before the rising of the anti-christ.
Also after this happens, it will not be that long before the Second return of Christ. All of this is told of in the book of Revelation.
2007-04-24 00:15:37
answer #4
answered by robin rmsclvr25 4
There is a lot being written about the building of the temple and yes there are already preparations being made for Temple worship including sacrifices. There is some disagreements among Jewish scholars as to where the original temple was and efforts have been tried to find the exact location but is being opposed by the IsraeIi government. It will happen and my guess would be sooner rather than later.
In Christ
Fr. Joseph
2007-04-23 23:55:48
answer #5
answered by cristoiglesia 7
Its not true.
The only place that it is permitted to bring sacrifices after the temple was built is the area of the temple mount where the alter stood.
Now their are groups whose goal is to rebuild the third temple but short of a miracle its not going to happen any time soon.
2007-04-23 23:38:04
answer #6
answered by Gamla Joe 7
with all due respect... I think your pastor is smoking crack.
a handful of people are wanting to try to build a new temple in some form or another, but itsnot a very widely accepted viewpoint.
and even fewer find the idea of doing sacrifices as being remotely thinkable.
2007-04-23 23:41:25
answer #7
answered by RW 6
That is their main goal, and they already have done excavations under the AlAqsa Mosque, dont get teh Dome of the Rock and the Aqsa mosque confused, its the Aqsa Mosque they want.
Anyway, they arent allowing for the Muslims to rebuild it, to at least fix the damaged sites all around the Mosque.
2007-04-23 23:44:27
answer #8
answered by Noor ala Noor 3
It's true. They're prefabricating parts of it now. The furniture and tapestries are being made according to what's said in the Bible. And they're training priests to officiate in the temple. It's coming soon.
2007-04-23 23:40:53
answer #9
answered by ted.nardo 4
For years they said Israel would never rise again. But now It's there. They said this also would never happen. Just go to a few Israeli web sites and you'll see they are trying to do just as you said. One day it will happen. Don't know when or the logistics of it, but it will.
2007-04-23 23:40:16
answer #10
answered by JohnFromNC 7